Nearly Four Years Post Op!

Jul 10, 2013

Feels like only yesterday I was laying in hospital, wishing i was dead! lol. Oh nausea, I shall never forget thee! I remember the exact images I had in my head of what I would (hopefully) look like after it was all over with!  I LONGED to wear a pair of jeans!  Now I live in bloody jeans! lol

Things have changed a LOT since surgery. I'm now married and have a beautiful little daughter who my husband and I adore! 

Weight wise? I'm 72kg. When I fell pregnant I was back up to 81kg and I blame that largely on massive alcohol consumption! What else could have caused the increase? Cartons upon cartons of beer are my supposition! As soon as I was pregnant everything changed. Obviously I stopped drinking, but also... morning sickness kicked in. 39 weeks of fucking hell! No word of a lie! I put on 3kg for the entire pregnancy and the Doctors held real concerns for my daughters well being. Thankfully, she was perfectly healthy! 2.8kg, aka 6lb-ish.

I suspect RNY did make my pregnancy a little more difficult... though without RNY would I ever have been able to conceive? RNY also made the gestational diabetes test pretty much impossible (though we made multiple attempts, one ending VERY badly in a disabled toilet cubicle at the hospital!  Sweet Jesus it was horrendous!) To be expected though, as how can you drink a liquid FULL of sugar, to measure your body's reaction when you have had RNY? I barely made it out alive after attempting to drink that shit!  The first time ended in vomiting in the foyer of the hospital and an inability to drive for about 24 hours, and the second, well, lets just say it came out just as fast... but I didn't vomit!

Five days after giving birth I was 12kg lighter than when I got preggers... WINNING! It was like I had seriously won the lotto! lol. I am afraid that once I cease breastfeeding I will have a regain, but only time will tell. If I do, I have it in my power to get back on top of things, as it's only a few kg to lose, rather than 50 odd! It's do-able!

Head wise, where am I? Hmmmm. I would like to be 5kg lighter, but I'm not going to get depressed about it or anything! Priorities! My little family is my first priority now! Not how I look in a pair of jeans... though I would LOVE to lose that 5kg. lol. 

I stress a little that I might make my daughter fat. She's barely 5 months old and I'm worried she is chubby. I'm told it is a WONDERFUL thing to have a baby who is exclusively breastfed and such a healthy weight... I just don't want her behind the 8-ball in life.

I have another friend who is soon to be joining us... Jemma!  The countdown is on my friend!  I am SO excited for you and will be there in spirit with you!

I am saving a seat for you on the loser's bench!  Hurry up and join us!

Love you Jem Jem!


Here are some pics of my little family! I was 6 months pregnant in the wedding photo.












About Me
Brisbane, XX
Surgery Date
Sep 23, 2009
Member Since

Friends 52

Latest Blog 33
