I have been an overweight person the majority of my life. When I think back on my childhood I remember being that 8yr old at weight watchers. I resigned myself to a life of obesity telling myself I was 'Heavy but Healthy' since my lab work from my physicals came back normal every year and I lived a fairly active lifestyle. But now that has shifted, and I reached a state of helplessness which really made me take stock of the choices I am making (or making my default by doing nothing).

I am 1yr out from a uterean cancer treatment, just diagnosed with 'extreme and severe' sleep apnea after waking up in the night gasping for air, prediabetic, hypertensive... shall I continue? How could I even begin to climb this wall by myself?  After being told I would need an oxygen tank at night to breathe because my body is heavy to the point of not allowing my chest wall to rise and fall when I sleep. I just could not allow this to continue. What a stupid and slow way to die. 'Heavy is not healthy' no matter what the underlying medical conditions. 

All the diets, pills, nutritionists, psychiatrists - all with reasonable approaches but yet the end result was all the same. Regression and failure. But I am adding a weapon to my arsenal. I am taking my life back with a VSG procedure. But just like any weapon it is only as good as the hands that are wielding it. Being effective requires practice and sound judgement. 

There is a proverb that states 'Plans fail through lack of counsel. But, there is a wealth of wisdom in many advisors.' I see this place as an opportunity to both recieve and offer that to others as I go through this journey.

Thank in advance for all your support!

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2015
Member Since
