My blog from myspace

Nov 14, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just over 4 months out

Well, all is going well post-WLS and the weight is coming off very nicely, although, because my belly was so much of where I carried it, it's taking the longest to go away. I am finally posting some pics for before/after and will be labeled as such. I'm really excited about my success and many other surprises to come! I'll hope to post around my 6 month timeframe.

Again, thanks for all of your support!!



Wednesday, October 01, 2008

12 weeks post op update

Well, I am 3 months out today and things are pretty good! The weight loss is great as I am down 72lbs since surgery and a total of 123lbs since my heaviest recorded weight!

On the down side, I have been having trouble with certain foods. Chicken has been one of the biggest pains in my ass over everything else. It seems that sometimes it will go down fine, then the next time, my stomach does flips inside me until I hurl! UGH!! I have also had some trouble with getting sick and then continuing the dry heaves for a long time after... and the weird thing is, I know when it's going to happen. It feels totally different than a "bad chicken" day... It's caused me to miss a few days from work and it is very frustrating! But thank God for FMLA!!!

Nevertheless, I wouldn't change a thing as I haven't felt this good overall in probably 10 years or more! I have my 3 month appt with my surgeon in a week and after that, I'll have follow-ups at 6 months and then 1 year post op...

I'll be posting pics soon...

That's all for now. Peace!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

8 weeks Post-WLS (Weight Loss Surgery)

Well, things are going good for me. I have days where food works, and days where after a few bites, my "stomach" says "Hell no!" and I end up barfin the little bit up...

I am still learning what/how to eat and it will probably be a learning process for months to come.

The good news is, I'm down over 50 lbs since surgery which I am really happy. My Dr said that people that lose it really fast usually are malnourished, so I am doing it right according to her. Other good news is, I have gotten into clothes that are 2-3 sizes smaller than what I was wearing! I cannot wait till i can go to a regular store and buy clothes again!

I appreciate everyone's support and hopefully I'll have an update in a few weeks.


Saturday, August 02, 2008

Weight loss journey continues

Well, we are a month post op and all is well! I have had a little trouble with protein intake due to not being able to eat much, so my body is in "starvation mode" which means it is keeping everything I eat and storing it as fat... this stage usually lasts no more than 3 weeks and then BOOM! The weight starts dropping off fast!!! I have been using a really great website designed by Lance Armstrong's called The Daily Plate which allows me to accurately track all my protein (as well as fats, carbs and calories).

I started working out at Riverside Health Club about 2 weeks ago and I am going 3-4 times a week now. I am only doing some high intensity walking (incline and speed for at least 30 minutes) but pretty soon I'll move up to weightlifting but I want to make sure my abdominal muscles are completely healed so I don't pop a hernia!

Well, that's all for now. More later I'm sure!


Monday, July 07, 2008

Weight loss journey pt 4

Well, 6 days Post-op and I feel really good! I have some pain on my left side where the largest incision is. If not for this, I probably wouldn't need any pain meds at all.

I am supposed to get 70-86 grams of protein in a day as well as 48 oz of water... I have no idea how people do this considering I have to eat 1 oz at a time! I got the closest i could yesterday at about 60 grams of protein... I am taking oral vitamin supplements and that is also going well.

I have been walking a bit more and actually gave myself a blister on the bottom of my left foot ! I'll just have to get used to more walking as it will be a mainstay until I get my weight down far enough to where I can start riding a bike or maybe even *cough* run!

That's all for now... more later I'm sure!

Here we go!

Jun 29, 2008

Well, I'm not much of a blogger, so my profile will be boring to most of you.

Well, Tuesday is the big day for me! I have been in a long battle since 2003 with the insurance company and in a whirlwind, I have been approved, scheduled and all in a matter of weeks!

I have many goals and dreams, but in all of them, I see myself a lighter, more active man.

Still, lots of people tell me "oh, gastric bypass is so dangerous." or "why would you want to do that?" Well, my reason is, life.

I have struggled with my weight since I was very young. I can't remember when I was "normie" size. All my pictures from kindergarten forward showed this little chubby kid, to now, a morbidly obese man. What the pictures don't capture is the pain and suffering physically and mentally that I have and still am going through.

I have been diagnosed with Atrial fibrillation (a problem caused by electrical signals in the atrium of the heart to misfire and cause very rapid and uncoordinated beats), diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, severe and chronic low back pain, swelling of legs and joint pain. ALL of these things can be fixed by losing weight!

It was about 6 years ago when I started considering weight loss surgery (wls). I had another bad bout with Atrial Fibrillation and I knew I had to do something. I didn't want to die. I wanted to start living my life again.

I NEVER though this would be the easy way out.  I think only people here know what I have gone through as well as what measures I have taken throughout my life to lose weight. I cannot begin to tell you how many diets I have tried (and failed) and how many times I was well on my way to what I felt was success when life hit me back with injuries, traumatic events, or just extreme levels of stress that caused me to revert back to weight gain. I have tried everything from atkins to nutrisystem to cybergenics to weight watchers. All with similar results (currently doing weight watchers again with my wife to help get ready for surgery).

I ask from all of you, pray for me. Pray that the surgery goes well. Pray that the post-operative period goes without complications. Pray that the success of the surgery will bring me and my wife the joy and energy to start our family.

Thanks to all my friends and family. I appreciate each and every one of you!!


About Me
Burlington, WA
Surgery Date
Mar 14, 2002
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 2
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