LBL and Thigh Lipo Update

Jul 23, 2008

I haven't written i  here for a while, but i am now about 8 weeks out of ,y PS/ I'm feeling pretty good. ido have alot of feeling coming back to my legs and where my LBL insecions are. I love the upper portion of my stomach and my new belly button.... I do have a little bit of a pouch on my lower stomach, but the Dr did warm me it would be there. He did not want to go to agresssive and have the cuts ripe apart. I am having my thigh lift on Aug 28th. He will also fix the lower stomach at the same time.  I took some now pictures and compared them to the ones before the surgery and OH My God what a change. I didn't even relize that Dr. Karzen was a miricle worker!!!!! My leg with just the lipo are half the size they use to be. My stomach is flat and  I have a small waist.  What my proble is sometimes is that I thought I'd have the skin pulled so tight that I would see all the muscle under, but I have to relize I weight 419 lbs and I'll will never have the modles on TV's body. It is just unrealistic. I really do love my body and the way it came out and I will go back to my workout s as soon as I can.  My weight is down to 180 lbs and I am now wearing size 10 and some 12. It just depends on the maker. If it is pants with no butt area then I go to size 12. My PS told me after my next surgery he sees me going to single digit sizes, but I'm happy with sizse 10. I'm bigged boned and I don't want to look unhealthy. This is smallest I have ever been. The smallest size I remember being back in my twenties was a size 14.

Plastic Surgery June 5th 2008

Jun 19, 2008

Well I did it . I had my LBL and Lipo on my thighs. My lowest weight was at 194, but with all the extra eating of protein I was at 205 lbs on the day of surgery. Dr Katzen in Caliornia is my Dr. He has a great bedside manners and the work I have seen of his is great. I went to see other PS before I choose him. I went to two of his seminars and have talked to over 20 of his clients. I felt very comfortable with my choice in him. 

Ok about the surgery. My surgery was scheduled for &AM and was to be a 10 hour proceedure. I arrived at the Beverly Hills Surgical Center at 6AM. By 6:15 I was being questioned by everyone on medical history and was being marked by Dr. At 6:45 we were ready to start suregry. I was not at all nervous and the anethesiologist started my IV. The next thing I new the surgery was over and I was waking up 8 hours later. I told the nurse that I had to go to the bath room adly. She then informed me that I had a catheter and that it was probably pain I was feeling and she gave me some pain medicine. They then informed me I would be going to my recovery house at the Beverly Hills Hilton in 2 1/2 hours because they had to monitor me longer. I then was out like a light again. I woke up about 1/2 an hour before I was to be transported to the recovery center. My back was killing me from laying down for so long.  They then dressed me in my momo with snaps down the front. Which was the best thing I could of brought to wear. Imagine tring to get sweats on after such a big surgery..... Then then said they were going to help me get into a wheel chair. I thought Oh my God are they crazy.!!!!!  Thank God for my daily working out, because I was able to lift myself and get to the wheel chair.  They told me they never seen anyone get into the wheel chair so easily and that they usually need 2 nurses to lift the patients. I was then wheeled out to the smallest Acura I have ever seen. I thought how the hell am I going to bend my body and sit in this small car. The girl transporting me wanted to sit me in the back of the car and the nurse from the surgery center told her that she must be crazy thinking shes going to sit me in the back seat. Shge told the girl she's sitting in the front seat. We all managed to get me into the car and I nooded off all the way to the recovery center.

August 07

Aug 07, 2007

August 8, 2007

~It’s been along time since I last updated my profile. Let see where to start. Well I’m weighing 233 right now. My weight loss has slowed down a little. Last month I only lost 8 lbs. This month I’ve lost about 13 lbs so far. My BMI is at 37.1 right now. It’s way down from the 67 it used to be. My Dr’s goal weight for me is 200 lbs so I’m 33 lbs away, but I want to lose an extra 20 lbs. So I have about 53 lbs to go. I’m in the process of going to PS consultation. I have (2) I’m looking at right now. I want to have this surgery on the first of the year. I sure hope my insurance covers some of it. I want to first have the LBL done. Then I need to do my thighs. From there I want a breast lift and my arms done. It’s going to be a lot of money…….. One of the Dr’s told me I have about 28 lbs of excess skin in my mid section. With all the excess weight that is going to be removed I am not sure what weight to stop at on the weight loss. Other thing on my mind is how do you stop losing. At 170 I look healthy still, but once I got lower I started looking sickly. Maybe I should worry about it yet. Hopefully I will just get down to the weight and keep it off. I still work out every day and try to walk 5 days a week. I’m at a new job right now and I walk a lot right now. My legs are even sore. I started doing step aerobics at home when I can’t go to the gym and I’m going to start an aerobics class at the church. It’s only on Fridays at 9 am. I’ll be going every other Friday on my days off. I’m on the 9/80 work schedule. I get so many compliments daily from people I know and even people that just use to see me around and never meet. I’m so shock when they compliment me. It feels so good. Especially when they call me skinny. Even though I far from that. It’s wired all the attention you get especially from the opposite sex. I’m also seeing that women are very jealous. I don’t mind it makes me feel better about myself. I’m working so hard and I’m still the same person inside. If they can’t see that then I don’t need them for friends. Life is good and I’m so active and can keep going and going and going. Kinda like the energizer bunny….. I’m also suppose to go to Magic Mountain at the end of September for my job picnic. I haven’t been to an amusement park in 14 years because of my weight. I didn’t want to be embarrassed trying to fit in the seat of the roller coasters. I’m not afraid I won’t fit anymore. I’m ready to go out and start living again. I also look forward to going to restaurants, because I know I’ll fit in all the booths. I even have plenty of room that I need to sit forward or move the table towards me because the booths are to big……… ~

May 07

May 07, 2007

May 8, 2007

~It's been awhile since I've updated my profile. I'm am now weighing 273 and I have between 73 to 93 lbs to lose. My weight loss has slowed down the last 3 weeks. I've only lost 5 lbs. Hopefully it goes back up, because I want to get to my goal weight. I had my 6 months Dr's appt. All test came out good and I have no problems. Execpt to a stomach ache when I drink lukewarm water. The Dr gave me medichine for ulcers, but I think it's a stomache virus. I started taking the medicine and the acheing stopped 2 days later. I'm still not sure what it was. I'm still going to Curves at least 4 times a week and I walk 1 mile daily. This operation is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. I would do it over again if I had to. I can stand up al day and walk all day. I have no more aches and pains. I can also sit on the floor and push off the ground to get up. Before I use to have to look for a chair or something to hold on to for the help. I'm getting some many compliments daily from everyone around me. It feeld so good to have all the attention again. I feel attractive again. It's kinda nice having younger guys flirt with me. It raelly helps my self estem. I did run into a sabatoging(sp) friend though. She kept on trying to make me eat some cake. She would say uummm it's so good. I just told her I don't want or crave it and that it's nice not having a double chine anymore as I eyed hers!!!!! Thank God I'm not w weak person........~

March 07

Mar 07, 2007

March 8, 2007

~It been about 2 months since I last updated my journal. My weight lose has slowed down. I'm now at 304 lbs and I've lost 115 lbs since highest weight and 95 lobs since surgery. I at 5 months now. I just hope I can lose the rest of my weight. I walk 1 mile everyday at work and I go to Curves 5 times a week. I'm still in size 28, but feel like I'm going to be going into size 26 soon. I hope. I'm thinking of doing the platue dieting to kick up my weight loss. My Six Month Dr's appt is April 11. I wanted to be at 280 lbs by then,but the way I'm going I should be in the 290's hopefully. I do feel like I'm losing inches instead of pounds. Especially on my waist, rear end and thighs. My insurance finally paid my Dr's bills, but I'm seeing that I owe about $1600.00 out of pocket even though I already paid. I will need to call the Dr's office and ask about this. My next update will be after my Six month appt.~

March 12, 2007

~I've started to lose weight the way I was in the beggining. I've been losing 5 lbs a week for the last 2 weeks. I hope this keeps up. I read a post that a girl in the October website wrote about their Dr telling them the honeymoon period is over and that we will start losing slow for now on. I said to myself I Refuse to believe that. I'm going to keep losing. I keep going to Curves 5 days a week and I walk everyday at work on lunch time. I know we have some weeks are weight loss is slower, but I know I will get to goal weight. My lose right now is 120 lbs. My weight is finally under 300. I'm at 299. So don't believe what anyone tells you about the weight loss slowing down to a pound a week. Believe that you are going to have high numbers and keep working out and don't get discouraged by post you read. Eat your protein and drink your liquids.

March 27,2007

~I'm still losing 5 lbs a week. I'm so happy. It's been 4 weeks straight. I just hope I keep losing this way. I am down 130 lbs and 89 lbs to go according to my Dr. Even though I want to lose an extra 20 on top of that. I'm still staying away from bread and carbs as much as I can. I have found a great pasta I add in chicken soup. It's low carb. It's called Dreamfields. It is better then regular pasta. It also fills you up fast so eat your protein first. My 6 months Dr appt in April 9th. My goal is to weigh 280 lbs and I'm 9 lbs away from it. My clothes are getting lose and I'm starting to change sizes again. I'm so excited. I haven't seen my fiance's family since last fourth of July and everyone is coming down this fourth of July. No one has seen me since I've lost all this weight. I can'r wait to see how they react. Everyone at work is talking about my weight loss and how good I look. It feels really good. i even noticed I get so much attention from the opposite sex. My co-workers even treat me better especially the male, The females seem jealous, but I don't care. I feel good and I'm starting to look good. My hair lose has slowed down alittle, but I can't wait till I have my thick healthy hair back. I really miss it. ~

Jan 07

Jan 29, 2007

Jan 30, 2007

~It's been awile since I've written in my journal. There's not to much going on. I did have a 14 day platue. I finally fit into size 28 pants. I lost 12 more pounds within 5 days after my platue. I'm not losing as fast as I was and I'm 4 months out. I haven't dumped in 3 weeks and I could almost eat anything not that I do. I keep away from rice, breads , tortillas anything with alot of carbs. I'm down 96 lbs and 4 lobs away from the 100 lbs mark. I still have 123 lbs to go to be at my doctors goal, but I think I want to lose an extra 40 on that. I work out at Curves 6 days a week. I also walk at 2 miles a day. If I still have strenght I have a treadmill I walk on. I don't know why my weight loss has slowed down with all the exercise I'm doing. I keep my food intake under 850 calories and my protein from 70 to 90. I try to stay under 35 on carbs. I'll just keep on working out and hopefully I'll start losing 5 lbs a week like I was doing in December. ~

December 06

Dec 08, 2006

Dec 9, 2006

~ Well I'm now weighing in at 350. I've now lost 69 lbs. Boy I can't wait till I get down under 300. Everything has been going good with the exception of vomiting once a week. I don't know if I'm eating to fast or if meat and chicken it to heavy for my pouch. The only way that I can eat meat is in a soup. Or it has to be freshly made. I'll be able to eat alittle , but I can't have it the next day. I'll be off of work starting on Dec 15 till Jan 8th for Christmas Vacation. I want to get back to Curves. I've been losing about 5 lbs a week give or take a couple of weeks of holding the same weight. Hopefully this will jump my weight lose up. I've been walking over a mile everyday. Hey and if I shop it's over 2 1/2 miles. ~

Dec 24, 2006

~Well it's Christmas Eve and I'm at home while everyone is making plans to go out. I really don't want to be by people who drink, because I'll want to have a drink too. I'm down 82 lbs and I've been working out at Curves daliy. I'm feeling really good now. The only thing that is scaring me is that my Fiance is sick again and last time he got me sick 6 weeks out of surgery I got Broncitis. I was not able to work out or even walk to much. I just hope I don't get sick. My weight loss is about 5 lbs a week. I was able to up my loss to 7 lbs this week by going to Curves 5 times a week. I also skipped my period for December. Let's see what happen in Jan. I have my 3 months Post- Op on Jan 4. Hopefully I can lose another 10 lbs by then. That way I'll be almost at 100 lbs lose. I need 137 lbs to go to be at the weight the Dr wants me at. ~

November 06

Nov 11, 2006

Nov 12, 2006

~I had my one month Dr Appt. on Nov 6th. The scale said I lost another 12 lbs. I 've had a bad month. I got stomach flu 2 weeks after surgery and I finally got over it then I gained 5 lbs because of my monthly. I was at a plateau for 2 1/2 weeks. When my monthly did come I lost the 5 lbs plus another 5 at the end of it. I also caught a bad cold that is going on 2 weeks. I ended up missing 5 days of work. So all together as of today I have lost 49 lbs. I have 170 to go. ~

Nov 23, 2006

~Well It Thanksgiving Today and I get to cook since my parents kitchen is being remodeled . I lost another 9 lbs and now it's 58 lbs and 161 to go. I've been going through alittle depression lately. I'm not sure if it's PMS or if I'm just bored. I've been off of work since Nov 17th. I took a extra time off and I've been cleaning out all the closets and the kitchen. I started going through my cloths and putting them together by sizes.

October 06

Oct 01, 2006

Oct 2, 2006

“Surgery Day”

I’m told to be at the hospital at 6 am for my 9 am surgery. My family follows me and my fiancé to the hospital. I check in pay my deductible and wait. About a half an hour later a Pre –Op nurse calls me in to prep for surgery. The fist thing they do is weight you. I had lost 22 lbs. Then you take a pregnancy test. The Pre-Op nurse tells me why did they have you come in so early. Your surgeries not scheduled till 11 am. I tell her my Dr’s office changed it back on Sept 18. The Dr’s Office never confirmed it with the hospital or the surgeon. They send me back outside in the lobby with my family to wait for 3 hours. I’m very nervous by this time. I just want to get it over with. I’m sitting there thinking should I do this or not?

At 9:00 they call me back to get me ready for surgery. I changes into my gown and put in my IV (I hate IV’s).They also put warm blankets on you. They have beds that have TV’s hooked to them. They tell me just relax and watch TV and that there going to send my family in to see me for the last time before surgery. As soon as I hear that my eyes start watering and I want to cry. As I’m typing this it’s happening again…… I don’t know why I’m crying. I think it’s because there are so many emotions you go through with WLS. Well back to my story. So I think ok my turn should be next for surgery, but no there’s still someone ahead of me. They don’t take him till 10:30. So I’m told my surgery will be at 12:30. I’ve been at that hospital since 6 am. I’m hungry, thirsty and scared. Another nurse comes and gives me a breathing machine and shows me how to use it. I also had a visit from my Anesthesiologist. He talked to me for a while and gave me the feel good medication. I had a great Pre-Op nurse. She would come and ask how I’m doing every 20 minutes. She also made me fill comfortable.

My nurse goes to lunch and boy do I have to use the bathroom bad. Being on the liquid diet for 2 weeks I lived in the bathroom. My nurse comes back to check on me and I tell her that I have to go to the bathroom. She follows me with the big IV machine hooked to me. As soon as I get out of the bathroom my nurse tells me the Dr’s here to see you and you’ll be going to surgery soon. I lie back down and talk to him and he tells me it’s your turn. He said he’ll see me in the operating room. My Anesthesiologist comes back and I’m wide awake and not feeling anything. He gives me a little more of the feel good medication. They finally come to take me to surgery. I’m looking up at the lights thinking am I really going to do this…….

They have a soft leather bed that they ask me to slide on in the operating room and I have to two pre-op nurses putting the pumps on my feet and velcroing my arms down they start putting the heart monitors on me and all of a sudden I’m out…….. I don’t remember anything after that. The nest thing I sort of remember is waking up and hurting and the nurse taking to me telling me to press the morphine button. I press it and I’m out again. I wake up again saying I’m hurting and the nurse said I can press it every half an hour. I press it again. I remember them rolling me in my private room and my family was already in there waiting for me. Then I was out again. The next time I woke up I didn’t really feel to much pain just some achy, I used the morphine through out they night, but not a lot. My family went home, but my mother stood overnight with me. I was having the hardest time going to the bathroom and didn’t go till midnight. I also started walking as soon as I was clear headed. I walked about 5 times throughout the night. I was so thirsty and my mouth was dry. I asked the nurse if I could rinse my mouth and she said just don’t swallow, because I have to do the leak test in the morning. Throughout the night I had my blood taken twice. I had someone checking my oxygen levels throughout the day and night and I had the breath in machine they gave me to do every hour. About 8:30 am they came and got me to do the leak check. Boy was I scared to drink anything. I thought it’s going to hurt and taste ugly. They gave me a white liquid and told me to drink. It didn’t taste that bad and I didn’t hurt either. They turn to each side and forward. When I saw the picture of the x-ray my stomach looked peanut shaped. They take me back to my room and I’m told I have No Leaks (Thank God!!). They bring me bouillon a protein drink and water with crystal light. I’m thinking there’s no way I can drink all of this. I’m still full from the white liquid stuff from the test. They take the IV and tell me I can go home as soon as I eat something and make sure I can keep it down. I got home around 12 noon.

Oct 10, 2006

~It's my 1st week Post -Op Dr appointment. The scales says I lost another 9 lbs. I just hope I keep losing. I have the staples removed and visit with the Dr for a while. I'm also suppose to start taking my vitamins and medication for I won't get gall stones or ulcers. ~

September 06

Sep 03, 2006

Sept 4, 2006

I've been looking to RNY Surgery for awhile now. I found Dr Quebberman and his New Program. It was like a god send. His program also has a follow up for 2 years after surgery. I heard only good thing about him. When I did meet him for the first time he talks to you and and makes eye contact when speaking with you. Not like other doctors that are looking at your file while you talk. I did the education class and all my Pre-Ops. I have my consultation on Sept 6. I will be meeting with my Dr and have a Psyc Evaluation on the same day. I will also be meeting with a nutricanist. I will also be scheduling my surgery date too. I'm going to be having it done in Oct. I'm excited and alittle scared, but ready for this change that should've been done 10 years ago.

Sept 8,2006

I got my surgery date. It's Oct 2 at 11:00am. I have to still do my Pre-Op appointment on Sept 18 at 9:00. I also have to go to the hospital and do my Pre Admit at 11:00 on the 18th. I see my PCP on Sept 21 at 9:00am and I might have to do a liver Biopsy at the hospital at 1:30. They weren't able to get a good picture with the ultra sound. I'm not looking forward to this at all. I start my 2 weeks liquid diet on Sept 18 also. Boy am I gonna be moody. I going throughalot of emotions right now. I'm excited, nervous, scared etc. I'm also paying for this procedure myself. My Bue Shield, Blue Cross of Ill. PPO. Is good for nothing. They want me to have gone to a 12 months Dr Nutricianist within the last 2 years. I don't have another year to start up a new diet. I've been dieting for almost 20 years. I will be getting rid of then as soon as I can in July. I need to get a insurance that will help me pay for PS. Which i know I will be needing

Sept 12, 2006

I have an Angel!!!! Her name is LiTtLeMiSsY ;o). I talked to her yesturday and she seems like a great person. Very helpful and knowledgable. I'm looking forward to getting to know her better.

Sept 19, 2006

I went and did my Pre-Op and Pre- Registration at the Hospital. My surgery time is moved up to 9:00 am. So I have to be there at 6:00 am. Oh boy 3 hours to sit there and wait. I hope my nerves don't get the best of me. What really scared me today was the hospital asking who will be my power of attorney. They also told me about life support. I must of went pale when the Pre- Op nurse asked me, because she started saying we have to ask and blah blah blah. It's so hard talking to my mother about this, because we both start tearing up. Like I'm doing right now while typing this. Ok back to happy thought. I can't wait to be able to fit into my smaller cloths. I also can't wait be be able to run around and do all sort of things. No more resting all weekend to go back to work on Monday.

I recieved my bills from BSBC and they paid for all the testing minus my 10% deductibles. I talk to the lady who does the insurance claims at the Dr's office and she said they might pay the $22,000 for the RNY. I hope they do. That's a lot of money to pull out of my saving account. I know I'm going to need PS also and that will probable me another 20,000.

Sept 24,2006

I made it through 6 days on the liquid diet that I started on 9/18. I've lost 17 lbs since I started. Hopefully I can loose 5 to 10 more before they surgery. I've been drinking 2 to 3 protein drinks a day and I've also made my own homeade boullion w/cabbage. I'm so glad I've always been a soup lover. I also dink at least 64 oz of Crystal light peach tea. My surgery is 8 days away and all the fears and nervousness I had just went away. I will probaly be nervous next weekend though. Well will see. I hope not. My paperwork just went through that my job is going to pay me full pay while I'm off of work. Still waiting to hear back from the health insurance. Hopefully they pay, but if not I have the funds in my back account already.

Sept 29, 2006

~I jsut want to start this entry off by saying Thank You to Felicia for this great journel she made me. I Love everything about it.....

Today was a great day for me. As metioned before I was waiting to see if my BSBC insurance would pay for my surgery. I was told from day one that my insurance wasn't going to pay for my surgery. So I pulled money out of my 401 K . I have to pay it back with 9.25% interest. On Sept 18 I wet for my Pre-op appt. I noticed that my insurance paid 90% for all my test. I ask the lady who handles the insurance claims to submit my claim and we'll see what happens. I said the worst that can happen is they denie me.

I was told by my insurance I had to have taken a 12 month Dr supervied weight loss class within 24 months. They said weightwatchers and all those don't count. Plus it's been 5 years since I have been to weight watchers. Well they send it to the insurance BSBC and they forward it to Care Wise. They need more info so my Dr sends it to them. Ok it's Friday, if I don't hear anything today they're not paying.

So I'm getting dresses getting ready to go to the credit union to make a $12,000 cashiers check for the hospital. It has to be paid today since I'm having surgery Monday. I get a phone call as I'm leaving and it's the Dr office . She said we got an answer from your insurance. Your Approved!!!!!! Oh My God!!!! I can't believe it......

Now I have to put my 401K money back in before they change me more interest. I have to wait until after the surgery though.

By the way I lost more weight.. That's 22 lbs.

About Me
Whittier, CA
Surgery Date
Aug 18, 2006
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LBL and Thigh Lipo Update
Plastic Surgery June 5th 2008
August 07
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March 07
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September 06
