Jul 05, 2008

It's been 9 months since the surgery and WOW -- what a difference.  I went swinging on the swings and bike riding with the grandson and actually kept up and wasn't tired or winded -- relearned to stand up to pump the bike up hills.

I've lost all my goal weight -- slam dunked the weight loss of 60 pounds predicted at my original nurse visit (the standard 60%), and have moved into maintenance mode.  

I wake every morning with the PLS attitude to strive to be the best I can be at making healthy choices.  I keep this in my head all day EVERY time I make a choice.  Not always perfect, but keeping the gift I received with this surgery at the front of my decisions helps all the time.

Have had lots of stress lately.  My eldest daughter, Sarah, moved 35 miles away (into her BF's home which is now referred to as their home) -- and yes, she took the grandson with her.  I told her she couldn't, but she did it any way.  So having my little guy a mile away is gone.  No more calls at bedtime asking for amma to come over to give him a kiss goodnight.  We've gone from being every day grandparents to maybe once a week grandparents.  It has been a big adjustment for all of us.  Even the DH was a little teary eyed when the night before they moved, he realized this was the last time we did after school daycare and they went off on their little adventures until mom and I got home from work.  We did it in stages over the past six months so Koleby would adjust without feeling too many changes, but the finality of it still hurts.

Sarah has found happiness with her BF, Brad.  He owns a home in the Lino Lakes area and has welcomed her and Koleby into his heart.  He's a good guy who loves them both very much.  Has stepped right up to the plate with being a good influence in Koleby's life and helping with his care (picking up and dropping off, sports activities, etc.)  It's a big adjustment for him to go from bachelor to full time ready made family, but they are adjusting.  Koleby has also been a great little guy since the move was final too.  The apprehensions of how things were going to work out are finally gone so he's had a better attitude which helps.  They aren't hearing "you're not my dad" any more -- Koleby has accepted him as the "alpha male" of the home.  They joke about marriage all the time, but are comfortable where they are right now -- dang, I'm looking forward to the Mexico or Hawaii marriage vacation now!!!!  Sarah and I work for the same company so I see her every day (when I'm at work) so that's great!! 

The house they lived in (our prior residence) is up for sale so the first home my hubbie and I built together will be gone soon too.  We haven't considered it our HOME for 4 years, but the final stage for that too.  Someone else will come in and change it all up and it will become their home.

My youngest daughter, Carrie, has begun the house hunting with her long time BF, Justin.  However, it is in the Owatana area -- the other end of the cities.  Great -- from one end to the other.  They aren't talking marriage yet either.  A few more years for that she says.  She does her ultra sound technician stuff at two places (Mercy in Anoka and another hospital/clinic in Northfield).   She's loving it.  She's pass two of the four state tests for her permanent licensure so she's plugging right along.  I see her once in a while (her schedule is nuts) but we talk all the time.  She's coming to grips with the weight loss, but still has some issues with me losing the weight and her perception of herself because of it.  But I've come to the realization I can't be responsible for a 26 year olds perception of herself -- I have to worry about me.  She is a woman and needs to do her own thing.  She'll always be my daughter, but she needs to create her own life and learn to live and love herself on her own.

Have been married to the world's best man 22 years this month.  Still so dang happy I can't stand it.  It sooooo doesn't feel like 22 years -- more like 2.  Funny how my first marriage to my daugher's father was five years and seemed like 25.  It's a long time married when you aren't happy is such a true statement!!!!  Jeff is still the sweetest, most loving person I have ever met.  He keeps me laughing all the time, and it is sooooo nice that we actually are on the same thinking track -- funny when I ask him something and he says, I was just thinking the same thing.  We are both very very very content with each other.  Just ask him (in front of me) any time and I'm sure he'll tell you the same thing!!! HEE HEE!!!!  I love his elbow test when he hugs me -- he can now touch both his elbows when he hugs me -- wasn't close 9 months ago.  He's always telling me how proud he is of me losing the weight and how relieved he is that I'm going to be around for a long time.

Keep working with your tools people -- and appreciate the gifts that will come with making healthy choices.


OMG!!!! I'm still so surprised!!!

Mar 29, 2008

What a ride this has been.  My BMI went from 37.2 (yes, I'm a light weight) to 22!!!  Holy Hannah!!!  I'm anxious for the summer and spending time outside playing with the grandson.  He is planning for us to rollerblade (he'll use his new healy's though), go for walks to Thomas Lake and fish off the dock, and to play tag outside......And I can do it now!!!

I'm so much healthier and can really FEEL it.  I can just strap the grandson on my back for a few minutes and WOW -- I've lost more than my almost 8 year old grandson.  I can't believe how much it hurts, physically, to carry that around for even 5 minutes now!!!  My poor body -- espcially my heart.  

Don't regret a minute of this and can't wait to live my future!!!


Dec 23, 2007

I'm  2 1/2 months out and 60 pounds down!!!  Holy crap!!  I can't believe the transformation -- and my BMI is around 27 now -- 10 points in 2 months.  Absolutely amazing!!!  This surgery was such a blessing -- I have new health, a new outlook on life, and a bunch of new friends!!!  

I'm very excited for the new year and the blessings it will bring.  You are all in my prayers for continued success and happiness!!


About Me
Eagan, MN
Surgery Date
Jun 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 75

Latest Blog 3
OMG!!!! I'm still so surprised!!!
