Melanie B. 21 years, 4 months ago

I just joined this site as I've been looking into this surgery. I will also be getting it at Ft. Carson. I hope everything went well! BEST WISES! ~Melanie B.

nice n sweet B. 21 years, 5 months ago

hi wendy, it`s me your friend from colorado i just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery and god`s blessings.don`t worry about anything you will do fine and come out on the other side. i will be praying for you if you can call me or have hubby send me an email with your room no. so i can come and visit love ya

kylakae 21 years, 5 months ago

Wendy, congratulations on your upcoming surgery. May peace and love surround you on your journey and carry you along safely. Remember to drink your water, take your vitamins, walk daily and most importantly, be gentle with yourself along the way. Lastly, don't forget to stop by occasionally and update your profile. As you know, our profiles provide a lifeline to others embarking on this journey. You never know who you might inspire!

cat P. 21 years, 5 months ago

My prayers are with you, for a uneventful surgery and speedy recovery. Cat Price

mlwinn77 21 years, 5 months ago

Hi Wendy, I wanted to wish you a very speedy recovery. I will have you in my thoughts and prayers. I also wish you much success and happiness in the new year. Best wishes to you.

Tami D. 21 years, 5 months ago

Wendy, Good luck sweetie.. you will be ok. Don't worry about the NG or GI tubes if you have them. It will only be for a short while and they aren't painful, just uncomfortable. The first few days,when you are in the hospital, you will be so tired and groggy that they won't really bother you at all. Then if you are doing fine, the nurses will remove them and all will be well. It doesn't hurt when they take them out. You will be fine. This surgery is a God Send. 5 months from now, you will be so very grateful you chose to take this path! Just hold on... trust in God and your doctors. Grace peace and Good luck Friday. I will keep you in my prayers Tami

Linda S. 21 years, 5 months ago

Wendy, Good luck to you on Friday. I am also having my lap RNY Friday, so we'll be going through this at the same time. I hope you have an uneventful surgery and a fast recovery! I am at the point now where I just want to have the surgery before I catch this cold that is going around. The other 3 girls in my office are sick. I sure don't want to have to reschedule and go through all this preop stress again, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can make it to Friday without catching something. See you on the other side!

grmillsap 21 years, 5 months ago

Wendy, I am 10 days post-op today, and feeling better every day. I, too, was worried about all the tubes and medical "stuff," since this was my first ever surgery. I was amazed at how much it didn't hurt, and most importantly, how much it didn't really matter to me after the fact. I was also a fast eater/drinker. People at my support group said to practice eating/drinking slowly so I would be ready, but I didn't. It was much simpler than I thought it would be. They kind of ease you into it in the hospital, giving you only real small amounts to drink at a time. It will come naturally--you'll do fine. Good luck with your surgery!

kimberley B. 21 years, 5 months ago

Wendy, When I was a post op I too was concerned about drinking fast. I have always been a guzzler. Right after surgery I was not physically capable of doing that. Just a tiny sip at a time for a few days was the best that I could do. After the first week, I was so thirsty I wanted to down a 24 oz bottle. I took one sip too many and oh boy, did I pay for it!! Talk about pain. IT took about an hour for the pain to subside. SO, my advice is to be careful and drink it very slowly. Use bathroom cups if you have to in order to avoid drinking too fast. By the time that I was 4 months out I was drinking around a 20 oz bottle of water within an hour. Now, I drink water just like pre op with no problems. On occassion though I will drink a sip of tea or coffee and it might hurt but nothing like the beginning. I think this is one of those things that you just have to learn and train yourself to do. You are giving yourself the gift of life with this marvelous tool. Take good care of yourself and get a lot of TLC to the pouch. KimmieTN

jjettrox 21 years, 5 months ago

hi wendy!!! way to go!!! i wish you the very best with your upcoming surgery.. i pray that everything goes complications.. only 3 more days..yea for you!!:> i'll be joining you next week.. take care and best wishes... see ya on the losing side..:> jeanne lap rny 1-16-03 happy,happy day!!:>
About Me
colorado springs/fort carson, co
Surgery Date
Aug 05, 2002
Member Since
