16 days post op!

Jan 03, 2007

1-4-07- This is my first time keeping a journal and I find I go several days without posting. So I thought today I better catch up or I will forget what has happened these last few days. When I came home from the hospital on Dec.22 I was glad I was home. My grandchildren had colored a banner over the fireplace saying We Love you maw maw that was so sweet to see. I hadn't told them anything but this so they just think for now that Maw Maw had to have her stomach worked on. They were here to stay until Sunday night with my son and then come back the next morning to be with our family for breakfast. My food issues were going smooth and I was eating slow. I had read of so many getting sick that I wanted to be really careful and not get sick. Christmas Eve is a time for my sister and brother to come in to be with my mom and us for Christmas but this year was different for all of us so they were not coming home this year and my immediate family would be only here for Christmas. I think it all turn out for the best for this year because of my surgery. I still wanted to cook most of the foods I always have so I did. The food didn't bother because I wasn't hungry and sure didn't want to try anything that would make me sick. We had a great Christmas and I was glad to get passed it. I normally decorate my house so full of Trees and carolers Santa's that I start in Oct. but Praise he Lord I didn't this  year! I only put up one tree. As I get older I learn to not to put more on myself when I know that it could be hard. So the week after Christmas I just rested and worked with my food  trying to get my needed protein in and water. Jan.3rd I went back to work and had a good day. When I got home I decided to heat some vegetable soup I made and eat that for dinner. Well I was doing find until about the 4Th or5Th bite and I started hurting. I got up and started walking to see if that would help but no it didn't. This was the first time that this had happen and I felt like it was because I got comfortable with my eating and ate to fast. I finally threw up alittle and began to feel better. But I  didn't eat anything the rest of the night. It made me know that I don't want to feel like that again. I know that some have even felt worse than me and I thought how did they get pass this. It has made me to slow down again and be more cautious with my food. I'm still on puree foods and wonder at this point how will I ever eat more solid foods. I know I will in time but right now you wonder if  it will happen.There have been times when I thought I wish I could chop down on a big juicy steak.  I don't want to sound like I wish I didn't have the surgery but I want you that reads this to know that these times do happen and you will still want food sometimes. But I have to stay focused on the goal and what I want to be at this time next year and that a healthier person and a thinner me. I am still glad I did this!
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I'm home!

Dec 18, 2006

12-19-06  I woke up early today  for today was my big day. I was a little nervos about my  surgery most are.. But for the most part I felt a peace and even calm at the hospital. My surgery was scheduled for 9:30 and there was one before me. As my husband and I waited I  started crying not because I was scared but I sat there thinking once again I can't believe it has come to  this that I have to rearrange my stomach to lose this fat. I know all of us who has tried to lose this   weight has had these thoughts before but it made me alittle sad and mad that I couldn't do this by myself. But   all I have to do is look at my records and see that I couldn't do this on my on anymore . But you still will have those thoughts come at you even when your sitting waiting to be called for surgery. I knew that I didn't want to cancel it and walk out the door so I just tried to remember how good it felt when I got the call that I was approved after the second try. My husband was so sweet he just kept telling me just think of how much better you're going to feel this time next year. I got my thoughts together and sat there really calm. I had alot of friends praying and I really felt their prayers. They finally called me back and the time was here. They got me ready to go in and the next thing I knew I was finished. The first thing I remember my husband saying is everything went well and you had the lap kind.Well my Dr. puts you in intensive care for one night if you use a cpap machine for breathing . I woke up with some pain mostly from the gas they put in you to operate. But I was not sick thank the Lord. The next day they moved me to a room I was I was still trying to get over some medicine they gave me for nausea it made me worse than  if I had been sick. The third day I could tell things were getting better. They want you to walk, walk, walk. It was hard because my left leg had some numbness in from my calf to my foot. I was not concern about it and didn't really think it was anything wrong because my legs were swollen and my feet was alittle too and that's proberly why it was numb. Well anyway I thought I was going home on my third day but I had a little fever and my oxygen was low so they wanted to keep me one more day. So Friday got to go home. As for eating the food for the first time in the hospital it went well I"m glad I didn't get sick.I tried eggs, oatmeal, and creamed soups .

Pre-op Nutrition

Dec 12, 2006

12-13-06  Today I went for part of my pre- op nutrition class before my surgery.I took a tape recorder to tape the class and I highly recommend doing that. It will help you to remember all the nut  tells you about how to eat and what to eat. I was there about 11/2 hrs.I was told that I only need to eat 50 grams of protein a day which is nothing to brag on because what it says is my calories when resting burns very slow because I don't have alot of muscle mass. I hope to build that up as I excercise and build muscle mass. Tomorrow is the blood work and last check over from the Dr. My big day will be here before I know it and I will be on the losing side.

I'm Approved!

Dec 04, 2006

12-5-06-  Today  I found out that I was approved for my surgery. I was really concerned that I would  not hear from them in time because my surgery date was so close. I was riding home in my car from my mother's house when I got the call from Susan our nurse coordinator it caught me by surprise because she had  just faxed the papers yesterday to my insurance.  All the waiting and worrying just disappears with the words You have been  approved! I've tried to call all of my friends  and emailed some too to give them my good news. When I started this process I prayed and ask God  to lead and direct my path and he has. The time it took to get an answer helped me to prepare for my journey. God works all things for our good even if I had got a no I would trust him in that decision. God is good and his mercy endures forever.

Hallelujah! 6 months is finally over!

Nov 30, 2006

12-1-06   Today I finished my 6-month weigh-ins both at the Dr,'s office and Weight Watchers. Hallelujah ! I got all the information I needed and faxed it to my doctor. Hopefully Mon. or Tues. all will be sent in to insurance. My surgery date is set for Dec.19Th if approved this time. So many have gone down this road and have had these stops along the way to either make you want this more than ever or wonder if it's the thing to do. For me I have had some moments that  have made me wonder if this is what I need to do. You wonder why in the world can't you seem to get control of this food issue. I don't have any other  bad habits that I need to work on for health reasons don't drink, don't smoke, don't dip or chew.lol There are times that I don't  over eat and there are times I do. I am believing for this tool to help me control those times I want to eat whether it's emotional or just hunger pains. I don't want this to be just another thing I'm trying to do to lose weight. This rearranging stomach parts needs to make me try harder than ever before. Lord, if this takes place in my life please help me to use this surgery to change my life and inprove my health for the rest of my time here on earth.Amen!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 22, 2006

11-23-06 -Well today is Thanksgiving  I'm very thankful for all  of God's blessings he has given our family. This thanksgiving I cooked my regular foods that I cook. I always cook to much and everyone is stuffed in the afternoon.This morning as I was cooking I have to be honest I got teary eyed cooking all my family favorites knowing that this will change after surgery. You know we focus so much on food being our enjoyment of getting together well maybe I focus to much on that, But my family always enjoys certain things I cook and they said Mama did you cook this or that. My sweet husband could see that was a little down and I said to him I will miss cooking this way for everyone.  He said to me I'm going to be right here with you on all the changes we will have to make. We all need to make healthier  choices. This surgery effects  the whole family. I don't question my decision on surgery but I do see what people say about morning the food you want be able to have. I guess the excitement of losing and feeling better will out weigh the loss of food. So the dishes are washed everyone has gone and our time together was great

Surgery could be before Christmas ! :)

Oct 01, 2006

10-1-06 - I talked with the nurse coordinator she told me if I get my information to her by the first of Dec. she would summit it to my insurance.  Hopefully I will  hear from my insurance and have surgery right before Christmas. I'm ready anytime and look forward to being on the losing side. . I think about losing 100lbs or more and it seems like a dream but if I work real hard it will be a dream come true. This past year of searching and reading everything I can has helped me to be ready for this life changing event. 

I took my Mom to a support meeting

Sep 26, 2006

9-26-06 - Today I went to my support meeting . My mom went with me she has gone several times. I think she feels better about me having the surgery now. She will be having shoulder surgery Nov.13Th and I will be taking care of her. This time of year   I usually have started my Christmas decorating . I love Christmas and I fill my house with many decorated trees, garlands,and Santa's. It takes me awhile to finish the house that's why I start so early. But this year I'm not because of mom's surgery and maybe mine in Dec. I don't want to take on so much this year. I went to the Dr. for my weight check and had lost 6lbs since last month so that 's 12lbs total not alot but I'm glad for any amount.

Bladder Infection

Sep 15, 2006

9-15-06 - Not alot to tell this month losing slow  will be so glad when I can post a big weight loss. I have a bladder infection went to Dr. she said it was pretty bad. They tested and found alot of blood in my urine. She sent me to have a scan but nothing showed up. She told me that I really needed to get this cleared up before i could have surgery. So I will go back next month and see if I am better. I really pray that this will clear up and not interfere with my surgery.

Future out look

Aug 06, 2006

8-6-06   I was really hoping to be on my way  with my weight loss . I thought I would have 3 months losing time and would look so much better in my bathing suit this year.  My doctor said if insurance approves your surgery it will be in June.  Here it is Aug. and we are heading to the beach  and I'm on a 6-month diet required by insurance.Our grandchildren are going that makes it exciting for me even though I want be smaller in that bathing suit. But next year look out I'll be running on the beach,sitting in the sand with my grandchildren and looking and feeling so much better. I didn't lose weight while at the beach but I didn't gain either so that was a good thing.I missed the support meeting this month.

About Me
Winston Salem, NC
Surgery Date
Oct 02, 2005
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4-months since surgery
3-Month Check- Up
8 -Weeks out
61/2 weeks post op
3- week Post-op
