Randolph Reinhold

"My first impression of Dr. Reinhold was that he was very caring and sensitive, I liked him alot. I was very nervous and he made me feel calm. I know in my heart that he is the one to help me. He is head of sugery and is very skillfull, he has years and years of experience. I'm putting my life in his hands. He said I was a very good canidate for lap rny, however, Dr. Barajas does that for him, I went to him because he is the best I only want him to do the surgery, god knows I waited long enough....... "

Chris Lodi

"I was scared about seeing a pyscologist, I figured he would institute me immedetely.lol... I found him very down to earth and quite easy to talk to, it was as if he was my friend years ago, and we were "catching" up on things. I felt very comfortable with him and I think if i had a problem i wouldn't hesitate to give him a call if need be. I read stories of evaluations with 350 questions and 8 hrs long evaluation, but that was not the case with Chris Lodi I was done in a hour."
About Me
west haven, ct
Surgery Date
Mar 05, 2002
Member Since
