gloria R. 19 years, 2 months ago

i havnt lost in 7 months so i called the dr. and he said i could get another fill april 1 2005 , i havnt gained but i go backen fourth between 10 lbs . so he said we can do this too see if this helps out i hope so . i am ready to get started again and this will give me what i need tooo get started again i would like too get 70 lbs off then i will be conterful .

gloria R. 19 years, 7 months ago

well this is not good i havnt lost any thing sence aug04. and i know its my own falt because i havnt done any thing iam suposed too do .i need too get back in the grove .

gloria R. 19 years, 10 months ago

WOW can you beleive i cant hardly 80lbs so far . in 15 days it will be my one year banniversary.i am so happy i did this .i will have a new picture on here soon .

gloria R. 19 years, 10 months ago

as of today i am down 77 lbs and i loving it .i just went though my clothes again . and got rid of the last big things i had i just can wear them any more too sloppy looking. and then went in too the other closet and got out all the 24s i had put away and they all fit . i was just smiling so big .and just as proud of myself .i love how my life has changed .how much better i feel about myself . and how people knowtest me and tell how good i look .

Mary G. 19 years, 11 months ago

Good for you. Wishing you the best. Mary Lap RNY aUG. 4TH 2004

gloria R. 19 years, 11 months ago

WOW i just cant beleive this two weeks out from my second fill and i am dwon 13lbs .and i am full all the time its very hard too get all the water in but i try very hard and then its hard too eat because i am so full from the water. 235lbs I AM LOVING IT

gloria R. 19 years, 11 months ago

well my last update is wrong i do not weigh 268 that should have been 248 . and now it is one week sence my second fill and NOW its working really good .i am down 8 lbs as of this morning . and boy can i tell the differents this time . i really have too watch how i eat and how much . and no food after 6 pm at night or i will be up all night and cant sleep. i keep bring the sour brups up and i hate that taste. and i am at 2.0 and that is right were i wanted too be i feel this is my right sweet spot and i am on my way too the losing side where i want too be . 160 lbs by next years andiverity. aug25,2005 .

gloria R. 19 years, 11 months ago

well today i went too the dr. for my second fill i have 2.0 cc s now. and i gained two lbs (not good). iwas 268.5 i need too have more contal of this.

KajunBlueRose 19 years, 12 months ago

HI Gloria!!!! Congrats first on the success of your weight loss journey. I don't know if I even still have a bathing suit from back then. I will soon be 1 year post-op and also plan to buy myself a bathing suit for myself :-) I hope you have loads of fun shaking around in your saggy old suit and enjoy even better the new one :-) Take Care, Dee

gloria R. 19 years, 12 months ago

well it was funny today i put on my bathing suit from last year 3xxx aand it was so big on me i was laughing at myself and my honey was watching me . it was hanging on me so long and i had no boobs to fill it up and my pants was hanging down i said boy am i gald we are in are back yard and no one can see. but it sure fills goood . and he said i can tell that your butt sure has gotten smaller.
About Me
toledo, oh
Surgery Date
Jul 22, 2003
Member Since
