Need some Advice...

Mar 22, 2016

Logging back on after 4 Years...

I had the Gastric Bypass back in January 2010, I have been having some issues and was hoping I could find others that share the same Problem. To keep it short, I have always been very sensitive to food, lots of dumping and all the fun that come along with that seems to be very intense for me, Anyways I got down to my goal weight a after the 2nd year out which was 180lbs.

Felt great, felt happy, and kept it off for another year or so.  One day about 2 or so years ago I was out with friends and I had the most HORRIBLE Pain in my belly and lower back. Went home hoped it would stop and It didn't, ended up calling an ambulance and was given test after test after test and they said nothing was wrong with me. Sent me home all drugged up.

Every since that day I have never been the same, My sensitivity to food became even more and I dumped almost EVERYTHING I ate out within 30-40 iefmin, at times within minuites. Violent awful back pain also comes along with these attacks in which I have to bend over as far as I can for any type if relief, These attacks last for 40min-2hours. 

Needless to say I started loosing weight very fast, I then lost my periods, and lots of muscle loss as well, needless to say I felt like I was going to die. I have been to countless dr's and specialists and not one of them can tell me what happened to me that day that has made my life a living hell..

I got down to 105lbs and was in very bad shape (I'm 5'6) not to mention about 15-20lbs of skin. I currently have gained some weight after months of trying and being rejected for skin surgery because the surgen thought I was too thin and he could and would not be able to do any type of surgery on me cause I was "skin and bones" he said. 

I sadly still have violent Dumping almost 2-3 times a week and horrible back pain in my lower left side during these attacks..

If anyone out there has ANY IDEA what this could be or what I should do PLEASE please feel free to add me or message me.

THANKS FOR READING and any help or advice at all would be great! 

Angela :)



Jul 25, 2011

I Havent been on for over 8 months and just posted some UPDATE pics :) Having issues changing my avatar!

June Update

Jun 15, 2010

Hello Everyone, 
I havent been on in a while just thought Id write a update, Im doing Great, Im now down 93lbs! Today is my 5 month anniversary..WOOO HOOOO! Im feeling better then ever! Can fit in my old pants now and they are starting to get big, I cant believe it  This is the best thing I could have ever done for myself and I couldn't be happier. Hope all is well with all my Friends on here too. Love Ya
1 comment


Apr 15, 2010

Hello there, Just wanted to Update My profile here,  Im feeling and Doing GREAT! Down 69lbs as of today I actully Jogged on the Treadmill yesterday and I didnt DIE hahahhahah I dont think Ive EVER done that before....Still having issues getting all my food in and Protien, Somtimes I feel like i Eat more Vitamins and Protien Drinks then I eat food.  Im also taking Biotien and Using Nioxin in my hair to try and Prevent hair loss...Im really freaked out about that and doing my best to prevent it.  Other then that everything is great!! Getting closer and Closer to my 100lb goal!! Best thing I ever did was have the Surgery,  Although there are some rude and nasty people out there that are against it and try to bring me down, I just look on the bright side and try to ignore them.  Hope everyone is doing Great!! TTYL


Doing Great!

Mar 08, 2010

Just wanted to up date my Profile here, Its been a month or so sense I last Blogged, Im doing Really great and Starting to feel good about myself again .  So far in Total weight loss im down 49Lbs (Inculeding the 2 week diet before) Im starting to really enjoy life again, even went out with my friends to the Club for the first time sense the Surgery ( Jan 15th 2010 ) No Drinking Ofcourse hahahah Water for me lol But still had a great time, All my clothes are getting to big now, Had to shop already for some shirts,  Got a new hair Do and color for the new me.  Feeling Wonderful and full of energy, This was the best decison Ive every made. I look forward to reaching my goal

Wooo Hoooo

Feb 11, 2010

So Happy Today!! I broke 300!! Im 298lbs now 20lbs lost sense Jan 15th, 38lbs lost In total Sense Jan 1st!!  WOOOO HOOOO!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 08, 2010
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