Sorry to sound so melancholy. But that seems to be my mood. And this isn't a new development. I've been weight obsessive for as long as i can remember.  My earliest memory of attending school...I was probably six or seven, and wondering why my thighs looked bigger than everyone else's as we knelt on the gym floor.  From that early beginning of low self-esteem, stemmed a long life of depression, food disorders and social anxiety. I've exhausted all means of weightloss plans, gym memberships, books and pills. Trying Weight Watchers three times unsuccessfully. The only way I've been able to lose weight was with Atkins. Three months of torture and dreaming of cereal and bread...I lost thirty pounds. To gain that back and then some in the succeeding two months.

My father was diagnosed with diabetes three years ago, and I'm sure I'm heading down the same road. I'm already being threatened with cholestrol pills, if I can't get that 286 to decrease.

I'm 5'2" weighing in at about 235, last i checked. And I'm very well-endowed in the chest area, which is a contributing factor to my constant back aches (while getting me out of speeding tickets and scoring free food from fast food joints occasionally). But hey...I've got a "pretty face". Don't you hate it when people say that?

About Me
Schenectady, NY
Apr 26, 2007
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