Sheri D. 21 years ago

Oh Karene--you poor thing! I have been thinking about you a lot and sure wish you had better news to report! Keep your chin up and I'm sure you will be feeling better soon! Thank you LeeAnn for all your great updates!!

LAK 21 years ago

I'm posting this from my alternate profile so that my picture (LA K) does not show up... but I hope that you all will notice this update. Karene is home... she is on six shots a day of Levinox that's for blood thinner for NO CLOTS. I'm like <B>WHAT?</b> I thought it was just lungs collasping... Karene did say that "Breathing is not the easiest thing to do." According to her discharge papers... "Post op the patient... decrease saturation with ambulation. Chest pain... hypoxia... ICU... CT and angio both read negative for Pulmonary Embolism (PE)...possible small PE's in lungs. Antibiotics for sepsis and anti coag for blood clots. She had a follow up CT and angio... to check for PE... but it read negative... but they are still treating her. When they pulled the throat thing... maybe some of the gastric juices went into the lungs. ?? No one knows... she is frustrated. She wants to be at work. Staples came out yesterday. She was down 15 pounds in less than two weeks. WOO HOO. She will be working Friday for a few hours. While she was in the hospital she gained 13 pounds from water... so if she counts that she has lost 28. But she doesn't want to. HOWEVER... she is thrilled because she is under 300! YAHOO. YAHOO... YAHOO... I know that Karene appreciates all the notes of encouragement... her recovery has taken a bit longer than she hoped.

Justin F. 21 years ago

I am sorry to hear you had complications during your surgery. I hope your recovery is a lot smoother and good luck on your post op appointment.

TheresaC 21 years ago

Sorry to hear about your complications. Stay strong and positive, things will get better. Good luck!

Sharon Neva 21 years ago

KARENE~~ May you always have an Angel by your side..... Watching out for you in all the things you do...... Reminding you to keep believing in brighter days......Finding ways for your wishes and dreams to come true......Giving you hope that is as certain as the sun.....Giving you the strength of serenity as your guide......May you always have love and comfort and courage....May you always have an Angel by your side......Someone there to catch you if you fall, Encouraging your dreams... Inspiring your happiness... holding your hand and helping your through it all.

Earline V. 21 years ago

Karene I am sorry you had complications. My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery God Bless Earline

Leesa_here 21 years ago

Oh you poor dear Karene. It appears that you are improving and I thank God for that. I also had pulmonary problems in the hospital. When the lungs have problems it seems hopeless, but the good news is that as soon as that turns around, which it looks like it is happening for you, then recovery is prompt. I will pray that everything keeps improving for you. Bless you and may God keep his arms around you.

Debbie B. 21 years ago

Karene - Sorry to hear you are having complications. Just remember if God brings you to it, he will bring you through it. God Bless!

Patti D. 21 years ago

Hi Karene, Hope all is well with you and that you are getting better each day. We have never talked but just wanted to wish you well. I do not have my date yet but hope it will be soon. Just rest and take it easy, let the nurses help you!

Dragon G. 21 years ago

Sending healing thoughts and best wishes your way. I hope everything works out for you, and soon!
About Me
Hillsboro, OR
Surgery Date
Dec 30, 2002
Member Since
