Christin Schaaf

"Kristen Schaaf seemed to be very understanding, I felt very comfortable speaking with her about the issues I deal with daily from being obese. She recommends a very good book for patients seeking bariactric surgery. "

James Weber

"I went to Dr. Weber's informational session which is required before you can even make an appointment to see him. He seemed very confident in his program working but only if "I" did the work. He is very strict about excersize! You must do it 7 days a week! also he is very firm on the fact that you MUST be on liquids only, for 8 weeks after surgery! he states this is because you need to give you new pouch time to heal and the staple line time to build up scar tissue so that there will be less incidences of staple line disruption. I feel that although he has some very specific rules that must be followed Dr. Weber is my best choice for this life "begining" surgery. "
About Me
Marysville, wa
Surgery Date
Jun 10, 2002
Member Since
