Wow been a while

Apr 22, 2012

I just updated on some of my friends. Sorry that I have not been on in a while. For the friends that are going through a stall right now, it will end. I thought mine would never end. And now I am dropping just like in the beginning. Keep up the protein and water and you will get through it. It is so discouraging, believe me I know. It was hard for almost a little over a month for me. But now it is going good again. Everything with me is good. I haven't been in the hospital in a while. lol Which is a good thing. I just seen my surgeon and he gave me a great report, don't have to go back for three months. yes! He couldn't believe how well I looked from the first time he seen me in his seminar. I gave him a huge hug and thanked him for taking care of me so well. My next appointment is on Thursday for my kidney cancer. I will find out if the tumor grew or if they are going to do something about it. Scared, worried and my anxiety is so high. But trying to stay positive. I have to stop thinking about it so I don't go nuts. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great week. And remember we all went through the stalls and they will END!!! Promise. It is nothing you are doing. We all had them.
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Dr Appointment

Mar 23, 2012

I finally went to my knee dr and he said nothing about how over weight I was. He actually said I look good. WOW. First ever dr appointment I went to that weight was not thrown up for the reason that I had a problem. Love it!!!

Some Good News for a while

Feb 27, 2012

The scale started to move again. Yes!!! And I just weighed myself.199lbs. Under 200 by a lb, but still under 200. Can't believe it. I have not weighed less then 200 probably since middle school. Sad but true. I just started to cry. I have been waiting for months to get that little bit of weight off and it finally is here. The final stretch of 50 more lbs till goal. I wonder if I can do it before the year is up in June. I am excited again about losing. It has been a while, especially with having to lose the gained weight also. But I did it. The surgery did it. I may actually weigh 150 lbs by June. Just in time for summer. What fun I will have this year. Visiting a friend, Mel, in June and probably the shore too. Can't get any better. We are going to shop for clothes. I am starting to like my clothes shopping now that it is easier to find some. And in any store too. When I get down to finalgoal I am going to go to the GAP. I never bought clothes in that store. There are a lot of stores I want to shop in. Now I can't wait. I am excited I also get to mark another goal down. Now next goal is 175. Hope it keeps coming off like these past two weeks. I will be in good shape. Thanks for all the support that is provided with my friends at OH. And thanks to Mel to for being there like an angel.

Still gaining weight

Feb 12, 2012

I am still at the weight gain. Another 7.7 lbs. I can't stand it. I even been cutting out the snacking. Protein is not my friend right now. I gag even if it is thinned out. Any ideas? Why am I still gaining? How do you get your protein in every day? I really am depressed about this now. I have not lost weight in over a month now. Just gained. Anyone else do this? I am so bummed. I feel like crying because of this. I feel like I reached as much as I am going to lose. And it just isn't enough for me. I want the last 60 some lbs to also be gone. Any help would be appreciated!!!!!

Really eating bad for myself

Feb 05, 2012

These past couple days I have found that chips, pretzels and crackers are not hard to eat. So what do I do, the same thing the old me would do......I eat them. not just a little here and some there. I go all out on them. BBQ chips have a more spicy taste now, so they only are a maybe chip here and there. Goods potato chips are perfect for dipping in onion dip. It tasted so good. Now everytime I go out to the kitchen, I tell myself."Only 3 but end up taking about 15. " Well I need some words of wisdom on how to get rid of this "over grown snack attack." I have to stop. This probably one  of the reasons I didn't lose any weight. I gave all the bad stuff to my daughter to take to my parents house. Then I don't have it here to pick at it. I feel quilty, sad, depressed, and other feelings that I am sure most of us know How I am feeling. I went shopping and boaght protein bars and snacks that cover some protein instead of food that means nothing but badness. Give it to me straight how bad I was. Scare the crap out of me so that I won't do it again. Thanks for your help
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Dad's Birthday

Feb 02, 2012

Today Feb 2, was my dad's 62nd  birthday. Everyone ate strombolies, pizza and cake. And I had no problem with being the only one to eat chicken fingers. I got two down and then gave the rest to my daughter and nephew, it felt good not to feel like I was out of place, or "special". Everyone asked why I was just eating that. I said it has to due with the dough. It makes me sick. And that is all I needed to say, everyone understood. I had a sliver of cake. When I say sliver, I mean you could see threw it. lol And I was fine with that. I even made the cake for my dad at work. So it was special for him. It was a good day at work. I love to decorate cakes. So a specialist came in today and showed me a few more tricks and how to do some different cakes. She said I did awesome and should become the Asst. Manager. Wow! That made me feel so good that she thought I did that well. And there were three employees in the bakery and everyone asked me what to do, how to do things and of course what was going wrong. I did feel like the manager today. The specialist asked why they all come to me. I didn't know. I just took care of each question, problem or whatever it was as they came up. It just felt good. And I think the best part right now is that when I go to work there are construction workers in the store. And I already caught a couple taking a look at me, when I look at them they turn their heads. I am not use to that. I know construction workers are known to be like that. But when I was above 300 lbs. I never got looked at like this. It makes me want to look nice when I go to work. I put makeup on and just try to look nice. And putting makeup on in a bakery is daring since I have moist proof boxes that I am going in and out of, steam from the dish washer or the sinks. I am lucky I don't look like a racoon by the time day is done. lol
Well I blogged enough for the day. Just wanted to share the good things that happened today. If I become asst. manager I will let you know, I will love it and the raise does make even better. ;)
Have a great weekend.
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Gained weight, WHAT?

Jan 28, 2012

I gained 4lbs in two days, I am so depressed. I don't know what I ate to make it go up. I am hoping it is just water, from that time of the month. And that is another thing I am worried about. I am a week late. I hope it means nothing!! Sorry had to vent, and this is such a better support system then facebook. Some things I don't want family to know. And most don't understand like my friends on OH. I have to up the protein some more and see if I can get back down. I hate weight gain, it is so depressing. Hope everyone else has a better week.
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Slow but steady.

Jan 27, 2012

Well  I have 9 more lbs now till goal. It is going slow again, but atleast not a stall or stand still. I have been eating a lot of greek yogurt. I also bought new protein shakes that I know don't give me 30+ protein but I wanted to see if I liked the taste better. I hope that the 9lbs come off a little faster. I had surgery June 20th of last year. My hope is to lose the 59 lbs I have left before the year date. I can't do anything but just wish and keep my protein up. I hope everyone else is doing good. I actually made it the whole month so far without being in the hospital. woo hoo. lol Keep me updated on how you are doing. It would be very nice to hear from everyone.

12 more lbs till next goal. wooo hooo

Jan 18, 2012

Still breaking the stall thank goodness. I lost another 5 lbs in 6 days.  down to 212 with 111 lost. whooo hooooo lol
I have only 12 lbs till next goal. Wish it would have came faster but I am happy with what I have now. Hope everyone has a great day.

Happy Sunday

Jan 07, 2012

Woo hoo, finally broke that darn 219 mark. lol It seemed like I was there for two months, but if I look at my blog I know I wasn't. But it was nice to see the scale move down instead of up or the same. When I  came home from the hospital I gained 9 lbs, so I took a water pill and lost It was crazy. 17 more lbs to my next goal of weighing 200 lbs. I am so excited, all I did was up my protein shake from one scope to two. Just got done work from midnight to 8, and thought l would check where the weight is. But I am now back at weighing myself every day again. Which is bad. Very bad. I have to stop it. I will try to stick to sunday mornings and then see where I am at for the week. Any one else weigh themselves everyday? Just wondering if I am the only one. Hope everyone has a great week. Take good care.


About Me
Gilbertsville, PA
May 22, 2011
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