kylakae 20 years, 12 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="161" height="202"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font color="#008080" face="Lucida Sans">Happy re-Birthday, Sandi! Isn't it amazing how fast the time flies by? I hope that you are doing fabulous, that all your dreams are coming true and that you are living life to the max!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

kimmer_742001 21 years, 7 months ago

Congratulations to you Sandi on your fabulous success!! And I do admire your perspective on eating in moderation! Dieting is what got us all here in the first place!! :) Keep on doing what you are doing, because you are doing great!! And have some well deserved fun on the cruise!! (And catch some sun for me, ok??) :) Congrats again!

SANDI S. 21 years, 7 months ago

October 16, 2002 Off the plateau that side lined me for only 2 weeks this time. Stepped on the scale this early a.m. and one more pound off. That's 110 pounds total.I'm 16 months out and still feeling great. Bought a long cocktail dress for the fancy dinner and dance for the cruise we are about to go on Dec. 1st. Had to get a 16, 14 clung in the wrong places, because it had spandex fibers, but I'm okay with it. I'm still round, but okay with that, too. Well sorta. There is still time for losing. They say you quit after 2 years. First time out I didn't quit until after 3 years. Our online support groups seems to be growing....the more the merrier I say. More experiences and input towards our goal. I'm beginning to realize that this update we make about ourselves is a perfect way to speak our minds. Do others read it? I think so for I read some of the others. Especially those I've met online in the support group for Colorado. I've stood on my soap box preaching MODERATION EATING.I don't think I'm getting through to anyone that you can eat whatever you want, including sugar. For those who can tolerate sugar, that is. If everyone would learn to stop at just one, even two, chips, a 1/4 piece of cookie, one bite of something loaded with calories, they can satisfy their cravings without denying themselves and they will be that much farther ahead in winning this battle. It's not something I taught myself over night. It does take a certain amount of control, but it can be done.If you want to do it that is. I guess I just hear so much of "I wish I could eat that or I wish I could stop the cravings"...people you can! Gum helps with cravings. Not denying yourself the foods you loved most with the moderation eating method works, too. You just have to learn to stop at one bite and savor that taste until you are forced to swallow. Knowing grazing got you to where you were...why still do it? Well, now that that is out of my system I'll finish. I just get so frustrated knowing that people can help themselves and they don't. Enough said. Sometimes, in the other's updates when a photo is included I get to put a face to the name, which is great.November 16 we are planning a get together at Carla's house. Potluck. Should have plenty of time for chatting for it only takes 5 minutes for us RNY people to eat and we are full.It will be so much fun. So far 14 have signed up and I'm sure there will be more. A lot of us have a good hour drive or more to get there, but it will be well worth the drive to meet everyone. Until next time...treat yourself well.

SANDI S. 21 years, 8 months ago

Sept. 30, 2002 Hello all. I'm 15 months out now and 109 pound loss. How do I feel? FANTASTIC! I can run, yes I said RUN, after my 2 year old grandson, Spencer, and not have to stop to catch my breath or fall to the ground in agony. I know my loss is much less than some people 15 months out, but that's okay with me. Losing it slow allowed my skin to go back to where it belonged without sagging. The only problem I noticed was with the last 15-20 pounds my knees began to sag, but keep in mind I am almost 58 years old and something is suppose to sag somewhere at that age. I bought my first size 12/14 sweats yesterday. I was scared to try them on. Sweats, nice ones that match colors that is, are my dress mode for winter. I still can't drive and do spend a lot of time at home indoors. So I might as well be warm and yet look nice, too. I'm from California so you can imagine how I fair with the cold.I can keep busy so staying in isn't a big problem.I have to admit I do have a problem with not running up to other heavy people and showing them my photos and telling them that they can get healthy, too. I've slipped a couple of times and I don't think my knowledge was well received even though it was gently delivered.. It's a shame isn't it that we can't help everyone we see who are in need. Come this Thanksgiving Day, our family will meet up at the Radisson Hotel in New Orleans for 3 days of wandering the town and then on that following sunday we all sail off into the sunset for Jamaica, Grand Caymans and Cozumel, Mexico for 7 days. WOO-HOO! It's the same destination Steve and I took on our first cruise 2 years ago, but I spent a good deal of the cruise resting in my room or sitting on the balcony watching the people onboard having fun and the waves. To heavy and sick to do much of anything. Well, this time around things will be different and I am getting so excited. I even bought a bathing suit!!! My best friend, and angel, Bren, in Idaho. Has maintained her loss as well. I'm within a few pounds of her now. She devotes her time to her new profession as "Sunshine the Clown". She is a doll when she is in clown makeup and just loves twisting balloons and making kids happy. Last week was my last visit to Dr. Tillquist and he deemed me one of his success stories. Between his hands and my willingness it could only be a success! I will miss seeing him and the girls in the office, but after hugs all around I promised to keep in touch.....and I will.

blank first name B. 22 years, 9 months ago

9-1-2001 Stomach has settled down. No more eat and run....WHEW! I still have problems with a build up of acid. It hits 2 or 3 times a week at night. Wakes you up out of a sound sleep. I go in to see Dr. Tillquist on the 10th. I CAN EAT EVERYTHING!!! That includes sweets without the dumping syndrome. That is OK..I never was a sweet hound, but look out when the chocolate covered raisins urge hit. I am still on a high caloric diet. I don't want to lose more than 2-3 lbs a week. I'm in no hurry to slim down and end up baggy.I all ready can feel the weight loss. I am able to do things without gasping and my clothes fit better. The only place that people have seemed to have noticed and mentioned is my face. I had more chins than a Chinese phone book. It is nice to lie down and not feel like my own body is trying to choke me to death. Those of you out there with fat in those areas, I'm sure, can relate to me.I guess to sum it all up...I was sent to Dr. Tillquist when I had hit rock bottom and he saw to it that I could soar again.....and I am doing just that. As each day passes I am able to do a little more than I had the last 10 years. I, and am told a tiny handful of other unfortunates, have grown a 2 inch bone between my ribs. YES...GROWN A REAL BONE. It is quite unpleasant to have and will have to be removed.I just don't know when yet, but soon. I'll let you know why the open RNY can cause it after I ask doc about. Always a thought and a prayer to you all....Sandi My best friend, Bren, in Idaho dropped 104 lbs in 9 months. WHEW!!!! She looks fantastic. In fact, her mother, Carol, is having her RNY on Sept 11th. Prayers to her.

Bren H. 22 years, 11 months ago

Sandi continues to do well. Still having a problem finding the right foods. But all in all she is doing well so I will sign off for now as far as my Angel duties go & let her do her own updates. Love ya San,

Bren H. 22 years, 12 months ago

Spoke with Sandi about an hour ago. She sounded good. Coughing up some after surgery stuff. She has been real nauseated & using her pain meds but other than that she is doing well.

Bren H. 22 years, 12 months ago

I just spoke with Sandi's Honey & she is doing fine. She was is surgery for just under 4hrs!! She is now in recovery & doing well. Steve will help her call later as she feels up to it. Welcome back Sandi!! Love ya like a sister,

Melonie L. 22 years, 12 months ago

Hi Sandi, Just a note to let you know I will be praying for you and wish you the speediest of recoveries. Can't wait to talk to you once you are on the other side. Love, Melonie

glenda B. 22 years, 12 months ago

hi Sandi i pray all goes great for you tom. i pray you will have little pain and a great recovery. Walk Walk and walk it helps in your recovery. My prayers are with an your dr. God bless glenda berry
About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 12, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Winter of 2001
