six week check up

Aug 26, 2011

On Wednesday I had my six week check with Dr. Cullen. He called me his favorite patient, might have something to do with the flowers I sent his office as a thank you LOL. He was THRILLED with my results as am I. This is the first week I can finally say I am starting to feel like "me" again.

He said I am internally still VERY swollen, which I can tell from the way my stomach kinda pushes outward. Said I can get rid of my ugly binder and granny bra. Can go back to my sexy bras and just  wearing shape wear three to four hours a day. Absolutely nothing at night.

Best of all got my green light to run again and can lift weights. Bathe again swim at the lake, pretty much go back to me. So last night I did my first run in five months. (starting in April when I had my breast lift) lets say it didn't go too well. Trying not to get discouraged but I was running six miles three or four times a week prior to plastics. Last night I made it fifteen minutes, one push up, a couple slow and easy sit ups and I swelled up like I was five months pregnant! So hard to have to start back from the beginning. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to run and now have to teach myself how to again. But the plastics are worth it and I will return to my six mile mark.

Can't believe I got my TT and BA, I remember months ago thinking it was never going to happen and now it did! This is the best I have ever felt about myself...EVER. I have confidence to be naked in front of my husband. I have a smile i can't get off my face and I actually look curvy in my clothes. No more over hang! My skinny jeans look smokin and I'm FINALLY happy with my body, swollen and all. Can't wait to post my pics in February at the six month mark.

The incisions are so smooth and thin. Dr. Cullen has changed not only by body but my mind. He has given me more confidence than a Victoria Secret Model! Everyday is like walking the runway now LOL

Here's to the next few months of healing and while we take the kids camping this weekend...for the first time in my LIFE I will rock one smoking black bikini!!!

13 days post op plastics

Jul 22, 2011

I did it...I'm just about to my two week post op from TT, Lipo, BA w/Lipo. The first week was rough. Day two I remember being a real bad day, pain wise. I didn't even spend one night in the hospital. The surgery went so well. My breast are amazing and my tummy even soooo swollen, bruised, blue, and squeezed into the binder is so much smaller than before. I can't wait for the swelling to go down so I can start trying on clothes again, and fit into my skinny jeans. I couldn't have asked for a better surgeon. The incisions are so small, low, and straight. Dr. Cullen has no idea what a dream he has given me. After all the weight loss to finally, FINALLY feel beautiful is the best feeling. I've waited and worked so hard to afford to pay cash for all my surgeries that this is such an amazing award. For the first time in my life, I ordered my first bikini! Can't wait to wear it. The pain is manageable, and everyday is better. I often feel so good I do too much and pay for it the next day. Causing me to have to slow down and get my buns back on the couch. Just wanted to give myself a a reminder of where I was, where I came from and where I'm headed. Can't wait for my six week check, hope alot of the swelling will be gone by than, and my surgeon will be pleased! I must say sneezing has been the worst part so far! It doesn't matter if I grab a pillow, slightly bend over like the surgeon feels like death to me! Thankful I've only sneezed twice since surgery and will continue to try and hold them in lol! I already just two weeks out have a million times more confidence!

Remembering the moment!

Jul 01, 2011

I just want to remember this very moment. I am exactly one week from my tummy tuck and I can't believe the journey I've been on and accomplished. I don't care if not a single person ever reads this blog. I just need to do it for me. To know that over a year and a half ago I set out to loose weight. I took on a surgery, scared...nervous...unsure...and expectations in full blast. But never NEVER did I dream I'd make it this far. Smaller than I was in high school on the cross country team. Smaller than I was at sixteen, smaller than when I got married, before kids. I feel amazing. And now my reward comes. From all my hard work. The times of skipping chips, pizza, cookies, cakes, hot dogs whatever was at the party. For all the miles ran on my treadmill. For all the times my husband can't keep his hands off of me or my kids wrap their little arms around my waist. For me! For my strength, my courage, my JOURNEY. I have lost the weight and now get to loose the burden of feeling "overweight" "unbeautiful." And do the one thing I NEVER in a million years dreamed of...wear a bikini! Yup my time has come, I feel amazing. My final and last step in my weight loss journey. This time next week I'll be laying in my hospital bed recovering from my tummy tuck, knowing its a gift to myself. And a well deserved one! This time next week I start my new life of keeping the weight off for a lifetime. Here's to every healthy choice I make. Knowing that a year and a half ago at almost three hundred pounds, this little size 6 will rock one smoking body! Yup I'm proud of me!

One year ago...

Dec 09, 2010

So I made it...I made it to my one year surgaversaray!!!! I am officially one year from my surgery date.
One year ago I weight 272lbs
One year ago I got out of breathe just getting up to answer the phone
One year ago I struggled with constant back pain
One year ago I couldn't get on the floor to play with my kids
One year ago I was on more meds then any 27 year old should be on
One year ago I felt fat, ugly, unwanted, and disgusted with myself
One year ago I changed my whole life...I had the sleeve done

One year later I feel amazing
One year later I am off all my meds
One year later I run all the time
One year later I have more energy then a teenager
One year later I have no more aches and pains
One year later I love having my picture taken
One year later I have lost over 140lbs
One year later I can look in my full sized mirror and feel beautiful
One year later I have found "me"
Only regret...I wish I wouldn't have wait :)

So excited for my apt this month with Dr. Gluck
Can't wait to show him how far I have come, and to thank him from the bottom of my heart for giving me my life back!!! If thank you was only enough...I just don't think I Could EVER put into words what this surgery has done for me. I for the first time in my entire life, love myself!!!!!

Change in Goal

Aug 28, 2010

So originally my Doctor and I agreed my weight goal would be 150lbs, while reaching that goal I realized I can do better. So I am checking in with myself today. Readjusting my goal...I told myself that 129lb is fair, the thought of seeing the 120's again is going to be my next reality no longer staying a dream. So I set a new weight-loss goal for myself today...I am officially choosing 125lbs. I have all ready reached my size goal, which was to get into a size six. And about three weeks ago I did just that. I walked into American Eagle and left with two pairs of size six jeans! Now that is a dream come true! So here's to getting to my new goal, and I'm almost there!

The best day

Jul 30, 2010

So today I went into a department store just looking for a shirt, ended up trying on TONS of different outfits. Dresses, shirts, pants...but that's not the best part...the best part is they were all SMALLS!!!! How? How did I go from a size 28 seven months ago to a mighty hot SMALL? I'll tell you how, with loving life, watching everything I eat, and always moving. It was actually FUN to try on clothes. I haven't had that since I was 16 years old. I'm telling you, everyday is something new and amazing...can't believe its only seven months out. Life is so sweet!
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6 mos. post op

Jun 14, 2010

Six months have come and gone now, I am down 108lbs! Had my six month check with Dr. Glucks office today and things are GREAT! I am feeling amazing! I can't believe that's even me in the mirror and I still have 30lbs to go. Having this surgery has changed my life in so many wonderful ways. I feel empowered and see that I can do anything! I have learned that my dreams don't need to stay dreams, they can be my reality. So I did it...I am diving into my next dream, the dream of getting into medical school. I begin towards that goal this fall in hopes to one day help others who struggle with their weight. To give them the gift I was given! If anyone out there is thinking about doing this surgery...take that leap of faith and DO IT! Its one of the best things I have ever done in my life and even better with my six year olds arms fitting all the way around me! Here's to the next six months of getting to my goal and starting a new one! Life is good!

Today was big...but not me!

Apr 09, 2010

Today I took my kids to a place called Crazy Bounce. Its an indoor area with HUGE blow up slides of all kinds. In the past when we went I always just watched, but NOT today. Four months out and down almost 80lbs I was right behind them! I ran up and down those slides and even had enough room for them to sit on my lap when we went flying down.  This is a moment for me...a moment I knew why I did this surgery four months ago! I am THRILLED to be-able to play with my kids again. Just another up in my new world of weight loss!

all ready in love

Jan 19, 2010

So I'm about five weeks out from my sleeve on Dec 8th and I am all ready in love! I go to bed at night afraid I'll wake up in the morning and this will all have been a dream. That this surgery that is giving me my life back would be gone. I waited so many years for this and now its here. I am down 50lbs all ready and am feeling better each day. I am super careful about everything that goes in my mouth from the moment I get out of  bed till I'm back in bed for the night. This is my dream and I am living it. I never thought that at only five weeks out that I would be feeling and loving the benefits from my surgery yet. Here is to my New Year with my new life. I am finally going to live it!
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week one

Dec 15, 2009

So I am now one week post op! I did it, I actually had my surgery. The surgery I have been dreaming about for over three years now! I won't lie, the first three days were Hell. I wanted to die and wondered what in the world did I get myself into. But now one week out and I am feeling better everyday. So excited to start loosing weight. I must say learning how to take in liquids again is not easy. I took just one little extra drink last night and ended up puking in the bathroom sink. (too sore to bend over the toilet) But like I said each day is better. I am down to 239, four more pounds I will have all ready lost 30lbs. I just want to speed up time again and move this weight loss along. My Dr. ok'd me walking on the treadmill for a few minutes a day. I meet with the dietitian next week to learn about phase three eating...can't WAIT!!! I get an egg!!!!! Never thought i'd be soooo excited to eat even a bite of egg. I did two weeks liquids pre op and now am doing three weeks liquids post op. Cant wait to feel what its like to chew again. I am so excited to see where I am at this summer. I can handle the pain right now, for a lifetime of pleasure. Am all ready so glad I did it!!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 21, 2009
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