Starting over...again

Dec 09, 2007

I had my surgery on March 15, 2006.  In the first year I lost just over 100 pounds  It was, and continues to be, fantastic.

Loosing weight changed my life in so many amazing ways.  One of the ways was the beginning of my downfall.

When I  had my surgery I was a stay-at-home mom.  I had total control over the food that did or did not come into my house.  My diet was very strictly monitored and I had no problem with that.  I was happy, I was healthy and I was getting bored.  So I decided to get a full time job.

I love my job but it's a desk job and I am literally tied to the phone 7 hours a day.  My lunch is 1/2 hour long and I've got 2-15 minute breaks.  Bad eating habits have slowly crept back in and I've put on about 13 pounds from my all time post surgery low of 193 lbs.  13 pounds is not much.  But to me it spells the beginning of the end and I am not willing to end my weight loss yet.

So starting today I've put myself on liquid protein for the next 2 weeks, minimum.  I'd like to do it for a month but I know myself and I need to set smaller goals.  Take baby steps. 

Next goal is to start some sort of an exercise program.  I've got an elliptical machine here at home that I pretty much ignore.  It's not my favorite form of exercise but I purchased it because I can use it and my husband needs it.  And he needs to exercise as well.

So, it's a start and I hope to chronicle my progress here.  At the end of the day I'll post my protein shake intake.

Turning over a new leaf

Feb 23, 2007

Sounds kind of strange to say that at nearly one year post op - but it's time to get back to basics and start again.

I've lost 120 pounds in less than a year.  That's fantastic and I'm so thrilled.  I feel wonderful for the first time in more years than I care to remember.

But - weight the past several months has been coming off in drips!  It's been so frustrating. 

While I know that it's normal for the weight loss to slow down I don't think it should be going this slow. 

So, I'm back on protein drinks - at least 2 a day - Big Train Low Carb Chai with IDS Vanilla Cinnamon Whey protein.  It's delish!

Yesterday I also tracked my food at my FitDay journal - something I haven't done in quite some time.  I'm getting WAY too many carbs and I'm thinking that is my major problem. 

I'm one of those post ops who can eat anything and that's what I've been doing.  Granted the portions are small but it's still crap!  So we're getting it all out of the house and damnit, I'm committing to using this elliptical machine that's sitting in my living room.  Hubby uses it, which is fantastic, but I got it so that I would use it!

Turning over a new leaf.  Let's drop some more weight.  I really want to hit my personal goal of 140 (or size 10) by time I hit 18 months post op (that's 11/15/07).  I should go put that in goals....

Backwards Compliments

Feb 04, 2007

My husband and I went out to dinner last night and today he called me from work.  One of the guys he works with caught up with him today and said he had seen us out last night.  Paul asked where and the guy said only after you tell me who you were with, a girlfriend?


This is the second time someone from work thought I was my husband's girlfriend. 

He told him I was the wife and the guy says, I'm not sure how to say this without being rude but wasn't your wife bigger?

Paul laughed and said, yeah, she's lost weight.

We both think it's funny that people think I'm his girlfriend and his fat wife is sitting home stuffing her face.  LOL

10 months (or so) of stats!

Jan 17, 2007

Check out all the weight loss stats I've kept track of since my surgery.

Tina's Weight Loss Tracking

10 Months post op

Jan 16, 2007

It's really  hard to believe that it's been 10 months since my life changed forever.  Some days it seems like I've always been like this, always had to eat the way I do, always had all this skin hanging around my middle.  Always been this happy.

Some stats for you:

Pre Op Weight: 315
Today's Weight: 197

Pre Op BMI: 50.8
Today's BMI: 31.7

Don't have any measurements because I've misplaced my tape measure but I'll update as soon as I find it.

One thing I have that I really never thought I'd have to deal with is extra skin!  UGH!  I want so much to have it all taken off but I'm not sure if I should wait until I loose all the weight or what.  I  have a physical with my primary care tomorrow and I'm going to talk to her about it and see what she thinks. 

I don't blog much, on this blog or my regular blog. It seems I'm too busy living a life that passed me by for many years.

If you're thinking about having this surgery - stop thinking!  Just do it!  It's so worth everything that you might go through.  Many times before making my decision I had read and heard 'nothing tastes as good as thin feels.'  Honey, that's the truth!

Nordic Track!

Jan 07, 2007

Starting tomorrow I've got a new schedule at work, 9:30 am - 6:00 pm. It's a late night (I've been working 8 am - 4:30 pm) considering I've got a half an hour drive home. Of course, it's also go it's pluses as well. I'll have some more time at home after I get up to eat my breakfast (rather than doing so at work like I have been) and I'll be able to start working out.

That's right. You heard me. I said work out.

Now before you all fall on your hind ends laughing yourself hoarse let me explain why I have such high hopes of working out.

Nordic Track Elliptical.

Yeah, you read that right. In a fit of New Year's madness I got online and ordered me a Nordic Track Elliptical machine. I have no freeking clue where in my house it's going to fit but we'll make it work.

Both hubby and I have poundage to loose and I've finally accepted that my surgery has done it's part and it's time for me to do mine. So exercise it is. I was going to join a gym and commit to going every weekend morning but it made more sense to invest in something like the Nordic Track because one day before I die I'll have it paid off. I'll be paying every month until I stop going for a gym membership. Sort of like renting a house vs. owning a house.

So it's due to arrive on the 15th and on the 16th I'll be striding away. Next goal - a digital camera so that I can continue to take progress pictures.

And now I'm off to fold some more laundry before hubby gets home from work and we head off to pick up the girl child. If I had a stinking digital camera I'd show you the progress on the basement and the progress on my weight loss but...if I gotta wait you gotta wait. I am down 117 pounds though and in a size 18 bottom and 14/16 top. That's down from 30/32 all over. I'm down from a size 9 shoe to a size 8. Bra from 48C to 38C. Bonus!

But I see plastic surgery in my future. Lots of extra skin around my middle.

Leaving you with that pretty picture folks. The dryer just buzzed.

Nearly six months post op

Sep 07, 2006

Today I went to Dr. Graber’s office for my six month check up.  True, I’m a few days shy but I start my new job on Monday and won’t be able to get any time off until sometime in December.  Yikes!

I am down to 213 pounds, which is a loss of 102 pounds from my highest weight.  That’s six months!  Awesome!

My clothing size has gone from a 30/32 to size 20’s and 22/24 depending on the cut and store.  I’m madly in love with Old Navy pants, the size 20 fits me great and looks fantastic.

Finally my hair loss is slowing down.  While I still loose about twice as much as I used to, I’m loosing half as much as I have been the past few months.  It’s also starting to feel healthier which is a huge relief!

My blood pressure was kind of low at 100/70 and I told Angie, the NP, how I have occassions when I get up from sitting or laying down that I get light headed, dizzy and my vision kind of fades to black and back again.  She said it’s pretty common for gastric bypass patients and gave me an Rx for some meds.  I’ll pick that up tomorrow and see what happens.

Not noticing a huge amount of loose skin at this point.  I do have some sag under my arms and a bit extra in my thighs but that stubborn belly fat is hanging on!  Grrrrr.

I feel more confident now, feel like I look better in clothes.  I’m excited about my new job and getting out into the workforce again.  I have faith that this weight will continue to drop and that I’ll hit my goal of 140 or those size 10 jeans.  Dr. Graber’s goal for me is 180 so I’m only 33 pounds away from that.  Of course, a few more pounds for my personal goals but I’m okay with that.

Still able to each pretty much anything and I very seldom throw up any more.  When I do it’s because I’ve eaten something too quickly or something too dry.  My portion sizes are increasing and that does make me worried but I also know it’s normal.

Part of me wishes I had done this years ago but I know I was not emotionally ready for the changes I have been going through.  Now…to get hubby healthy and not in pain.  Then life will be golden!

5 months post op

Aug 13, 2006

Well, tomorrow is the actual ’surgi’versary but we are going to be running around so I had hubby take the pictures and do measurements today.

Holding steady at 219, which I’m pleased with but I do wish I’d drop a few more pounds.

I’ve lost another 4 inches this month but I don’t see much of a change in my photos.  In fact I think I look bigger!  What’s up with that??  Grrr.

Hope to see a big change next month.

You can see the measurements and pictures by clicking on the links on the right.

Of everything I’ve lost, I miss …

Aug 06, 2006

…my hair the most.


Weight loss surgery causes the loss of many, many things.  Not all of which are bad.  I’ve lost a lot of weight.  Today I weighed in at 222 pounds.  So I’ve lost 93 pounds so far and finally I have less to loose than I’ve already lost.  Read - I’m more than half way there!  I’ve got 82 pounds to go.  It’s just so thrilling.  Can’t wait to get my pictures taken on the 15th to see how my body has changed.  The weight loss has slowed by about half, from around 20 pounds a month to around 10 pounds a month.  When I let myself focus on that it gets frustrating because I’ve still got so much to go but I’ll still make my goal of 140 in a year if I continue to loose at this rate.

One day, if we actually get enough money to afford the gas (I’m looking for a job for pretty much that reason, pretty sad huh?) I’ll go to the gym every day.

While weight is the ‘biggest’ thing I’ve lost there are others things that have vanished as well.

Pain - pretty much gone.  I’ve lost the great majority of pain in my back and knees.  I’ve lost all the pain in my hips and feet.

Shyness - while I’m not a social butterfly, I’m much more comfortable in social situations.  A few weeks ago I got up to play with a band, something I would have been horrified to do five months ago.

Camera phobia - on Saturday I didn’t hide when the cameras came out.  I smiled and stood up straight.

Clothes - I’ve ‘lost’ some of my favorite fat clothes, colors and styles I loved.  But it’s okay because it means I can go shopping for more.

Boobs - I never expected this but I’ve lost some boobage.  Prior to WLS weight gain or loss really never made a difference.  Now my C cups are loose.  Because I’m still relatively wide around (a 44 right now) it’s hard to find B cups that fit correctly but I have confidence that once I’ve stablized in my weight loss I’ll find something that works.  Until then I’ll keep wearing all the bras in my drawer, which fit much better now by the way.

Heat intolerance - Since loosing weight I’ve begun to tolerate the heat much better.  While it’ll never be my favorite time of the year I can now get out and enjoy stuff with my family rather than parking my fat arse in front of a fan.

Hair - all weight loss patients hear about the hair loss.  And how it does stop around six months.  But man, it’s hard.  It’s the one thing I’ve lost since surgery that I miss.  I’ve got to say I’ve lost about half the hair on my head and I’m very thankful that I had a ton of hair to begin with.  Everyone says they don’t notice a thing but since I’m the one who washes and styles it, I can tell.  One plus is that it takes about half the time to blow dry my hair now, which is great considering how warm it’s been this summer.

I leave a trail of hair everywhere I go.  It’s all over the bathroom floor and sink, in hair brushes and combs, in the car, the floors of the house, the counters and all over my clothes.  My husband and daughter are always picking hair off my clothes.  In fact there are times it looks like my husband has more of my hair than I do!

But I’m 5 months post op next week and in mid September I’ll be 6 months from my surgery.  I’m really hoping by then that it will let up and start to grow back.  I really do miss my hair!


Jul 26, 2006

I had to go shopping yesterday because my shorts were falling off.  That’s a wonderful feeling for someone who’s always had to shop because her clothes had gotten too tight.

The Avenue was my first stop.  My tried and true, never fail clothing store.  I found three great shirts on sale, which I needed because most of my shirts (size 26/28 and 30/32) were swimming on me.  To the point of it being downright dangerous to wear.  All the goods were always on the verge of falling out!  *grin*  After trying on several shorts and skirts I found that I continue to have the same problem I’ve always had.  The great majority of my weight lives in my tummy, my lower tummy to be exact.  I’m a size 22 around the belly but my legs are a size 12 or 14.  This has always been an issue for me so I generally end up wearing leggings.  Shorts haven’t really been a problem but this time they simply did not fit right.

So I decided, what the heck let’s go to Target and check out their plus sized clothes.  Now at a size 30/32 I couldn’t shop at Wal*Mart or Target because their clothing is sized smaller than a plus sized store.  I was hoping this would help me when it came to finding shorts that fit right!  And it did!!  Yeah!!!  I got two pairs of jean shorts, sized 22 and 24.  The 24 is just, just, just a bit large on me and the 22 is just, just, just a bit small.  Both pair should get me through the rest of the summer.

When I weighed this morning I was 228 and I’m thrilled to be out of the 230 range.  While I still don’t get hungry I’ve found that as long as I take my time I can eat a bit more.  This is good because I need both the protein and the calories.  I’m still hoping to get down to 200 or under for the wedding in September so that gives me a month to drop those pounds.  I’ve gotten the new schedule of classes for the YMCA and as soon as we get paid and I get money for gas I’ll be going down there at least 3 times a week.  If for no other reason than to walk on the treadmill.

I continue to see changes in the shape of my body, even though the weight is not coming off quick enough to suit me right now.  It’s thrilling to see.

I also keep seeing changes in my attitude and personality.  These changes alternate between thrilling and terrifying.  The thrilling changes are small - like the desire to wear jewelery, makeup, nice clothes and to do my hair.  The terrifying changes are things like getting up in front of a group of people to do the Macarena last weekend.  Or volunteering to get up and play with a band.  Those are things I’ve never, ever done before in my life.  Regardless of my current weight.  It scares me while making me happy.

Who will I be when this process is done?

About Me
Central, NY
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2003
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 89
Starting over...again
Turning over a new leaf
Backwards Compliments
10 months (or so) of stats!
10 Months post op
Nordic Track!
Nearly six months post op
5 months post op
Of everything I’ve lost, I miss …
