Jun 05, 2010

This week I challenged my brothers and sisters on the Bama Board to update their profiles.  Why?  Well;    when I began this journey in 2003 (blessedandhighlyfavored) I would pour over the before and afters.  I would read through each success story and dream that someday I would be where they were.  I made it.  Did I reach 130...nope.  But, I am still very happy with MY SUCCESS!

I started on Dec 17, 2003 @ 280 pounds....it was mid June before I went under the 200 mark and a full year longer before I hit 142!  I loved it.  For the very first time in my life I FELT NORMAL!  I wasn't THE FAT GIRL in every crowd.  I was no longer the fattest of the family.  I was energetic and could easily walk from the farthest reaches of the parking lot without breaking a sweat.  I WAS NORMAL!  A size I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined being!  I was in a 10!


Over the last two years I have put on about 20 pounds....why?  Because I became slack.  I put things in my mouth that were completely not supposed to be there.  I made excuses to not exercise and every reason in the world for not drinking my water.  However, if you will come with me.....we can do this together.  I have already reached my dream once....I can and WILL do it again!  Maybe, I'll even reach for 130!


About Me
Delano, TN
Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2008
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 5
