October 2007 1yr 1 month

Oct 26, 2007

Ok so It has been a year and a month for the longest time the scale did not move I was exersicing, cheating, and eating at night. wondering why? ha how dumb can one be? Well I got broncitis and lost my appitite how wonderful that was so it has been about 2 weeks and I am down 9 pounds. I am so excieted to have the scales go down some more it really motivates me again. I have not exersiced in about 1 month and my flab is started to come back I had some nice muscle tone going on. I need to get the mentallity of the if I exersice I can eat out of my head. 
I have lost what my girlfriend weighed when she got married so I have lost a Dinel. wow My 2 kids weigh 40 +69 lbs That is what I lost. yea
till next time. 

1 year later

Sep 19, 2007

So I said to my husband it is Thursday Sept 20 th tomorrow  and it was Thurs Sept 20th one year ago also The day of my surgury and the 1st day of my sons school same as this year. Last Friday was weigh in day and we where at  my SIL wedding but on the scale I got on at my MIL it said I was down 100 lbs yea I am taking it. I have been involved in this wedding lately and really havn't given it my all but I have been very good at the exersice thing at least 4 days a week. I don't need a fill cause I really can't eat that much I have just been chosing the wrong foods to loose like I should be. It will come. I have been very fortunate to not have had any major or minor problems. All is well here in happy  bandville. I will update again. 
tata for now

97 lbs

Aug 17, 2007

I guess I forgot to post the next day but here it is today I an down to 97 pounds wow it is so close to the 100 mark. I have a good fill now and feel great. I somtimes worry that I can't eat enough then all of a sudden I can I am watching my intke cause I don't want to stretch the pouch. This has been pretty uneventful. I had my 20 year class reunion and even with losing 90 + lbs everyone said I look exactly the same as I did in high school. Hu if only they knew and saw me 1 year ago. at my heaviest. 
I have been doing Tybo and my hip has not bothered me in a few weeks keep on loosing.


Still goin slow.....

Aug 02, 2007

I forgot to post in July, but here I am. I got a fill on July23rd, after sitting with a 1 pound loss for a month. I am doing weigh in days on Friday so tomorrow if all goes as planned I will be down another 2 or 3 lbs. I'll update tommorrow. 
I am still very happy with the results. I got a little down in the dumps last month but I just think hormones are messing with me. I would like to loose at least 10 more lbs by Sept  15th for My SIL's wedding. I have to go strapless agggg. I have been working the arms and by then they should be alright but who cares anyway. I will come back tomorrow and post again. Hm if I figure right I guess I made a goal for myself with out even thinking . oh I hope I don't fail. so that means I want 100 pounds by one year. there I said it. lets see if I can do it. 

9 months 90 lbs.

Jun 21, 2007

90 lbs gone yea I am over the half way mark and at a normal bmi I don't think I would qualify for WLS anymore. I am doing good trying to follow the rules but wow my food addiction is still here. I really didn't think it would go away but because of the band I really can't stray far cause of the Pb issue if I try to eat too many chips or bread I physically can't so that is good. 
I have not been exersiing for the last 2 weeks walking a few days a week but not my Tybo cause of my hip it has really been a pain. I still love my band and when I hear of others who are not doing very good with it I just feel so guilty for having it work good for me. 10 more pounds and I will be at 100 I have not set any goals for fear of failure so when I get there I get there. 

8 months

May 21, 2007

This has been the most amazing 8 months I'm still loosing. am still exercising and feeling good I am down 83 pounds about 1 pound a week for the last 3 weeks total I'm down 10 lbs a month but still loosing steady. I can eat more but am going to hold on to this fill until I quit loosing I'm exersing and that is helping for sure I don't feel deprived of any food group even chocolet.

Just a wow moment or more

Apr 26, 2007

So it is now April 26 and I am down 77 lbs tomorrow is weigh in day to hopefully make it a whoppin 80 total. whooooo The lap band has really controlled my eating this morning I was thinking ha I don't even want to eat but I know not eating breakfast is bad and probably helped in my weight struggle all these years. Just wanted to remember that I get tight at the dentist so no more cavities for me. the band has been a slow process but I'd rather loose more slowly and exersice more consistatly. Till next time.

Just realized it's been 6 months

Mar 30, 2007

well it has been a little over six months now today was a weigh in day and after 3 weeks of remaining the same weight I dropped 4 more pounds so now I am down 75 total looking back on here it is kind of dissapointing  seeing that over 1 month ago I was at 70 pounds so in 1 month I only lost 5 lbs. But I will take it I know I don't need a fill I am doing good in that area. Need to kick up the exercise of course. My body fights me every time I do though Exercise get so sore I can hardly move without saying ouch or growning. It is very close to spring and getting dried up around here I will start to walk with the kids while they ride their bikes. maybe I should take the trailer off my bike and ride it as well I do like to ride bikes.

Big 70 February 24th

Feb 24, 2007

I have had 3 fills and the last one is a winner I do not feel hungry so I am not thinking about food 24/7 what a refief. I have had to cancell my last fill for not needing it. I lost 5 lbs last week and just don't know where it went they keep falling off oh well good ridence. I have now lost 70 Lbs and can hardly believe it. I have trouble with bread and that is about all I did eat steak the other night and went fine had it the next day and threw it up. I figure I just ate to fast. still learing but not to tough. 
I love the band.

I just deleted my measurments ooops

Feb 13, 2007

So it is now February 13th and I have lost a total of 63 lbs my body has lost a total of 26.5 inches all around. wow I keep thinking oh what if something happens to my band to cause complications. Why do I have to think like that. anyway I have 5.5 ccs in my VG band and I've had 3 fills I think I am good for a while I can eat comfortably without incident except for bread. so I just will stay away from that. I got my last fill thinking that I really didn't need one but was snacking alot and hadn't lost any wieght in 3 weeks so I guess that is when you need one ha?
I put on today an outfit that I bought the day I found out I was pregnant with Nikki who is now 7 yea I feel good. So 2 kids later and 2 times quiting smoking here I am wearing that outfit Yea for me. I have a long way to go but I like it to come off slow and easy so I can get used to me.

About Me
Hermantown, MN
Aug 22, 2006
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 12
October 2007 1yr 1 month
1 year later
97 lbs
Still goin slow.....
9 months 90 lbs.
8 months
Just a wow moment or more
Just realized it's been 6 months
Big 70 February 24th
I just deleted my measurments ooops
