New goals.. for Memorial Day 2009

Mar 08, 2009

So, I am on this lowcarb support site as well
and joined a challenge through Memorial Day.
now normally when I join a challenge and set goals, the goals are pretty much just weight related.
Although ultimately everything is relative to weight loss
I need to refocus my mindset from the number on the scale
to how fit I am, the way I feel, the way I look. and what I can now do as a result of my hard work.
I realized looking at the number on the scale although it is a nice way to track some progress
the scale number doesn't tell me how good I look or feel
I am starting to come to grips with the scale number isn't going to matter to me
if I reach some goal weight but yet still have to shop in the plus size stores.
Although, I don't really have an ultimate goal weight set..
I just realized would good would it do me to get down to let's say 180 lbs
but still wearing a size 26?
Not saying that is realistic or likely, but that just put it into perspective for me..
the weight is just one tool to track the loss.. but shouldn't be the end all be all for measuring progress..

I know this all sounds so simple, so elementary and just so..  'well, duh' .. (lol)
But for me.. getting to this point in and of itself is an accomplishment.

So with all that in mind, the goals I have now set are: 

Goal 1: I'd like to be able to shop in a 'regular store' and be able to shop in Victoria's Secret for more than the bath n body stuff.
Goal 2: I would also like to increase my work-outs to two-times a day:
before and after work with weights at least 2x a week consistently.
Goal 3: Being able to run on the treadmill.

If I remain focused on obtaining just these 3 things.. I know the numbers on the scale will be impacted as well.
I will still be weighing myself.. but, maybe only weekly.. breaking away from this multiple times through out the day has been tough, but the obsession with it was driving me crazy!
My surgiversary is the 24th.  I may just ditch the scale til I get to the doc's..



Feb 27, 2009

(start vent)

I am sooooooo freakin frustrated!!!
I have been stuck with the same dam few pounds for like a month now..
it's driving me up the wall!

I know I can't lose unless I work out..
and now I am working out 4x a week..

I do my zumba classes, which is 1 hr of serious cardio and sweat 2 x a week
and some other form of cardio ( like the elliptical) 2 other times a week.
I've been doing strength training for 2 weeks now..

I hit 250 this month.. which I was happy about.. but i been stuck there..
I got down to 247 earlier this week, but it's been bouncing back between the same few pounds..

So this is month 5 and my loss is almost nothing this month..

I don't know what else to do.. I understand the loss will not always be consistent..
we gotta lose inches.. the body has to adjust.. eat less, eat more.. write it down.. drink the water .. take the vitamins..
get more protein..

I've tried upping the protein,  eating only protein, adding nuts, taking away nuts, adding fruit, taking fruit away,
drinking protein twice a day with one meal, adding coconut oil, taking coconut oil away., drinking more water, now adding strength training to my work out plan..
AND STILL 250!!?!?

I know all of our bodies are different, but when I watch the weight loss shows on tv..
and let a person go a week without losing ... it's just assumed it's cause the person hasn't done what they were supposed to do..  but they can fly with one week.. but two?? or three??? no loss?? 
they would be voted off..

so with that in mind..
i feel like .. i'm just not doing what i should ..
i am missing something
but what??? 

I know alot of people lose the most in the first 6 months..
I've already been losing slow for a RNY patient as it is..
and to not lose in month 5??? 

UGH!!! I could throw this pity party all dam day but I have to get to my Zumba class..
lol I've gotten to a point where I don't feel good if I don't work out..
blah.. I wish it would just show on the darn scale!
(end vent)

Now that I had to let all that out..
I keep getting compliments about how good I look
how young I look
.. and yes I notice the changes..
I feel bones.. (whoa)
I can feel my collar bone..
Like just a little bit to go before I can actually SEE it!
I got rid of 4 huge trashbags of clothes.. donated to charity..
I can actually fit into some stretch size 18 jeans .. (wow)

yes, God is good!



Feb 12, 2009

Alright.. I've been around here since last spring/summer.. but I haven't added much detail..

I started this process May 2008.  That was my first pre op visit.
At the time I was 330.  My all time highest weight.  I was a horrible pre op patient.  My appts with the surgeon were 30 days apart.. so I would eat like normal then try to cram in a diet before the appt.  That worked for the 2nd appt.  But, by the time I had my last pre op.. I got myself back up to 330 again.  My doc told me either lose some weight or I wont do the surgery.  So I lost 16 lbs between end of August and September 24, 2008.   I weighed 314 the day of surgery.

So.. here we are.. 4 months..
almost 5.. and I'm currently at 250.. so 64 since surgery in 4 months..
Overall.. an 80 lb loss since August..

It's amazing how I'm already almost 6 months out.. the time really did fly...
but.. then again.. it feels like it's stuck ..
I'm 80 lbs lighter... but I wanted .. I thought.. I woud have lost quicker..

I also thought, I would have lucked out and would be able to do this
by diet alone...
Unfortunately, my body didn't agree .. in order for me to lose -(which is not necessarily a bad thing) -
I have to work out..

I would always hear stories about people just skirting by and the weight melting off within 6 months..
I was really kinda jealous about it..
lol I still kinda am.. but

I am active now... I inspire other people to get up, get out and work out..
watch what they eat..
and just in general take care of themselves..

I started working out at home... first it started with the wii fit..
then that got boring...
then I moved to walk away the pounds..
and then I got bold and tried Jillian Michael 30 day shread... great work out... i'm just not ready for Jillian..
soo I found a God send--- Turbo Jam... and I am in love with it!
great great workout... fun fun funn... and even more fun.. and whew it gets a great sweat going.. love it!

I just did a trial gym membership.. which has zumba...
i HEART zumba!..  it's fun sexy sweaty and did i say fun? lol fun is important..

I wasn't going to join a gym.. but the zumba is so great... I may just shell out the ridiculous amount of money... I gotta see if they will give me the recession discount after this trial lol

One thing I really want to break myself away from is the scale..
I think I'm addicted to weighing myself... lol is that possible?
My dr. told me not to look at it everyday...
so far i've failed that lol.. I'm going to try not to look til I hit my 5 month mark..
We'll see...

Welp.. this ended up longer than I expected... I'll try to keep up with this from now on..

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About Me
Rutherford, NJ
Surgery Date
May 03, 2008
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