BigBob Notforlong (Gizmo)

Fairly healthy 370 lb 53 yr old with 3 kids . Want to be around for the Grandkids and beyond!!
4/16/06--Happy Easter! Great news! I received a letter Friday from my insurance Co.--Covacare--approving surgery!! Now i have to drop 30lbs proir to scheduling surgery. Weighed in Wednesday at 362.8 I hope I can do this soon-I would love to have the surgery before summer. I have tickets for Jimmy Buffett on August 3rd and do NOT want to miss that-it's been MANY years since I have been to one of his shows-the "old" parrothead that I am!
4/18 06--Tonight I had my last "normal " meal. I start a liquid diet tomorrow. Oh Boy-er I mean OH BOY!-it's gonna be tough, but I know I can handle it.
4/23/06--Well, it's been 5 days of liquid diet-not so bad so far. Just beginning to hate TV commercials for restaurants and such. The wife and kids have been supportive-for that I am thankful. I will go in either Tuesday or Wednesday for a weigh in, will update then.
4/26/06--I went to Dr Kellum's office to check in after a week on liquids--only 11 lbs to go! I was thinking I had only lost a few lbs-what a great surprise-hopefully I can lose the rest in a week or two-then they'll schedule my surgery.
5/8/06--Stopped by Drs office for another weigh-in. 345 only 5 to go to schedule surgery
5/17/06--Dropped by Dr K's office today for a weigh in--(Dramatic pause)--341-only 1 lb to go(damn! i should have take my shoes off!--oh well I get it off soon!
5/19/06-Got an email from JoAnn at Dr K's office-she's going to "get the ball rolling"
Been on liquids and dropped 30- do not want to gain any back, but damn I'd kill for a solid meal! Going to try liquid twice a day and eat 1 sensible meal to try and "maintain".
5/30/06--Holiday is behind me-grilled a couple of steaks last night-my youngest son said he wanted a burger instead--go figure--anyway I ate his steak as well-got on scales today to make sure I hadn't picked up any LBS To my surprise and pleasure-I dropped another 6 down to 335.
6/2/06-After receiving an email from JoAnn (Dr K's Secretary) we played phone tag all afternoon until we finally got to speak to one another-bottom line, I will be banded on 06/21/06!!!!!!!!!!!
6/6/06-Had my pre-op appointment today. Dr scales read 338-they were very happy-I, on the other hand, was a bit disappointed as I had picked up 3 lbs-but maybe it was a difference in the scales. Anyway I had blood drawn, and EKG, chest xrays and peed in a cup.
I go back 6/15 and have a IVC filter put in through a vein in my groin (oh happy day!) to help prevent blood clots from getting to my lungs. Then 6/21 I join the LOSING team.
6/15/06--Well I'm home from an all day adventure at the hospital. I had to get there at 6am so I could sit around in the waiting area until 9am when they took me back and prepped me so I could lie around and wait until afternoon when they took me to the OR where they put in the IVC filter. Then they rolled me into recovery where the kept me for about an hour then took me back to the first place so I could sit around for another 3 hours to be discharged. After all that I'd better not have any d*mned blood clots move into my lungs! Truth be known, the staff at MCV (VCU Medical Center now) was great--all very friendly and helpful-just a lot of hurry up and wait.-Bottom line -only 6 days to go!
6/21/06-Well, the day is here! I am a little nervous-but a lot of excited. In a few short hours I'll be starting a new life. I haven't had a life changing event like this since...well I guess since I got married 23 years ago. I'll post again when I get home.
6/24/06-Sorry I haven't posted sooner. Got out of the hospital late Thursday afternoon. All went well, I just feel like someone whacked me across the belly with a 2x4. Only sore at the incision areas. Went out to the elementary school around the corner on Friday morning and walked a mile-actually felt pretty good-could have done more but didn't want to overdo. Did the same on Saturday-only at a bit faster pace.i haven't gotten on the scales yet-actually I am not really worried about that right now. After the healing is done the weight will come off I am sure.
7-7-06...Getting ready to go see Dr. K for my 1st post-op follow up.-The bathroom scales read 307 in my boxers-I'm curious to see what their scales will read! I feel great and have no complaints other than the port incision and my regrowing belly hair itch. I'll post more when I get home this evening.
7-8-06--My follow up visit went well-the dietician was pleased with my progress and my record keeping of food intake and activity, as well as my weight loss. With clothes and shoes on I weighed in at 311. This is more than the 307 earlier that same morning in my drawers only. Still, I am pleased to date-I know that the band is slower than RNY, but this is a marathon, not a sprint. Patience is a virtue-but I must say patience is not one of my best attributes.
Get my 1st fill on August 10.
8-1-06 FINALLY after 2 1/2 weeks of coming close bouncing around 300 to 302 i broke the 300 barrier and weighed 299 this morning-what a good feeling-Now heading to onederland!
8-10-06--Sorry I haven't updeated lately. Last Thursday I went with a friend to see Jimmy Buffett in concert. It has been many, many years since I have seen him. He has'nt missed a beat. Still the great showman he's always been. The musicians in his "Coral Reefer Band" are simply awesome.
Took the wife and youngest to King's Dominion on Friday-good time-still cannot quite fit in the roller coasters yet--next year for sure!Saturday was the church picnic on the RIVAH near Warsaw good food-good fellowship-boat rides etc. Great fun!
8-10-06- Went to Dr. Kellum today for my first fill. Didn't feel a thing. I'll be on liquids for 2 days then 2 days of "mushies". The doc's scales and mine at home do not jive. At home this AM (in my boxers) I weighed 297--this afternoon (fully dressed w/shoes on) doc's scales read 303. Either way I'm making progress and the Doc, Nurse and Dietician are extremely pleased. You want to know something else friends and neighbors, so am I!!
8-21-06---2 months post op. Seems alot longer in some ways-like yesterday in others. Scales read 290 this AM. Not bad 80 lbs total since the beginning of this adventure...40 since my band was placed. I know of 2 people who have decided to get banded since I have done so well. I wish them well in their journey. Darn! No referral $ for me--oh well, if it makes their lives healthier and happier that's reward enough for me! I'll have to put an updated photo up soon.

October 23,2006-Man,Ihave to update this thing more often! It's been 4 months since surgery and I weighed yesterday morning at 276! 94 pounds less than my initial consultation and 54 gone since surgery! No complications-I had 1 littlespell when I tried to eat too fast, but I learned my lesson quickly on that!

November 18, 2006-Like I said before I need to update this more often-weighed today-273 not great progress but I haven't been to the gym like I know I should and I have been hovering around 275 to 279 over the lats month. At any rate I am only 3 lbs from the "CENTURY CLUB" woohoo!Hopefully the stall is over and the loss will continue for awhile!. Found a new addiction-the chat room-I used to laugh at my kids with their chatting on line-I never knew how much fun you can have and how many GREAT people are out there in cyberspace chatting it up. I have met a bunch of fantastic folks (and you know who you are!) and I hope to meet many more. The bad thing is , I want to meet everybody personally. I hope to get to do just that at the January event in Richmond. I promise I will get digitally hip and start posting more pics.

November 24, 2006- The morning after Thanksgiving . We did our normal ritual of gathering the kids and headed to Fredericksburg to my aunt's for dinner. Not the big crowd it normally is-only 9 and 5 were from my immediate family. It was good to be with my aunt, who is 85, I do not know how many more of these holidays she we be around to host. We all bring dishes so as not to put much burden on her, but I am sure she has her hands full. I weighed this AM and remained the same as yesterday. Woohoo-I was afraid I'd  gained!. I have so much to be thankful for. The list includes, but not limited to : my life, my health, my friends, my family, etc. I am also thankful for WLS and the difference it has made in me. Not just the weight loss, but the change in energy level, my attitude, and outlook for the future. A year ago, I was going through the motions of living-knowing I had to do something but a bit reluctant to. Now I want to LIVE my life, not just exist in it, if that makes any sense. I have found that I not only have more energy and zest for life, but I have more compassion for my fellow humans out there. I have always thought of myself as a caring person-but now I want to fix the world. I want everyone to be happy and live their lives to the fullest. I am not sure if it because of WLS and my new outlook or if old age has made me an old softy. There is so much I want to do , see and experience in my time left on the planet-I just do not know where to start. Of course money is an obstacle to a lot of things-I need to work to feed and support my family and work occupies a huge block of time. Money is also neccessary to do things-not that I am poor, but the responsibilities of everyday consume most of the resources at my dispossal.I apologize for this rambling-I am sure when I read this it will make little sense. I am also very thankful for OH. I have met some tremendous people on here and I will try to meet personally as many as I can. The love, acceptance, support and caring that these folks have shown to me and to one another is simply amazing to me. I love you all. 1 week from tomorrow I will be 54 years old-daqmn-where did the time go!?!?Seems like only yesterday I was a kid in my 20's having a ball everyday. My how life flies by. Thanks to WLS, I hope to have another 30 years or so to experience this thing called life--I hope to make the most of it. If I can offer any advice to anyone out there is to get up, get out and enjoy your life to the fullest, everyday! Do not let opportunity slip from your fingers shoot for your dreams-it is better to miss a goal or dream by trying for it than to never try and wonder ..what if? I will read this over and decide whether or not to leave it or delete it--If I leave it you will know-if deleted, I guess it will be my little secret! So long for now!

December 1, 2006--100 lbs GONE, outahere,disappeared,vanished! I got on the scales today-269.8 that is 100.2 lbs less than my initial consultation. I could not be happier. I still have a ways to go, but this milepost is a tremendous accomplishment for me. I thank my family, friends, and especially my OH family for the encouragement, support, and love required to get me to this point and count on all to help me continue to strive to my goal!.I love you all and could not do this with out your help!

 December 15,2006--Wow! What a week-Got a call from Jill-one of the nurses at MCV Surgery center-She asked me to do an interview for their "Two Minutes to Better Health " spot that airs on the local CBS station on Sundays just before 60 Minutes. I agreed to do so and met Mandy and Joe on Tuesday for the interview and video taping of "Bob in action" LOL! They were awesome-put me at ease and made the whole process so easy and relaxing. The "show" airs this Sunday-but I won't be able to watch it -we have a Christmas Cantata at 7 PM and I have to go support the wife!  I am suppose to get a Real Player file to download to this page and to have available to email to  anyone that wants it! The office Christmas party-such as it is-is going on right now-Lots of food-mostly sweet stuff-nice-but I am ready to get out of the office. I have a couple of appointments this afternoon-then the weekend!!! Woohoo!-Tyler has a play at school tonight-I saw it last week-might go again tonight, haven't decided yet. Christmas shopping tomorrow-and football on Sunday.

January 1, 2007-Happy New Year!! 2006 was  all in all a great year. I will always remember it as the year I took my life back. I finally got off ass and did something positive about my obesity. Having WLS was the beat thing I could have done for myself. As a bi-product I have found my friends here-on OH. The  support, care, love and advice so freely given here has been a blessing to me. I have met some totally awesome people here and cannot thank them enough for what they have given me. I love you people-you know who you are.I am looking forward to '07 as the year I hit my weight loss goal. My goal is 195-I think that will be a good weight for my 6'1" frame. I plan to reach that milestone by September 1st. That requires me to lose a bit less than 2 lbs per week. Surely an attainable goal.-Best wishes to all for a fabulous New Year-may it bring you all the love, joy and happiness your heart desires.

Februaru 8, 2006-It seems like forever ago when I last posted. So much has happened in the last 5 weeks. On January 7th while heading to my Mother in law's house to pick up Jake's school books, I had a wreck. It was a rainy night on a winding country road-the truck fishtailed and I lost control and plowed head first into a tree. The truck was a total loss, I however survived. I did suffer a very painful and debilitating injury. The socket (or acetabulum) on my left hip was shattered.I was in traction for a couple of days, then had surgery to rebuild my hip. After 9 days in the hospital, I was transferred to a rehab facility where I recieved physical and occupational therapy.I was in rehab for a week then was sent home. While in rehab-the Richmond Conference was happening and I was visited by some super awesome people. Kimmy, Tanya, Robert, Sharyn, Jenn Russ,Lara Mikey, Jenn, Tee, Al and Michelle G. came to see me. It was the absolute best medicine I had while there. I thank them for taking time from the conference to visit.Since then I have come home-a PT, an OT and a nurse havecome to the house to provide care. I went to see the orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday (2 days ago) Everything is progressing well-it is just going to take a long time for my hip to heal. I need to get used to that fact. I will be laid up for a few months.One salvation that I had in the hospital and continue to have now is my laptop and the internet. I have been able to keep in touch with my friends that are near and dear to my heart. I do not know what I would have done without the love and support I have gotten from some special people. Stacy, Kimmy amd Michelle come to mind first-then there are many others, Nici, Dante, Lisa, Thumper, Stoney-so many I apologize if I left anyone off-I am sure I did-but please know I appreciate all the cards, packages, calls, and prayers.You guys are the most wonderful friends anyone could ask for.In this month of relative inactivity, I was concerned that I may have even gained weight. Much to my surprise and joy I actually lost 10 pounds!! Down to 255. Only 60 pounds to goal!!

These are just a few I can think of off the top of my head-I'm sure I'll think of more later.


330 or so
leaving for surgery- down from 370 at first consultation

1 month post-op, no "fill" yet

Hospital Reviews
  • (Richmond, VA) - Medical College of Virginia

    Weight Loss Survey Responses
    Click Here To View

    Member Interests:
  • Business & Career - Insurance Sales-Life, Accident, Cancer, Critical Illness, etc.
  • Humor - Can't go a day without laughing or making someone laugh
  • Sports - getting hooked on lacrosse-my youngest played this spring for the 1st time
  • Theater - Have 2 kids that are really into drama
  • Music - An old Parrotthead=Into Jimmy Buffett, drunk, Carribean rock and roll!
  • Youth Work - Youth committee at church/Atheltic Director Mechanicsville Youth Football League
  • Christianity - Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior
  • Football - Avid Redskin fan/youngest son is into football- bigtime
  • Married - to my Emilie-23 years on 6/18/06
  • Boats - one of these days...

    Click here to see interests of other ObesityHelp members.

    Surgeon Info:
    Surgeon: John M. Kellum M.D.
    Dr. Kellum remided me of the Dr Kelso character on "Scrubs" TV show. He looks a bit like him. He seemed to me, at first impression, to be a very competent and caring man. He answered all my questions and said I would be a good candidate for WLS. After ordering an ultrasound of my gall bladder and finding a few stones there, he opted not to remove my GB at the time of surgery for fear of infection. If necessary, it can come out later. Surgery is done-I will report more on my experience with Dr K and the team after my 1st post op appointment in July. I have had 3 fills now and am feeling great! I am continued to be impressed by Dr.Kellum and his team. My only regret is that Idid not do this years ago.
    Insurer Info:
    Anthem BC/BS Covacare

  • About Me
    Mechanicsville, VA
    Surgery Date
    Mar 31, 2006
    Member Since

    Friends 72
