May 18, 2009

I am a weight loss success!!  I've lost 125 pounds and kept it off for 4.5 years.  What I haven't been as successful with, is following the guidelines given to weight loss winners.  I am determined to: take my vitamins, my calcium, my protein and my water like I'm supposed to.  Otherwise I'll be in as bad or worse condition than when I began.  I'm lucky to have a great friend like Janet to remind me of where I came from and care where I'm headed.  Janet you are the best friend a gal could ever have.  Thanks! xoxo alice



Nov 22, 2007

Well, well, well. Here is is three years and I still am where I want to be. I've kept the weight off and am very happy with my surgery.

While I finally had some hope when I applied for the surgery, I never thought I would lose so much weight and keep it off.

One of my dear friends had the surgery at almost the same time and she has had less of a weight loss success in her eyes. She thinks that she should have lost more weight. But she had a different surgeon, she is a different person than I am. We are all individuals. We are all different and beautiful in our own ways. But I understand where she's coming from. She is a phenomenal woman and a wonderful friend.  If only she could see the beauty she is now. You see we have to address the issues in our heads as well as in and around our bodies.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration today. I truly have a lot to be thankful for and I am! xoxo alice


Oct 25, 2006

10/25/06 - Howdy all! I've been very busy with moving to Austin, Texas.  My business has really taken off and you can't convince me that it doesnt have something to do with my weight loss.  I'm more confident and people feel that security from me that I can be of assistance to them.

I love Austin! The Rolling Stones played last Sunday night but I just didn't want to be in the middle of 50,000 people watching them.

I'm down 135 pounds and have stabilized there. I'm happy with my weight loss and thank God for letting me have it.  Anyway I've got to run and see a client and then go buy some groceries for us.

Mike and I are going to a Wine Festival in Fredericksburg this weekend. We're staying at a bed and breakfast a couple of nights. We're going with some other couples so it should be fun.


Oct 25, 2006

3/20//06- well I've been bad about posting. But I've been living!!
 I am down to 150 pounds after hitting 145 then bouncing up a bit. I've lost half of my body!

Those that are having a hard time losing and are on a plateau should try:


#1 - Do this for 10 days to break a plateau

#2 - Drink 2 quarts of water a day

#3 - You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamins/minerals supplements each day

#4 - You may consume up to 3 oz of the following high protein foods, 5 TIMES a day

low fat cheese
cottage cheese
plain yogurt or artificially sweetened (?)
peanut butter

You may also have:

sugar free popsicles
tea or coffee
sugar free soda
sugar free jello
broths/bullion (sp?)
crystal light drinks

#5 - If it's not on the list, you can't have it for 10 days!!!!

#6 - Keep a food diary and try to get up to 30 mins of exercise daily

I haven't needed it so far but I'll have it if I need it and you will too.

I've been working and playing and just generally enjoying life because I can now. I might be looking into some facelift kind of thing.  My body is good enough for a 53 almost 54 year old woman. I am amazed that I didn't have more loose skin considering my 140 pound weight loss.

After wanting to share my story and success with everyone I have scaled back from telling everybody I meet about it. lol

Now my mom wants to have the surgery. She is 73 years young and she lives with me and my hubby. Add to the equation that she is on Medicare and I'm not sure she can get it but I'm not going to rain on her parade. If that's what she wants and she is adamant that she wants it, then so be it. I told her that my brothers and sister would kill me if something happened to her and she said that she didn't care, she wants the surgery and that she would tell all the family the same thing. She is where I was back in 11/04. I had decided that I wasn't living-- I was existing. And that wasn't cutting it. She sees me in my small clothes and moving around so much better and she wants the same opportunity. Who can blame her?

Well I just got back from Dallas last night and we made it through the deluge of water and flooding. We were pulling our boat back to Austin from Dallas and there were abandoned cars everywhere and water up to the windows in some. Thank God we were in our trusty old reliable Suburban. We also were pulling a boat so I guess we could have gotten in that if it really got bad. lol  But we made it home safe and sound. I hope everyone out there is doing great and is living life.


Oct 25, 2006

 01/01/06 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I can't believe I have been so long in posting to my site. Oh well, life is different for me now. I am so busy with work and I moved to Austin. That was very tiring but not as much as if I hadn't lost 135 pounds. I am gonna miss my best buddy, JW, off the board as she and I could always get into some trouble. We'll just have to visit more often now and keep in touch. Did I mention that I'm down to 150? Well I am and honey I am happy but ready for it to stop! Never thought I'd ever say that but I am ready. My body will tell me when to stop though. I hope all of you guys and gals are having a wonderful 2006! Take care and email if you want to. xoxo Alice


Oct 25, 2006

9/26/05 - don't faint that I'm posting again so soon. I'm just doing a little clean-up of my profile and thought I'd say hello. Teresa from the Texas Board is doing a Century Club banner for me and I'm so happy. I have to tell you all that I never in a million years really thought this would work for me. I thought I'd fail like I had on every diet I ever tried. No I succeeded on some of them but then I gained what I had lost plus some more. I'm here to tell you that it can work and it can be very satisfying to your soul. I am able to do things I could only dream of last year. I can wear clothes that I don't remember ever wearing this size before. So if someone is giving you a hard time because you want to try this surgery, send them my way. I'll give them a viewpoint from my perspective. We both know how much that is worth but I'll do it for you.  Oh yes not as important but you should see the gorgeous boots my hubby bought for me. Honey...they are too sexy... Until next time...xoxo Alice


Oct 25, 2006

9/20/05 - Hi all! Just when I thought I had the navigation down pat on this site, they go and change it. lol  Oh well, I think I can handle it.  I mean if I can handle eating the right things and not eating the bad things, then I can.  I hope all of you are doing well. I'm feeling great!  I'm looking great.  All is right with the world (my little world anyway).  I'm down 120 pounds now.  I'm still getting used to the glances I get now.  I'm not used to them, and wonder why, when inside I'm the same woman I was before. But we all know how people judge and it doesn't make it right but I sort of understand.  Well just wanted to say hi and post my new weight. I'm getting sleepy and so I will go to bed.  Nighty night.


Oct 25, 2006

8/22/05 - I hope everyone is doing well!  I'm a new person. In fact I've lost a whole person in weight. I've lost 115 pounds!  I feel great and have more energy and less pain than I can ever remember.  I have read a few posts lately about whether or not we regretted having the surgery.  All I can say is as for me, Heck No!!  I think I have a chance at life again.  My hubby says he got his skinny gal he married back and I have gotten my pride back.  It's very hard being to handle everything in life that gets thrown to you but not be able to handle your weight.  Of all the things that I can't control you would think that my own body would be one of the things I could control.  Well sometimes hormones and your body fat won't cooperate.  That's when surgery became the answer for me.

We just got back from Port Aransas last week and I and my family had such a great time.  Mike and I took my mom (she lives with us), my daughter (in Austin) and my niece (in Ft. Worth) to the beach.  We had such fun.  For the first time, I can move on the sand and not feel like I'm fighting gravity moving around.  Also I got 2 new bathing suits that look great on me and I even got one of those cute beat up cowboy hats to wear at the pool.  My hubby said that I'm finally letting my true personality come out instead of hiding my body away.

I'm wearing size 12's now!!!!!  That is having come from size 22's.  Needless to say I'm ecstatic.  My weight loss has slowed down as I expected but I'm thrilled to be where I am now.  After all I'm 53 years old and 5'9".  So I can carry the 170 pounds just fine.

So I guess I'll say goodbye for now and will post again when I find something of value to share.  Thanks for letting me share my adventures with you. Take care til next time.


Oct 25, 2006


Oct 25, 2006

A Ambitious
L Legendary
I Inspirational
C Cool
E Exquisite
F Famous
R Rare
O Orderly
M Modern
D Dignified
A Arty
L Little
L Lucky
A Awkward
S Sophisticated

About Me
Austin, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 24, 2004
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 24
