2/8/12 -- Last year (2011) also didn't end on a good note.  I had surgery for an incisional hernia at the same location of the surgery the previous year (also the same location as my hernia in 2004).  The doctor inserted a mesh patch this time so hopefully no more hernias at that location.  My weight is also up about 50 lbs. from my lowest and I feel like I've spiraled out of control.  My BMI has gone from 21.13 to 29.04 and from a size 6 to a size 14.  Not a happy camper!  Hopefully, I can turn this trend around soon.  I hate to sound so down, but hopefully someone will read this and not let it happen to them.  I was SO confident during the first three years out that I could maintain my weight loss.  Look where over-confidence got me.  Pay attention, folks, and stay on top of even the smallest weight gains.


1/7/11 -- Last year (2010) didn't end on a good note.  Almost 8 years after my surgery (Lap RNY),  I had emergency surgery for an intestinal blockage.  The disconnected portion of my intestines was trying to poke itself into a small hole where the intestines connect to my pouch.  My new surgeon said that it had been happening for a long time as there was some "wear and tear" at that point.  I guess that explains a few episodes which I thought were bad gas attacks from eating too fast or too much.  I didn't think much of the pains because they usually subsided after about 30 minutes.  This time, however, the pain was excruciating and accompanied by vomiting (something I rarely do) and lasted over 3 hours, at which time I gave in and went to the hospital.  An MRI showed the blockage and surgery followed.  On the up side:  I'm recouperating nicely, I was home in time for Christmas, and I've lost about 15 pounds (However, the hospital's diet of nothing but IV drip and ice chips for 5 days is not one I'd recommend). 

7/8/09 -- Wow!  Another two years has gone by.  My weight is up about 30 lbs from my lowest weight, which means it's right about at the point where people originally told me to stop losing.  I wouldn't be so upset if it weren't for the fact that my clothes don't fit AGAIN!  It just goes to show you that the struggle is ongoing.  I've been taking quarterly IV shots of Boniva for the osteoporosis.  I guess before long my doctor will send me back for another bone density test to see if it's doing the job it's supposed to.

8/7/07 -- Well, now it really HAS been a year since I updated. Things are about the same. I'm still loving it in Florida. My weight's up a little bit right now, but I don't let it get more than 10 lbs. over where I want it to be. I learned that I now have osteoporosis at the age of 54. Take that calcium, ladies!

8/11/06 -- My gosh, has it really been almost a year since I've updated? I moved to Florida in May -- something I've been wanting to do for several years. Everything has fallen into place quite nicely. I found a great job and a beautiful house with a pool and a big yard. In the process of all these changes, I lost the extra 10 lbs. I'd put on, plus 7 more. I'm now back down to my lowest weight and trying to put on a few pounds. I was dating someone for a while after I moved but that didn't work out, so I'm focusing my energies on making new friends, getting my house settled in, working in my garden, and getting back to doing some of the crafts I love. All in all, life is sweet!

10/13/05 -- I think this is the longest I've gone without posting. I wish I could say that I've been too happy/busy to write, but that wouldn't be true. My life has just seemed out of sorts lately. I broke up with the fellow I'd been seeing for the last year. While I think it was the right thing to do because I don't think we were meant for each other, it still saddens me because I hurt him. In so many ways, we were very good together and I miss that a lot. But my concerns and doubts about certain things just couldn't let me continue the relationship. There are also some family issues that I've been dealing with. But I'm optimistic that things will start getting better soon.

6/30/05 -- I've put on about 10 pounds in the last few months and I'm starting to get worried about it -- mainly because it's landed right at the waist and my clothes aren't fitting right. I don't mind being at this weight, but I'm unhappy that my clothes aren't fitting. It's amazing to me that when you're wearing plus size clothes, you can probably gain up to 20 pounds without going a size up. But when you're small, if you gain 5 pounds, you're in the next size up. It also seems like I can eat WAY more than I could immediately after surgery. I can't remember the last time my pouch told me to stop eating. I haven't been to a support group meeting in quite a while and I think it's time I started going again on a more regular basis.

5/20/05 -- I went to Florida earlier this month. For the first time in my entire life, I saw pictures of myself in a bathing suit and didn't cringe. I took my sweetie to meet my oldest sister and my brother and his family. He wasn't nervous until we got about 1/4 mile from my brother's house. I told him to relax -- that it was going to be a piece of cake. And it was... everyone got along great!

4/10/05 -- I thought I'd post another "after" picture -- because this one is sooooooooo funny. I've only saved one pair of "fat" shorts and this is me in them now.

2/18/05 -- Well, today is my 2nd anniversary. I feel like my life just started on this date two years ago. I'm maintaining my weight in the 140-145 range and wearing a size 6. I still look in the mirror and sometimes I don't recognize the person looking back at me. I still think of myself as "someone who's lost a lot of weight." Will I ever think of myself as just "normal"? I wonder... Today I was late for the bus and had to sprint across the parking lot. Two years ago, I couldn't have done that. I wouldn't even have tried. I would have just flat out missed the bus. People who have never been overweight just cannot comprehend all the tiny little things like that which make a big difference in the quality of life. There's not a day that goes by that I don't marvel at some little difference in my life since my surgery. All these little differences mean so much more to me than just looking better. I feel like I can do anything I want or go anywhere I want without even thinking twice. What an amazing gift this surgery has been! Thank you, Dr. Greene, again for giving me my life back.

1/7/05 -- I talked to one of my close friends last night and she told me she has a "date." I'm tickled to death for her. Way to go, Marcia!

1/6/05 -- Happy New Year everyone! I had one of the best holiday seasons I've ever had. I went to visit my sweetie in Vancouver, Washington. He bent over backwards to make Christmas special for me and he did an awesome job. He even built a mantle over his fireplace so we'd have a place to hang our stockings. What a man! It was so wonderful spending time with him. I've never been more content or relaxed with someone.

11/19/04 -- Today's the anniversary of my mom's death. After 18 years, it still seems like yesterday. She was always there when I struggled with my weight. I just wish she could be here to see how content with my life I finally am. I'm truly happy with how well I feel and the way I look. I have a lot more self-confidence. Things are going well in my life. I'm healthy, I like my job for the most part, I have great friends, I have lots of hobbies I enjoy, and I have a fellow in my life who respects and admires me and treats me like a queen. I don't know how it could get much better than this. Well, I guess I could win the lottery, but I'm not holding my breath for that...

10/1/04 -- I've been trying to gain back 5-10 lbs. since Christmas but my weight seems to have stabilized in the 140-145 range. It's lower than I'd like it to be for my height (5'8") but I'm going to stop worrying about it because it must be where it's meant to be. I shouldn't be surprised at that, because I was a beanpole up until puberty. I still think this was the smartest thing I've ever done for myself. I feel so much better and can do ANYTHING I want to do.

8/26/04 -- My weight is once again lower than I'd like it to be. I feel like I'm eating A LOT these days, but I just don't gain any weight. Don't get me wrong.... it's not dangerously low -- I'm still in the "normal" range for my height, I'd just like to be a little curvy rather than bony looking. People keep asking me if I'm a runner. HA! Well, I guess that's better than them asking me if I'm anorexic.

6/24/04 -- I saw Dr. Greene two days ago. He said I could go back to the gym, go to the pool (yay!) and anything else I felt up to. He even asked if he could take pictures of his handiwork. I told him as long as he didn't include my face in the pictures, it was okay with me. Tonight I'm going to re-up my membership at the gym and try to build up some muscle. The good news was that I had gained back all the weight I had lost after my last surgery. I had just gotten too low and was starting to worry. I feel much better now.

5/15/04 -- Recouperating nicely. Dr. Greene is very pleased with my progress, and I'm very pleased with his stitching. The scar (which is very long) is not going to look bad at all. I'm a quilter, which involves very tiny stitches, so I can really appreciate his good work. He can join my quilt guild ANY day!! I've lost 164 lbs and I'm still trying to gain back about 5-10 pounds. Once I recouperate from this latest surgery, I plan to get back to the gym and try to build up the muscles in my arms and legs... Maybe that will help...

4/27/04 -- Made it through surgery. Very sore and slow moving. Dr. Greene took out the drain tubes today; the stitches and staples will come out next Tuesday. He said I can drive when I feel up to it... maybe in a couple of days. I don't feel like it yet. All in all... feeling pretty good.

4/22/04 -- Surgery's tomorrow for my belly button hernia and panniculectomy. I'm also having a small cyst removed from under my arm. For some reason, I'm more nervous about this surgery than before my WLS last year. I guess it's because my WLS was laparascopic and now I'm going to have a huge incision from hip to hip. I had more bloodwork done for pre-op and for the first time in eons, my cholesterol was perfect -- both the good and the bad. I think the total was only about 110. Another benefit of WLS and eating properly. Wish me luck!

4/2/04 -- I found out that my bloodwork was fine. That was good news. I'm getting ready for a hernia repair surgery on April 23rd and will also have a panniculectomy at the same time

2/18/04 -- I can't believe it's been a year since my surgery... and what a year it has been--probably the best year of my life. I've lost 160 pounds, my BMI is in the normal range, and I'm happier than I've been in about 30 years. I recently cut my hair really short, and between the weight loss and the drastic difference in my hairstyle, NO ONE recognizes me!

2/5/04 -- My weight is about the same, I think. I haven't weighed myself in weeks. Everyone keeps telling me I look "gaunt" and "anorexic." I don't think so. I DO feel like I need to gain about 5 lbs., though. I go back to see Dr. Greene on 2/19/04 for my 1 year check-up. I had the blood work done last Saturday. I sure hope it turns out okay.

1/5/04 -- I've lost 157 lbs. I'm finding this hard to believe, but now I'm at the stage of trying to figure out how to maintain this weight and not keep losing.

12/19/03 -- I received a gift certificate to my favorite department store from my bosses for Christmas. I just went shopping on my lunch break and everything I bought was a size 8. I think that made me happier than the new clothes themselves! Wow! This time last year I was a size 28!!!! What a difference 10 months can make!

12/15/03 -- I've lost 150 lbs. -- nearly half my starting weight and exactly how much I wanted to lose. Believe it or not... I'm finally ready to post an AFTER picture. Look for it soon. This has been an incredible journey and I owe a lot of gratitude to the members of this AMOS family. I did a lot of research on this site prior to my surgery, I have checked the Before and After photos almost every day for inspiration and encouragement (and still do), I've had emails of encouragement from strangers all over the country, and I have laughed and cried from reading profiles. Thank you one and all. I'd like to wish everyone a happy holiday season and a terrific new year filled with hope. To all my fellow post-ops out there -- CONGRATULATIONS! To all the pre-ops, I wish you a safe, speedy recovery on your way to a new life that I hope will make you as happy as I am.

11/20/03 -- I'm still losing weight... but slowly. I've been trying to stay pretty much where I am, but it's not as easy as I thought it would be. I don't want to increase my caloric intake too much for fear of gaining, but I don't want to lose much more either. I guess it's just a matter of trial and error.

11/3/03 -- I went to the cardiologist on Friday. Not only had I finally dropped a few more pounds, but he took me off my heart medicine! I've now lost a grand total of 141.5 and according to my BMI, I have FINALLY made it to the "Ideal" weight for my height! What a day of milestones!

10/28/03 -- I've decided to stop weighing myself for a while. People aren't kidding when they say the last 10-15 pounds are the hardest and slowest to get rid of. I'm not sure what my ultimate goal weight is. I originally thought I wanted to weigh 150 (a good weight for my 5'8" frame), but people have been telling me to stop now at 168... that I'm starting to look boney. When I look in the mirror, I see some bones, but I don't think I look boney. I think I still look curvy. Why does our perception of ourself take longer to change than the weight? I know at times I still feel fat.

On a different note, is anyone else dreading Halloween and having all that candy around? I've found that I can eat chocolate in very small amounts, but it's still the case for me that if it's around, I will eat it. I have to be really careful not to go overboard... Why does chocolate have to taste SO good and be SO addicting?

10/13/03 -- I'm still on a plateau, but I'm not letting it get to me. I know if I step up the exercise routine and pay closer attention to how many carbs I'm eating, it will start coming off again. I wore a short skirt to work today (normally I wear slacks) and I got a lot of good comments. Maybe I should add some more skirts to my new wardrobe... I've started dating a fellow who likes to go country dancing -- something I haven't done in about 15 years. So I bought a pair of Liz Claiborne jeans that fit like they were made just for me and I dusted off and polished up my cowboy boots and I'm having a lot of fun re-learning some of the dance steps.

10/3/03 -- Down about 135 lbs. The weight loss has really started slowing down, but that's okay. If I didn't lose another pound, I'd still be ecstatic. I look in the mirror and I don't even recognize the image staring back at me. Shopping for clothes is a blast... lately I've been buying designer clothes at the Goodwill Store for next to nothing. One of these days soon I will post an "after" picture.

9/4/03 -- Down 130 lbs. Bought some clothes last night -- size 12. I haven't been this small since 7th grade. Went bike riding on Labor Day and was able to ride 14 miles! My butt gave out before my legs did.

8/20/03 -- Down 125 lbs. and I still can't believe the reflection I see in the mirror. Joy! Joy! Joy!

8/8/03 -- Down 120 lbs. I'm getting closer and closer to my goal -- just 35 to go. I just got back from a trip to Florida to visit my sister and brother and some friends. Needless to say, they were all shocked at my new look and proud of me for getting there. My brother didn't even recognize me at first when I walked into his shop. That was fun!

7/21/03 -- Down 107 lbs. and I've reached another intermediate goal. I'm finally under 200! I'm smaller than I've been in over 20 years. I noticed something interesting last night when I was folding laundry. My clothes look so much smaller. When I hold them up, I can't believe I fit into them. I also find it hard to part with some of my favorite outfits when they get too big.

7/18/03 -- Down 105 lbs. I still haven't gotten around to shopping for those earrings. Too busy shopping for clothes. I've been through almost the entire array of sizes of clothes that were hanging in my closet. I did a lot of weeding out and the closets are almost bare! But it sure is a whole lot more fun shopping now. I even bought some new bathing suits for an upcoming trip to Florida. It was relatively painless. I never thought I'd ever say that!

7/8/03 -- I MADE IT! I went to my GP today and the scales said minus 100.5!!!! YAY! My blood sugar was normal at 102 and my blood pressure was on the low side of normal -- 100/70. I started pricing the earrings I want... WOW! They are way more than I expected... but I'm worth it! I'm hoping that my friend in the jewelry business can help me find "a deal." We'll see...

7/1/03 -- I'm hovering around the Century Mark.... haven't weighed in a few days -- I may just be there. I need to start pricing those earrings... what fun that will be! I caught a summer cold over the weekend and it's really kicking my behind.

6/16/03 -- I've decide to reward myself when I hit the Century Mark (nine more pounds to go). I'm going to buy myself the biggest diamond earrings I can afford.

6/14/03 -- I made a really big mistake today. I thought I'd be daring and try some Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Well, it wasn't daring -- it was downright stupid. I broke out in hot sweats, had almost instant diarrhea and thought I would throw up at the same time. Major dumping episode! Ice cream has always been my biggest weakness, so I guess I just had to try it.... but NEVER AGAIN!!! It made a believer out of me... sugar-free popsicles are looking MIGHTY GOOD now.

6/12/03 -- I went to the doctor today. I'm down another pound (-91). My blood work showed that I'm low in iron and B12 so I'm now taking 2 more pills per day for a total of 18. But that's okay... I'll do whatever it takes.

6/9/03 -- I'm down 90 lbs. and loving life. I can't believe I'm not more upset about it, but I've lost the "throw-away" camera that I used to take monthly progress photos. I've searched all over my house and I just can't find it. Before I would have freaked out over losing it... but--in the grand scheme of things--it's not really a big deal. I can look in the mirror and see the changes in my body or get on the scale and measure the changes in my weight. And, most of all, I can tell the difference in how people look at me or interact with me. It makes me happy that people are treating me nicer, but it also makes me sad that so many people treat large people so poorly. I've made a vow to myself that I will always speak out against people making fat jokes or rude comments about someone's weight.

5/29/03 -- I haven't weighed myself in a week or two (and I can't believe I haven't become obsessed with weighing myself), but I'm guessing I've lost close to 85 lbs. by now. (That takes me from Severely Obese to merely Obese. Woooohoooooo!) I still check the Before and After pictures here almost every day. They are so inspiring and I'm constantly amazed at how the weight loss makes everyone look soooooooooooooo much younger! My thanks to all who post here. It really is a big help.

5/14/03 -- 75 lbs so far.

5/9/03 -- I've lost 71 lbs so far. The weight loss has started slowing down a bit, but it's still steady. This has not been a great week -- had some emotional ups and downs -- but I'm hoping to get back on track.

4/28/03 -- As of 4/24/03, I'd lost 67 lbs. and I'm still amazed at this whole process. Life seems bright and cheery and filled with hope. When bad things happen now, they don't seem to upset me as much as they did before because they are so far outweighed by the good things happening in my life. I'm starting to date more and that's been a lot of fun, too!

4/12/03 -- Took my new bike out for a ride. I guess I rode about 7 miles. It doesn't sound like much, but my rear end thought it was 7 LONG miles. It was lots of fun and I really enjoyed it -- even walking up the very low hills that I'm not in shape enough to ride up.

4/10/03 -- My surgeon added poultry and veggies to my diet. I had been craving veggies so they were a very welcome addition. My blood work indicated a slight potassium deficiency so I'm now taking a potassium supplement in addition to all the other vitamins and medications. I also bought a brand new bicycle. I haven't been on a bicycle in about 25 years, but I'm determined to get some exercise outdoors in addition to exercising at the gym.

4/7/03 -- I went to see my cardiologist and PCP today. Both doctors were very pleased with my progress, and my cardiologist reduced the dosage of my Altace. And I'm down another 2.5 lbs. I go back to my surgeon in two days. I'm dying to find out what new foods I'll be able to eat. I LOVE fish, but it's getting old.

4/4/03 -- I've lost 55 lbs. and I don't think I'm going to go looking for them. They can stay lost! I'm trying not to weigh myself very often so that the scales will actually show a difference.

3/26/03 -- I went to my first support group meeting since surgery. It felt good to be a "post-op" instead of a "pre-op" at the meeting. We talked about key people in our support network and interestingly enough, my sister appeared out of nowhere. She has been my greatest support and my mentor throughout this process -- Thanks, MJM. She had brought a friend of hers to the meeting to learn about the surgery.

3/25/03 -- I weighed at the gym tonite and I've lost 50 lbs. so far. I think my weight loss has slowed down a bit because I've probably been eating too many carbs and not getting enough exercise. I need to get back to doing what I know works.

3/24/03 -- I'm doing great. I still have trouble once in a while with eating either a little too much or too fast and having it just sit there like a lump (and hurt). But it's so nice to have such a HUGE reminder to keep things under control. I talked to a friend the other day that I hadn't seen in a while. He said, "Are you okay?" I said, "Yeah, why?" He said, "You've lost so much weight!" I had a big grin on my face and said "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I just love moments like that.

3/17/03 -- Today is my first day back at work. I got a lot of compliments. Went to the deli today and got some baked fish and cottage cheese...LUNCH WAS CHEAP!!!! This is SOOOOOOOOOO much fun!

3/13/03 -- I have graduated to a FORK! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I can now eat fish, tofu, eggs and soft cheeses. I have lost 45 lbs.

3/11/03 -- I'm still on liquids and a couple of times, I tried a creamy soup. I must have eaten too much or too fast, because it just sat there like a lump. I thought I was going to heave, but I didn't. It hurt really bad -- like heartburn -- so I'm backing way off on the amount and I'm trying to slow down. I didn't like the way that felt AT ALL. I go back to the doctor on the 13th. I'm actually looking forward to getting on the scales.

3/2/03 -- I still feel great physicially, but yesterday was pretty bad in that I was craving food and dreaming about it. I also dreamed that my surgery didn't work. WAKE ME UP!!!! What a nightmare! I'm so glad it isn't true. It just shows how quickly the mood can change from just a few days ago when I was on top of the world.

2/27/03 -- I feel terrific today. I am so filled with hope and anticipation of good things to come that it has really changed my outlook on life. I feel so positive about everything. What a pleasant side effect of this surgery!

2/25/03 -- Went to the dr. today for my first post-op. I was a little disappointed that I'd only lost 3 lbs. but the dr. said it was probably fluid retention and not to worry, so I guess I won't get weird about it. He took the drain tube out and I'm now down to one bandaid. This was also the first day I was allowed to drive, so it was quite an outing. It felt really good to get out of the house. Cabin fever was setting in.

2/24/03 -- Well, the worst of it so far as been the gas pains. OWWIE! It seems like everything I put in my mouth makes gas -- even water! We've had some pretty cold, blustery weather so I haven't been out walking as much as I'd like to. I go back to my doctor tomorrow for my first post-op. I have a list of questions for him. I guess I'll also get this drain taken out and see how much I've lost. My home scale isn't very accurate, so I haven't even gotten on it. Tell me that didn't take some will power!

2/20/03 -- I AM PROUD TO BE A LOSER!!!! I was over-optimistic in guessing how much weight I'd lost before surgery. It turned out to be 27 lbs. Surgery went on as scheduled despite two feet of snow dumped in our area in the three days prior. I was able to go home the evening of the second day. The pain is not bad. Actually, nothing has been as bad as I expected EXCEPT the hospital bed, which was probably the most uncomfortable bed I've ever slept (or tried to sleep) in.

2/17/03 - Tomorrow's the big day! I think I've lost about 35 lbs in the last few weeks which is an amazing headstart. We had a big snowstorm here and I worried for hours about whether my doctor would still operate. But he called and all systems are GO! So, my neighbor with the 4-wheel drive is going to take me to the hospital if my best friend can't get her car out. I still have "fun" stuff to do to get ready... like bowel prep and lovenox shot. EWWW! But somehow I'll get through all that. Well, I guess my next posting will be from the other side. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

2/11/03 - Seven days to go! I've lost 25 lbs. already and I haven't even had surgery yet! Woooohooooo! I saw the anesthesiologist today and visited the floor of the hospital where I'll stay after surgery. They drew blood to check my blood type. I couldn't even feel it when the lady *stuck* me. WOW! She was good! Too bad she can't do ALL the sticking when I'm in the hospital. LOL

2/10/03 - Eight days to go! My angel invited me over this weekend for a *last supper*. I ate way too much but I'm back on the liquids. I'd like to lose a few more pounds before surgery. While I'm thinking of it, I want to thank everyone here who has sent me emails. It really means a lot to me.

2/7/03 - It's amazing to me how differently my friends react when I talk to them about the surgery. Some are extremely supportive, some are worried that something will happen to me, and some are jealous. I understand their concerns, but at this point, I can't let any negativism affect me. I've made what I believe is an educated decision about the surgery and I think it's important to stay positive.

2/5/03 - Okay, I admit it. I'm totally preoccupied with thoughts of surgery and life afterwards. I'm not much use at work, even though I continue to show up there every day. I was doing better when I could concentrate on getting things done and on going to doctor's appointments. Now I'm just waiting. I guess I should take this *energy* to the gym tonite. I haven't been in a couple of days.

2/3/03- When I saw my surgeon on 1/23, I had gained 5 lbs since September up to 305. He put me on a liquid diet until surgery. It's not easy, but I have lost 10 lbs so far. I'm working out 4-5 days a week and that's helping a lot. I went to my PCP and cardiologist for clearance on 1/31 and they're on board. The only thing left to do is an appt. with the anesthesiologist on 2/11. I am so psyched!

1/15/03 - Counting the days until February 18th! Starting to get antsy.

12/24/02 - Oh boy! I got the news today that my insurance company approved me after only about a week. What a Christmas present that was!

12/2/02 - I got my CPAP machine after my second sleep study and I'm finally sleeping normally and waking up refreshed. I no longer fall asleep in the middle of a conversation with someone. I used to think it was just because I wasn't getting enough sleep, but it was because the sleep I was getting was of such poor quality.

10/30/02 - I have finally finished all my preliminary tests. Unfortunately, with the sleep apnea, I have to go back for a second sleep study with a CPAP machine. I'm disappointed because this will delay things.

9/23/02 - I spent the summer trying to determine which surgeon to use. I chose Dr. Barry Greene and I had my initial consult with him today. My weight was a whopping 300! I was amazed at how many tests and doctors' visits I need to make: Nutritionist, pysch evaluation, sleep study, EKG, chest xray, stomach sonogram, endoscopy, bloodwork, pulmonologist, etc. He certainly is thorough with the pre-tests.

5/15/02 - I'm a 49 year old woman who is 5'8" and I weigh about 300. My BMI is almost 46. I have sleep apnea, borderline diabetes, edema of my ankles and lower legs, and a family history of heart disease and arthritis. Ya think I'm a candidate??? You betcha!

About Me
Greer, SC
Surgery Date
Sep 24, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Me at 280. Got to 305 before surgery
Me at 155. And me at 145!!!!!
