Here we are in Michigan

Feb 10, 2008

The drive was uneventful, the conversation was great and I was just fine.  The Drury Inn is very nice and worth it for you and your support person.  My pre-op appointment with Dr. L. is tomorrow at 9:30am and surgery is expected to be Tuesday at 12 noon.  Good-luck to everyone out there, Iknow that for me I have made the right decision.

Breathing easier

Feb 06, 2008

I think that I am over my little freak, but I'm glad I had one because I found out about others experiences and I was not alone in how I was feeling at the time.  That was nice.  People here have been wonderful.  I'll update after the surgery.

12 more days to go

Jan 31, 2008

Lots of things are going through my head right now and most if not all of us that are thinking about WLS are as well.  

I am hoping for the best case and planning for the worst.  I am doing this not only for myself but my family as well.  I need to healthy to support my children by being in their lives fully and long term.  My mind is racing with the WHAT IF...But then, I say WHAT IF I DON"T DO THIS....

I am sure of my course and steadfast in my decision but those dark thoughts are still lurking every now and then.  I 'm really not sure how to phrase everything tht is going on in my head at the momment but I guess that is part of the two week freak!

I love my husband Rob and my two beautiful children, Corrine and Connor.  To be with them and have fun in the future is what I really look forward to.  I'll go through what ever I need to to get to that point.

Thanks for letting me Spew.


In the beginning

Dec 20, 2007

Constant battles with weight and a wonderful stroke of luck in an overheaard conversation led me to this topic and new beginning on life.  I found out that a friend of mine had gastric bypass 10 years ago....Wow, I just thought she was a skinny person!  

I lurked for quite a while reading, reading and more reading until I decided on the DS.  I am not cut out for a RNY for a few reasons, one that I take NSAIDS, I know that dumping would litterly freak me out ( I'm a bit of a baby when it come to vomit of any kind) and I want to have the best chance to A) lose the excess weight and B) keep it off.  The DS have the best track record in my books to do what I need.

For all of my RNY friends I am not saying that your personal choice was wrong just not right for me.

MY doctor was great in supporting me so far and things have really snowballed form there.  Filled out my OHIP paperwork, sent it off, 3 days later was approved, 3 weeks after that I had my consult and I found out today Dec 20th, 2007 that my surgery is going to be Feb 12th, 2008.  Things are going fast but I am going along for the ride with my seatbelt securely fastened and my head held high looking forward to the exciting new landscape in the maybe not so far future.  

Thanks for reading if you want more info just pm me and I'll respomd.

About Me
London, ON
Surgery Date
Oct 23, 2007
Member Since

Friends 25

Latest Blog 4
Here we are in Michigan
Breathing easier
12 more days to go
In the beginning
