Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 5 years, 5 months ago

I admit, I love conferences :) The energy is usually incredible, and a fun way to meet others with similar interests. I've been to a conference at the Anaheim confrence centre in the past, and it was amazing. I am kind of considering going...

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 5 years, 7 months ago

Hey everyone!

I choose to take the Celebrate multivitamins (I don't mind them, haha) along with the new Celebrate chewable iron (quite delicious, and doesn't do horrible things to my guts haha).

I am curious about your timing of everyth

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 5 years, 10 months ago

Hey all

Before I got surgery, my biggest hesitation was the concern that I lose my energy.
Despite being overweight, I always had a tonne of energy, got through my day no problem, full of beans when I got home at night, and only starte

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 5 years, 10 months ago

Hi all,

I was wondering what products or items you might recommend as being helpful for you on this journey :)
I am not looking for groceries per se (although, sure, why not) but things like the BEST pill-keeper ever (that fits those GIA

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 5 years, 11 months ago

Dorky name, but I was hoping to create a thread where people can come post any NSVs (Non-Scale Victory, for those that are wondering) that they achieve, at any time.

I find myself searching "NSV" and just reading any and all posts sharing t

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 5 years, 12 months ago

So I've been trying different things, seeing what works best for getting in the groove of logging every bit of food. Tell me about your routine! Do you

  • log on your phone as you cook / eat?
  • pre-log and preplan everything?

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 5 years, 12 months ago

Hi everyone :) Just an update - mainly for newbies who are wondering what it might be like going back to work after being off and a dramatic weight loss in a short time.

I returned to the office today after a month off and 30lbs lost. I did NOT

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years ago

So i know it's obviously very different for everyone, but I am curious about how your initial weight loss looked, if that makes sense :)

I see that when folks post their month by month progress, the largest drop seems always to be Month 1..

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years ago

I know I should be posting in the recipe board, but there really isn't a lot of action there ;)

So I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for WLS appropriate recipes that uses crab meat?

I am in the pureed stage still... and

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years ago

Hello everyone!

Thought I'd check in and say hello.
I had my surgery on May 4 and while it wasn't super dramatic, there were some unexpected things :)

First off, everyone at the hospital was amazing... knowledgeable, kin

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 1 month ago

Well, I am wrapping things up here at work and prepping to be gone a month. Surgery is Friday, so I am taking tomorrow off to pack, prep, and get the phone call telling me what time to show up at the hospital.

Any last minute tips?


Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 1 month ago

Hey all,

Is there a meetup in Ottawa soon? I know I haven't been able to make any yet, but I'd really love to keep trying.


Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 1 month ago

I am sorry that that tragedy happened in your beautiful city and hope everyone here, and your loved ones, are ok.

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 1 month ago

So does anyone have any neat tips or ideas for items to pack in the hospital?

I remember all these wonderful packing list ideas back when I was going in to have my kids hahaha.

I know we'll only be in there a day or 2 max if all goes we

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 1 month ago

So we all know that we are doing this first and foremost for our health. Our quality of life. Our longevity. The 'real' reasons and the 'right' reasons.

We also all have some desires that would fall under 'quality of life' like playing with o

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 1 month ago

So... have my Surgery date (in Ottawa) - it's not with the original surgeon I met with... and it's on the 4th of May.


It's funny, for the past year I have been daydreaming about "what life might be like when I am at a reasonabl

Scary.Airy wrote T-0: Journey has officially begun! 6 years, 1 month ago

Okay so let me start off with this; I struggle with the term "journey" being used all. the. time. when I read WLS blogs etc. It always seems overused, and I used to thing it was kind of corny.


Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 2 months ago

Hi all!

Just wondering if any peeps here will be at the pre-op group session at TOH next week?
:) It would be kind of cool to 'know' someone that is going to be there...

On that note, I received my appointment with the s

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 2 months ago

So first off, please know that in NO way do I want this to become a political post or for things to get 'hot'... but I have some questions about what our dear American friends have to go through in terms of financials when going through the WLS process

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 2 months ago

So I am sure that this has been discussed before, but I guess I am finding it sort of funny with how predictable the responses are that I've been getting when I tell people that surgery is in the works for me :)

I can pretty much classify them

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 4 months ago

Hey... just wondering if there is anyone on here that either went through the Ottawa Hospital, or will be :)

I would have loved to attended the local meetup that took place, but the timing didn't work at all, unfortunately.

Don't kn

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 4 months ago

So I have been mainly sticking to the Ontario forum; mainly because I know everyone is pretty friendly (haha) and I don't get overloaded with people's experiences that really don't apply (ie. talk about insurance payments, picking and choosing surgery

Scary.Airy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 5 months ago

Hi... umm... so scanning through the first few pages of recent posts, I am not seeing a lot of introductions in this area... is this a faux pas? hahaha...

Early 40's female here... 5'8"ish, 260 lbs. I've been approved to the programme

Scary.Airy wrote Seems like a good time to get myself organized :) 6 years, 5 months ago

Well, this is pretty stereotypical :) Here it is, the second day of the new year, and I am posting a nice "new year, new me!" weight loss blog :)

Well, as dopey and cheesey as that is, I do ...

Kathy S. wrote 6 years, 5 months ago
Welcome to ObesityHelp! We are glad that you have joined our OH community. Be sure and check out the tutorial that appears when you log in. As you check out OH, you'll see many features and tools that are created for our members as you embark on your WLS journey. We suggest you upload your avatar, fill in your surgery type, date and surgeon. If you have not done so, let us get to know you by adding some information on your profile "about me" section. Hang out on your surgery type forum to interact with those that had the surgery you are going to have. Great support and information. If you want assistance with finding a surgeon, and or have any additional questions please email us at [email protected]. Regards, Kathy ObesityHelp Community Services 866-957-4636 Ext 393
About Me
Jan 02, 2018
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