Update... it's been a while :-P

Apr 09, 2008

Well, it's been a while since I posted any updates! I thought I'd be all over this post-op, but I have really just been focusing on my life.

I am happy to report that I have not encountered any complications (yet, knock on wood!)... and I'm feeling SO much better every day. I've lost 92 pounds, and I'm thinking that I'm at the beginning of a stall. I'm actually kind of hoping that I am. Aside from losing the pound that I gained, I haven't lost anything in 6 days... which hasn't happened since I stalled last! The reason I'm sort of hoping for a stall is because I have lost 92 pounds, and I have been wearing the same pants for about 2.75 months. So yeah, I'm ready to lose some inches and fit into some of the clothes that people have so kindly donated to me.

I have made a truly wonderful friend who I met on here. She is amazing! (I'm not just saying this because I know she'll read this either). We talk every day, and I really believe that we keep each other in check, and hold each other accountable for the things that we do (the good and the bad). It's so wonderful to have so much support.

I have also been fortunate because she is smaller than I, and has been giving me ALL of her old clothes which I am super excited and thankful for! I have more clothes than ever, and don't even know what to do with them all! (most of them don't fit me yet). My boyfriend's mom and cousin also gave me a ton of clothes. I really don't think I'm going to have to buy clothes ever again :-P Well, I'll want to buy some eventually of course! But, I won't have to waste my money on clothes that I will hopefully only be wearing for a short time.

Otherwise, I finally feel like I'm doing well with my WEPN's (water, exercise, protein, no snacking). The only thing that I really struggle with is Exercise. I've been working hard to get my water and protein in, and I have improved drastically with my vitamins. It's scary to think what can happen if we don't do the vitamins right, but it's still hard to remember all the time!

It's definitely an on-going battle, and I will be battling weight for the rest of my life I'm sure. At least now I feel much more confident about winning the battle :-)

Post-Op and doing well!

Jan 09, 2008

Well it has been 3 weeks and 2 days since my surgery. I feel like I'm doing great. I've lost 51 pounds (25 pre-op)... so that's 26 pounds in 3 weeks! (1st time I figured that out... not so bad!) Anyways... Kind of wierd the scale actually went up about 2 pounds the other day, and it's finally back down to where it was but I haven't been losing much! I'm really hoping for atleast a pound down tomorrow. (hard to count the 2 pounds lost from after gaining....).

I've joined a gym, and I really like it. It's a smaller gym than the others in my area, which is nice because it's not very busy. I just have to make sure something will be on tv when I go so that i can keep my mind busy while working out. I think that's the hardest thing for me.

Eating has become almost a chore for me. I do enjoy it, but it's becoming repetetive and boring. Especially since all I have is protein. I would love to have some veggies, or... gasp... some potatoes or pasta or SOMETHING!!! lol. I know that won't happen for a looooong time, but a girl can dream.

I came back to work 4 days after my surgery... not that my job is terribly demanding. I'm a bookkeeper so it's mostly just desk work.

Aside from a constant feeling of being tired, and the occasional bad feelings I'm doing well. The last couple mornings I have been feeling kinda icky the first hour or so, but it passes.

4 Days to go....

Dec 13, 2007

Well, My surgery is Monday. I'm really excited, but I'm surprised at how calm I am being about it. I think I just got all my excitement out last month when I was anticipating getting my date and not knowing for sure whether or not I was even going to get the surgery. Now, I'm more just excited for the future and what I have to look forward to.

My grandparents are flying in on Saturday, and will be staying through Christmas and however much longer they feel the need to stay to care for me. I am so happy that they will be here to share this special time with me, and I'm just looking forward to spending some quality time with them.

I had my pre-op appointment yesterday. Got my labs and EKG done, and now I'm ready to finish out my pre-op diet for the next 3 days... really looking forward to those laxatives

Just staying busy with school.... I have 1 final today and 2 tomorrow, plus I need to do some cleaning and preparing for when my grandparents come.


Nov 16, 2007

Well I had my pre-op teaching yesterday and it went well. Learned exactly what to expect and what I'm going to have to do before and after surgery.

I thought that people who have had this surgery generally had 3 meals + 3 snacks throughout the day. My program has very specifically said that we are to have 3 meals and nothing more. It must work alright. They've been doing this for a while, and I have faith that they know what they're doing!

I also went to a support group last night and so it was really cool to see some people who have had this surgery in real life, and it was great to be inspired by them. One lady at the meeting does clothing alterations, which is very cool.

My mom took me shopping and got me some Atkins Advantage protein shakes for my pre-op diet, some baby wipes, 4 night gowns for while I'm in the hospital (even though I'll only be there for 2 nights.... she wants me to look nice LOL), and a pair of sweat pants that are 1 size too small and a shirt to wear with them. She was cracking me up... I was telling her that I didn't want this stuff cause I won't be able to wear it for much longer. I just wanted a couple cheap things to wear in the hospital. Anywho, I'm appreciative so don't get me wrong. And between now and my surgery I'll have lots of fun night gowns to wear. I even got a cute Christmas one so if I'm not feeling great on Christmas I can just chill in my awesome night gown :-P

Overall, I'm just getting more and more excited about my surgery. It's going to be here a lot sooner than I think it will be, though it seems so far away at the same time!

Weight going down...

Nov 15, 2007

Well as of this morning I lost an automobile tire and a guinea pig (21 lbs total). So yeah, I think this has a lot to do with the fact that I didn't have dinner last night. I'm very fluish right now so nothing sounds good and my throat hurts so it hurts to eat :-( Anywho, either way I'm excited to be down to 301. I should definitely be able to make it to below 300 before Dec. 17.... lol.


Nov 14, 2007

Well I finally got a date. December 17 (as I had hoped). As excited and happy as I am, I thought I'd be more excited. This could be due to a number of things:

1. I'm in the beginning stages of a flu :-(
2. This has been one of the busiest and most stressful weeks of my life.
3. Deep down I knew that this surgery would be happening on that day, and now it's just for sure. That would have been super bad if I was denied! I would have been very very disappointed.

Anywho, I'm very excited and can't wait to begin my new life.

Kind of funny.... today is my "half birthday" (months between my birthdays). So I was thinking... what a great half birthday present!!! The opportunity to become "Half of myself". Haha, anyways I'm just silly.

Woo Hoo

Nov 01, 2007

Sometimes I'm a bit self-conscience about how pushy I get. But, a lot of times it pays off for me in the end!

I was told at my consult with the surgeon that the hospital would be contacting me to make my next appointment. Well, today when I found out that my afternoon class was canceled for Tuesday I decided to call the hospital and see if whatever I need to do could be done then, so I wouldn't have to miss any class. Well, the next step for me is Pre-Op Teaching, which is offered as a class on certain days about once per week. Well it wasn't offered this Tuesday, but she said she'd schedule me for it while she had me on the phone! So, The week of the 12th is going to be hectic.

Monday the 12th: 7:00 Informational Seminar (again) with my Mom and David

Thursday the 15th: 2:00 Pre-Op Teaching, and 5:30 Support Group

I am hoping that my Mom will be able to make it down to meet me for the support group. We shall see. I'm getting so close! I can't wait to find out that I'm approved! (hopefully I am!)

Pre-Op Goal

Oct 31, 2007

I am officially setting a goal for myself; and I don't think it's gonna be too hard to reach but I have to say it so it's documented and I can't change my mind... lol.

I wanna be under 300
(whether it be 299 or less) by my surgery, which will hopefully be December 17. So yeah, I'm at about +/- 307 so, I have about a month and a half to lose a few more pounds, and whatever comes after that! Definitely do-able. .

I was bad with my diet yesterday. Totally cheated. But, today's a new day and I plan on making it a better/healthier day. Ok, I have a test tonight and need to study and stop distracting myself here. :-P

Surgeon Consultation

Oct 30, 2007

Met with the surgeon today. It was very short, and not very informative. Mostly just so we could meet and ask any questions I suppose. The surgeon was nice, but very short and kind of dry. But that's okay, I just need him to operate not perform stand-up comedy or be my best friend. So, now I wait for Shasta Regional to call me and schedule yet another appoint for I don't know what. And I should be hopefully getting some approval from my insurance soon.

He said that my requested date isn't unrealistic and that it shouldn't be a problem to get me in that day. (December 17!).

OH YEAH... since my mom asked so many "dumb" questions (I say dumb because they're things I've already talked with her about, and they were things that my dad and I already knew) I'm going to go with her to an informational seminar (the one that I went to at the beginning of this whole process). Kind of annoying to have to go and hear it all again, but I want my mom to be informed and understand exactly what I'm getting myself into. I've also requested that David come as well, and he agreed to. So, Nov 12 we go for that. It's partially my fault that she didn't go to the original seminar that I went to because the form that we got about it said to only bring 1 person because so many people come. However, we got there and there would have been more than enough room for 1 more person.

So yeah, I'll sit and wait a little more and hopefully they call me soon!

Surgeon Consultation

Oct 29, 2007

Well as of Sunday,  I have lost a sperm whale's brain (aka 16lbs)

I'm very happy to have lost the whole 16 lbs before my consultation with the surgeon (tomorrow!). I can't wait for my consultation, though I am a little nervous. There's a form for a physical evaluation, which makes me a weeee bit nervous. Mostly excited.

1) This is the last step before insurance approval
2) My mom AND dad are coming (been a while since they've been          together with me!)

I've got almost all of my paperwork together, and we're leaving at 7:45 tomorrow morning :-)

About Me
Chico, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 84

Latest Blog 17
Update... it's been a while :-P
Post-Op and doing well!
4 Days to go....
Weight going down...
Woo Hoo
Pre-Op Goal
Surgeon Consultation
Surgeon Consultation
