Diane DeSeranno 18 years, 7 months ago

Today is a very special day. It marks the anniversary of our Surgery. Congratulations to YOU! If you have an opportunity and haven’t done so already, please stop by and update your profile. Knowing how you’ve progressed, good or bad is important to all of us on this site. Again, Congratulations! You've come a long way, your special be good to yourself. God Bless.

Jenn B. 23 years, 5 months ago

Hi! I flew out to Durham, NC, for my surgery on 9-30-00. I met Dr. rutledge on the 31st for my office appointment, and my surgery was on 11-1-00. the surgery went well. I went into surgery at 8:30am, the first case of the morning. The last thing I remember was laying down on the operating table, the OR tech starting to secure my hands, and I remember waking up saying, "is it done already?" the recovery room nurse gave me a cup of ice chips and wheeled me back to my room. (NO NG TUBE!!!) The procedure only took 42 minutes laparoscopically. I had horrible back pain from some of the lap gasses settling in my back. BUT... almost no incisional pain. I had a pain pump for pain relief that I used for my back pain... not for incisional pain because I had almost none of that. My tummy for the next week felt like I'd done a lot of "situps" that's all. I was up and walking the halls within minutes of getting back to my room. I was discharged the VERY NEXT DAY, and able to walk over a mile to another surgical center to try and see others who had had the same surgery as I had. Unfortunately they weren't taking visitors, so I went back to the hotel. I was required to stay in town at a hotel for a week to make sure complications, like leaks and infections, didn't set in. Dr. Rutledge required daily follow up calls to his office to make sure he knew how I was. One week later I went to his office for my followup appointment. I'd already lost 16 pounds in a week! He removed my staples and I headed to the airport to return to the Portland airport. I got a suprise on the plane.... My seatbelt fit and actually needed to be TIGHTENED!!!! I saw my primary care doctor the next week and he was very impressed. His father had WLs recently and was having quite a time with continual nausea and vomiting. when I related my story and the fact that I've not yet had ANY nausea/vomiting he said, "clearly you had the superior procedure." WOW I'll weigh either today or tomorrow to get my 2 month results on weight lost. I do know that I've had to retire 2 pair of jeans, size 28, because they were far too loose. *G* I see my primary again on Jan 17th. I can't wait to hear his comments then.

Rebecca H. 23 years, 7 months ago

You are in my prayers :)

Donna W. 23 years, 7 months ago

Jen-I just wanted you to know that I will be thinking of you tomorrow and I hope you have a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery!

Denise K. 23 years, 8 months ago

Hi Jenn, Your day will be here before you know it. It seems like we wait forever but then all of a sudden there we are going into the operating room. My thoughts and prayers will be with you at that time as they are now. I know life has been difficult for you lately but in a few short months from now, you will be moving in a more positive direction. I promise you this. Hugs, Denise

emma lavonne G. 23 years, 8 months ago

I want to wish you the best of luck and let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I will be having my surgery on 9/18, here in Mobile Alabama. I was scared and nervous but then I remembered that all I had to do was pray and place it in God's hands and the fear was gone. Now all I have to do is think about how nice it is going to be when I am to the other side. I hope all your dreams come true. ^j^
About Me
Vancouver, WA
May 30, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
At My Highest (July '00)
25 Months postop (November '02)
