
 i hope in writting my journey will be helpful to anyone who may read it  ...

i am a 48 year old female been fighting the buldge many times just to have more of again then a loss. i am remarried to a wonderful man who supports me in everything i do. i have 4 grown childen 3 girls 1 boy, and my husband has 3 grown boys,and we  have 10 grand children from 6 months to 8 years old and they are such a joy.

my journey started  2  y r's ago when we went to a family member's funeral and seen a family member who was over weight the last time i had seen her. well she had the gastric bypass
and she looked great !!! we chated a while and she told me about her journey and right there and then i wanted it!!!!well when i arrived home i went right on to this sight and just kept on reading the journels....weeks went by and i decided to call for an apointment. well i went to a seminar at new britain general so i thought i was on my way but the insurance i had did not cover the wls. well i was pissed but i never gave up the dream. time passed and i just kept reading  journel wanting this wls so bad we were thinking of self pay and go to mexico but i was afraid if i were to get ill or something went wrong i just couldn't do it. well with all of the reading i have done i started to read the memorian and i said oh my i was happy that i could
not have it done the risk was to much so i decided not to have it and i was talking with the family member who had it done and she said how about the lapband .so i started to look in to that and decided it was more for me!!! so since then i have changed jobs and my company covers the wls  YES!!! i have called fairfield bariatric and went to the seminar on june 26 ,07
went to my psychotherapist ,already had a physical dr said i have diabetes witch is in my family. i also see dr.ehrlich july 12,07 and the nutrition on the 13 so this time i am on my way i was given a date aug 28,07. i needed to get the letter from my pcp for the  insurance and that  took almost 2 weeks they kept telling me they are going to fax it and then when i would call  dr ehrlich's office they said they did not recive it i was getting so fr
ustrated. i could not believe that my pcp droped the ball on me.............well it finally was set friday on the 27 it was submitted to the insurance i do not think i will have any problem with them it is a pretty good
insurance.   i got the call that i was approved !! it took a couple of weeks ,but i am all set i can not wait. i am doing the 1000 cal diet as of yesterday and i have the pre op in the morning at 9 so i need to get up and head down to bridgeport in the morning .
well i was down 6 lbs, went for a chest x-ray and the blood work.  everything is going along just fine.
aug,21,07 today i went to the dr.s and got the results of my sleep study  she said that i awake 25 times during my sleep and i stop breathing from 12 to 18 times an hour. and my oxagen goes down to sixty. they are comming this afternoon to hook up a cpap machine. so maybe i wont feel so tired anymore.and she also took my weight and according to there scale and mine i was down another 4lbs i am doing ok with the pre-op diet.sunday  , monday just liquids.

aug 29,07
well i am on the other side i arrived at the hospital by 7:30 got regerstered,paid the deductable and was sent to the 3rd floor where i waited to see the dr,s i was set up with the iv
i walked in to the or at 9:37   the dr  had also repaired a hernia but everything went well
i drank all my cranbury juce and ate my jello and had some water and ice chips over 6hr period. and i left the hospital at 4:30 this morning to see my grandaughter off to school for her first time. so i am on the losing side. i lost 14lbs on my pre op diet and i am ready to lose more. till again.

well i am feeling fine but lots of gas...........been doing a lot of walking but it only helps a little
i am also taking gas x. i did go to foxwoods today won 250.00 on my first slot. but of course it went back. couldn't wait to leave. i am trying to do some stuff around the house small things just to keep moving. ihope when i awake in the morning the gas will be gone.....

well today i was still very gassy, and getting weak it was an effort to talk. so i called the dr's office  and said i shouldn't be feeling this way since i was drinking my protein and i said i have not had any protein and said well thats why so dh took me to the vitamin shop and we picked up different flavors of isopure..

well feeling better today not so gassy and not as weak so the protein was the key..

well today was really good, i feel 90% back to normal. i went with my 2 daughter's and the grandkids to the park it was such a nice day.i also feel like eating something solid and have a cup of coffee but i know if this band is going to work for me  i need to work for the band right now and before long it will come. so far so good.

today was good, we took 1 of our grandaughters fishing at the dep in old lyme, did not catch anything. i just sat and watched what a nice day. well i did my week of clear liquids,so tomarrow i will move to full liquids i can not wait!!

today i feel real good i am thinking about going back to work tonight,but since i have todo a lot of bending and lifting i am not sure if it is a wise choice,but then again it is for only 4hrs.
i do have enough eto to take the rest of the week of f  i quess i will think about it.
well i will be going back to work on friday as long as the dr. says i could. since i also had a hernia repaired.

i had my first fill today.by becky i asked her if it will hurt and she said i will feel a prick well i felt nothing she poked me 3 times and it was pain free. i was amazed.... she gave me 2 cc in my 10 cc band. told me to do liquides for 2 days then soft for 2 days and then i can go back to my regular diet.. i go back in 2 weeks for another fill.

i had a 2nd fill 2cc.

oct,18,07 had a 3rd fill 2cc i am 6cc now,  

oct,25,07 had a 4th fill of 1cc up to 7 total

oct,27,07 had 1/2 cc taken out

dec,12,07 i had 1/2 of the half of cc put back in

jan,28,08  i am down 70 lb  ( i love this band )

jan,31,08 i had  a fill today 1.2

3,23,08  well i have not had another fill in a while i seem to be doing just fine with the band.
i have day's that i just can't eat alot and then there are day's that i have no trouble at all.

april 30,08 had a small fill

may 15,08 had a fill 1/2 cc.

aug 6,08  went to my pcp and all my blood work came back great bp is normal. i am down 109 lbs  my 1 year with the band is aug,28. and i would do it again in a heart beat !!
my bmi is 27.3

Nov27,2012 here I am now waiting to hear from insurance to see if they will approve a revisionI have a slipped band




About Me
newington, CT
Surgery Date
Apr 14, 2006
Member Since

Friends 12
