FINALLY! Into the 80's! And food addictions.

Feb 07, 2011

And no, Im'not talking about the 1980's LOL I'm talking about finally seeing 80-some (kilos) on my scale. It took me 2 months to break that 90's barrier but finally, it's broken.

I haven't written a blog for a while because of... life, actually. I've been desperately trying to get rid of some bad remaining eating habits that I could (and did) get away with until now. The most important of these is: snacking on no-no foods. Not too
" no-no-nos", but no-nos for ME.  IE: nuts.

Now, nuts are good for you. They contain lots of protein and great vitamins and minerals you can't get anywhere else. Nuts are great, healthy food. IF you can keep quantities down to about a handful or two a day. It just so happens that nuts are a "trigger food" for me. Once I start eating them, I can't stop. Oh, they don't bother my stomach either. The problem is, they contain lots of calories. You can get fat on nuts just like you can get fat on any other food. And yes, I'm a food addict.

I've been trying to get rid of my food addictions one by one. Last fall I tried (and mostly succeeded if I take care to have chips out of sight) to get rid of my chips addiction... only to transfer it to nuts. You see, I spend a lot of time alone, in front of my computer. I'm disabled by MS and there is not much else I can do unless I have help, which is hard to come by in my home. Anyway, I got into the bad habit of munching on otherwise healthy nuts while I was just sitting around waiting for life to happen. And I got hooked! I could polish off a 10 ounce (300 gr) container per day! if you are wondering how many calories that is, I'll tell you: it's 600 to 800 calories. Oh, I didn't do it every day, but it adds up. And my weight has been stuck.
I'm keeping nuts out of the house now.

Perhaps there is another food addiction waiting for me around the corner. I hope not. Maybe I will get hooked on protein shakes? I recently discovered that if I blend my banana-flavored protein with a little chocolate powder and fruit, I could actually stand to drink it. That one is a breakthrough because I could never stand protein shakes before.

Do I think too much about food? Probably. I keep cooking yummy things for my family (which thankfully, I can't eat too much of) and I sort of HAVE to think about it. I try to cook healthy because everyone is on a diet now, but I do wish I could get my mind OFF food. *sigh*


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