Laura F. 20 years, 3 months ago

Amylynn, you sound like an amazingly strong person. Never lose that fire or drive. It will make mountains into mole hills as they say. Wishing you all the best and thinking of you!

redstormy 20 years, 7 months ago

AmyLynn, I am finally coming out of my hibernation period after surgery and stopped by your profile to see how you and your growing family are doing. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I have to laugh when I sign in to yahoo and see your comments next to your name on my IM list. It seems as though all you do now is clean! lol I can only imagine with 3 boys (4?) lol How did your Firemans ball go? Sounds like fun and hope you and Tom were able to have some quality adult time. Keep up the excellent work! Down to 200 already? How great is that? I just got under 300 and was ecstatic! OH! before I forget, My sister has a rare clotting disease (factor five leiden mutation) and they think it would have stayed dormant except they put her on birth control to try and regulate her periods. That caused her PE back in Nov. of last year. So watch out for that birth control. They didn't know about the mutation until AFTER her clots. now she is on Coumadin for life. keep in touch, when ya can! LOL (((HUGS))) Elizabeth

AmyLynn B. 20 years, 7 months ago

*UPDATE* 10-21-03 Just a quick note to say thank you for all the prayers. We got the call today that we WILL be getting the boys. First visit is the 25th and we should be able to bring them home the 1st. ~~~Amy LAP RNY 08-05-03 / -41 pounds

redstormy 20 years, 7 months ago

CONGRATS MOM AND DAD!!! I know there are 2 (3) very lucky kids out there. (((HUGS))) Elizabeth

CarolineAnnMartin 20 years, 8 months ago

AmyLynn, I am keeping you in my prayers as your wade through this tough time. I understand completely what you mean about back pain due to chest size. I started out in an H cup, and even though I've dropped over 14 inches in my back since 4 months ago, my cup size is now an I!

AmyLynn B. 20 years, 8 months ago

09-24-03 *UPDATE* I haven't felt much like writing in here lately. I am in a major depression at times. I have only lost one pound since 9-11-03. I haven't been drinking like I should or eating enough I guess. I started to eat more and that is when the pound came off. I started tracking intake at I thought I was eating more than I was. Now that I am keeping track I don't have to drink any more protien drinks becasue I am getting enough from food. That will cut almost 200 calories a day for me. I have been having alot of upper back pain lately. I know it is because I have gone from a tight 22-24 to a size 18 around the middle but I still wear a 42DDD bra. I am hoping that the boobs will hurry up and start to lose some weight. I can only sit up for a bit at a time before my back starts to hurt. We are hoping to hear whether we get to adopt the boys in the next week or so. This has been a long and painful process for all involved. I can't tell you how many times we talked about backing off so the boys wouldn't have to be in foster care any longer than neccesary. Please continue to pray for us.~~~Amy LAP RNY 08-05-03 / -31 pounds

vonnie2304 20 years, 8 months ago

AmyLynn, don't beat yourself up you have lost a good amount of weight in the short period of time. You have just recently had your surgery and are doing wonderful. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes to you.

Lisa J. 20 years, 9 months ago

Amy, We are praying for you. Lisa J

Jamie M. 20 years, 9 months ago

AmyLynn, I know how you feel. I too had clots in my lung and had to be rehospitalized for 4 days. Put on blood thinner and had a vena cava filter implanted. I was so scared but now (3 months later) I feel GREAT! You'll do fine. Just a bump in the raod, scary yes, but it will pass. God bless, Jamie

JOLENE D. 20 years, 9 months ago

Hi AmyLynn, I'm so sorry you have had some complications. Know that we are all praying for your complete recovery. BIGGHUGGZZZZ
About Me
The Outer Limits of, IA
Surgery Date
Oct 16, 2001
Member Since
