Ice cream tastes like CRAP

Oct 23, 2010

I have discovered that ice cream tastes like crap - and this is a good thing!!! My BIGGEST diet downfall has always been ice cream. I remember 2 summers ago DH and I would get LARGE DQ Blizzards 2 or 3 times a week all summer long! No wonder I packed on 20 pounds that year!

When I chose the VSG, my biggest fear was that I wouldn't be able to resist ice cream and that I would severly hamper my weight loss or cause regain. This was the one and only reason I even briefly entertained the notion of having a malabsorptive procedure like the RNY or DS.

Well, I diligently avoided ice cream in all shapes or forms the first 2 months post-op, then a slew of events occurred where ice cream was involved. Now, I know that ice cream was my main weakness pre-op, but now with the lack of hunger etc, I figured a couple bites wouldn't be the end of me.

So in the past 3 weeks, I have sampled all of my old favorites and have discovered the following:

#1. DQ mint chocolate Dilly Bar: the chocolate coating tasted like wax, and the ice cream had a really odd flavor, kind of like it had absorbed the flavors of other things from sitting in the freezer too long. Into the trash it went after 2 bites - Yuck!

#2. Haagen Dazs Coffee Ice Cream: this was my ALL TIME favorite ice cream pre-op. My wedding anniversary was October 6th and DH bought me one of those little single serve cups of ice cream from the store as a treat. I thought I would be in heaven for a few bites. NOPE! It tasted AWFUL! I can't even describe it, it was so bad.

#3. DQ Blizzard choco cherry love flavor: 3 or 4 bites and I was running to the bathroom. 'Nuff said. Starting to wonder if ALL ice cream will taste like crap and/or give me massive diarrhea.

#4. Edy's Peppermint Ice Cream special limited edition seasonal flavor: next to Haagen Dazs coffee, this was my second favorite. It only comes out around the holidays. One year the store ran out early and didn't reorder, and in the years after that I would be so paranoid that they would run out that I would buy 3 or more containers at a time and hoard them. Well, while shopping at Walmart last week I saw that it was back. I debated on getting it considering the bad experiences I had above, but part of me HAD to know. So, as a last experiment I had a small dish (maybe 1/3 of a cup) the other night. It was probably the worst so far! It had a horrid undertaste that reminded me of peanut butter. Peanut butter and peppermint just do NOT go together. And to top it off, after those 5 bites or so, off to the bathroom I went.

Well, that does it for me. I have COMPLETELY lost my taste for ice cream - YAY! I am truly glad I tried all my old favorites, while that was a risky move now I will not crave ANY of them. I feel like an addict who finally gets that monkey off their back! 


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Rhinelander, WI
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Jun 16, 2009
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