6 months

Sep 30, 2011

I have reached my 6 mos surgiversy.  I have officially lost 97 lbs from my highest weight.  My Dr. said "we have a success on our hands"  He was very pleased.  I feel so good and I have so much energy.  check out my photos to see" the incredile shrinking woman"


Jun 13, 2011

i finally put some photos up.  2 days pre-op and 3 mos post-op which was 4 days ago.  I;ve lost somewhere between 50 and 60 lbs.  I'll be going to Flagstaff to see my bariatrician next week.  I should have an acurate weight loss then.

Chicken Soup for the soul and body

Apr 22, 2011

The chicken soup wasn't too bad. I didn't find it as difficult to eat  as the straight chicken .Ground Turkey is a little dry.  I tried a little bit of hamburger today.  That was pretty good. Learning how to eat is quite an adventure.

5 weeks postop

Apr 17, 2011

I am struggleing with eating meat.  I can't really stand the taste or texture of chicken.  Tuna is only slightly less so.   I'm trying chicken one more way today, I'm making some soup.   I was able to eat ground turkey last nite and didn't experience the taste/texure thing.  Has any one else experienced this and if so do you have any suggestions?
1 comment

1 month postop

Apr 11, 2011

I am at the 1 month mark and so sick of pureed foods I took myself to the next stage a few days early.  "real" food tastes so much better.  tomorrow I finish with the heperin shots....yaaay....SO progress, 25 labs lost! today I walked up the street a ways for the first time in many years. I've been doing what i call "shop/walks" for 3 wks.  thats where I can use the shopping cart to lean on when my back begins to hurt too much.  couldn't even do that before surgery.


day6 post op

Mar 15, 2011

Do the crazy emotions begin this early?   or is it my fitful nite  with too many wakeful times?

Day 4 post opt

Mar 13, 2011

I'm feeling much better today.  Haven't taken any pain meds yet today.The pain when I cough is less so all in all i think I'm doing pretty good.  Still a little seepage at one of my incision sites.

2 days pre-op

Mar 07, 2011

I weighed and took my measurements today.  I haven't done that for a long time.   It was too depressing.  I liked not knowing that way I could ignore those numbers more easily.Tommorow we go up to Flagstaff and will spend the nite at Taylor House. A wonderful place across from the hospital that offers a low cost place to stay for people and families in the hospital.  Tommorow I will pack.  Wed. my surgery is scheduled for 3:30.


Mar 05, 2011

Hunger is a tricky thing..  I am told that that there is fake hunger as well as real hunger, and that I need to learn the difference. This last 1 and half weeks  I have felt hungry many times.
Was it real hunger or not.  I don't know.  I was eating less than had been usual for me.  Bottom line is that being hungry won't kill me.   I'm not likely to starve to death any time soon.  4 days till surgery day!

countdown continues

Mar 04, 2011

Yesterday I had some last minute lab work done,  continuing on my "2 week diet" but  I'm hungry.

About Me
Feb 18, 2011
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