kylakae 20 years, 2 months ago

Janie! I see I missed your 3 year anniversary but I haven't forgotten about you! I hope you are doing well. I am fast approaching my 3 year anniversary as well. I'm doing great and feeling fabulous. Shoot me a note and let me know how you are! *big hugs!*

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 7 months ago

Girl are you kidding me! You go to the graduation party with your head held high, real high. You are a great success and you should be very proud of what you have done. I think your sis is showing jealousy. My sis told me that if I pass her weight, she was going to crack up. Oh well, I guess she has some cracking up to do cause here I come. LOL I've always been the heavest in the family. now I have a brother and a sister who is getting kind of nervious. and they actually is showing their dumbness. LOL Hey, they have the problem of jealousy, when ever I go around them I dress to in press. Yeah Im teasing them, cause it's funny how they are acting. LOL so girl you enjoy your nephews graduations party. take care **Hugs**

Denise W. 20 years, 7 months ago

Janie, Sisters . . .gotta love em huh?? Hope your party went well in spite of her. Always good to see you post on the m/board. I followed your profile when I was a pre op and its good to know you're doing well.

Happy Mommy 20 years, 8 months ago

Dear Janie~~ I read your posting today and I am here to tell you.... go have fun... don't be intimidated by your sister... you are gorgeous as evidenced in your photo~~ you no longer need to carry those feelings about her... give her a hug, tell her that you love your sister.. smile... enjoy that fact that you have each other and tell yourself.. no matter what she says, I am a beautiful, vibrant, successful woman... I love my life and I love that I have lost this weight.... wear something pretty, do your make up and smile... If she makes you feel bad, say I am sorry you feel that way, but I feel fabulous... If she tries to sink fear in you, say thank you but~~~ sorry, I dont feel that way, and dont believe that... and smile... You are a wonderful creation of God, just like she is, so dont be intimidated... LOTS OF HUGS and good wishes, let me know how it goes...

kylakae 20 years, 9 months ago

Janie, my sweet petite, friend! Just thinking about you today and thought I'd wave to you. I hope you are doing absolutely fabulous! *Big hugs* to you, girlfriend!

Krista F. 20 years, 10 months ago

Hi Janie, Thank you for your comment. I do have to tell you at your age your not too old to do what I'm doing, my best friend Linda won the Gold medal in her division and she will be 50 years old next month ::smile:: I am so happy for you reaching your weight loss goal, wow you are so tiny, your beautiful. I have a bit of a ways to go in my WLS journey but I'm having fun on the way. Keep smiling and always be good to yourself. friends in the journey, Krista F.

Justme 20 years, 10 months ago

Hi I just read your posting. And it was very inspirational to me. I am in limbo right now about the surgery. I want it. Have my tests done just waiting for them to get to the surgeon. I get angry at my husband too. And he never says anything about my weight either. Thanks again for the tips too. God Bless

PaulaBigLoser 20 years, 10 months ago

Janie...I think it's sooo exciting that you're looking into running a Marathon and have no experience as a runner. I hope to be in your shoes this time next year. It's been a goal of mine for the past few years that one day I'd be able to run a's a VERY lofty goal for me but one I know I will attain some day. Good luck to you!!!!

kylakae 20 years, 11 months ago

Janie, I'm so glad the reunion went so well. I bet you were the belle of the ball! I know you were the prettiest and sweetest person there!

kylakae 21 years ago

Janie, enjoy your reunion! You are sure to be the belle of the ball!
About Me
Eureka, Mo
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2/27/01 The night before surgery, my husband caught me off guard
298 lbslbs
6/13/02 This is the final pic I hope. I weigh 119 in this photo, but goes back and forth between 119 and 125. I'm where I'd like to stay.
