to drink? or not to eat? That is the question

Oct 25, 2007

So Tuesday I saw my surgeon, the surgical intern, the dietian and the nurses. I am now officially signed in and raring to go get cut on. I am also getting more and more nervous about the whole thing. THERE ARE NO DOUBTS! There is just nervousness. It's like that tension right before you go's the hum of adrenaline right before a major exam.... it's also kinda like the hour that you spend in bed Christmas morning before you go wake up your parents to beg them to let you open presents. I am hesitant and giddy and excited and cautious and HUNGRY.

I had to start my liquid diet yesterday. The protein powder that my mom already had is still good and fairly tasty. I just took the last swig of the strawberry mix (aka: breakfast) and now I want bacon and eggs. I have to do the protein at least 3 times a day to get what I need and then I can have all the other liquids I want...with provisos: No caffein, No sugar, No soda, and NO alcohol. Since jello is the only semi-solid thing I can have, it is my friend. If you see me any time soon - or later- ask me to sing you the "jello song". Not the one from commercials,I made this up.I can actually have the alcohol now but I'd rather go ahead and do the complete detox.  Which is why I had girls' night in New Orleans.

Tuesday after the visit to the surgeon, Mom and I went to the French Quarter for Cafe au Lait and beignets(pronounced bin-yays) at Cafe du Monde.  It was c'est magnifique!  I was on an emotional high that made me feel physically good so we walked the Quarter for a bit and had a good time. Then we met my aunt, my cousin and her daughter, my other cousin's wife, another cousin and my uncle's girlfriend at a seafood restaurant. I had a cosmo, a gin bloody mary and a dirty martini w/ 3 olives, thank you very much. Now, because my system doesn't hold my alcohol very well, we all thought that I would get up on Wednesday and be completely hung over. I got up and felt great. No headache, no nausea, no aversion to light. I don't get it, but I didn't explore it either. I have learned that when something good happens, just go with it.

With all the excitement I am also afraid of a lupus flare. The lupus is linked to my emotions or at least to the chemical reaction that emotions can cause. Everything is stress - good or bad - and the lupus feeds on it. So help me pray that the lupus stays down where it is.

About Me
Pineville, LA
Surgery Date
Oct 24, 2007
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to drink? or not to eat? That is the question
