3 weeks, 2 days post-op....

Dec 15, 2010

I am down 30 pounds today!  It's so hard to believe that it can melt off that fast.  I know it's going to slow down eventually, but for now I am enjoying the ride.  Although, I won't really feel like I have accomplished anything until I am under 200lbs.  I am 222 today, so hopefully that will happen some time in January. I've had a "grouchy pouch" the past 4-5 days.  Nauseous a lot.  Haven't thrown up or anything, and I am drinking water and milk fine, but the thought of eating makes me sick, and I just have no desire to eat.  I do make myself eat, but it's been a struggle getting my protein and calories in the past couple of days.  I do, no matter what, make sure I get all of my meds, vitamins, and supplements in every single day, I have not missed yet since I've come home from the hospital. The only thing that gave me trouble in the beginning is that stupid calcium pill. It actually got stuck one day! So, I have switched to Citracal petites, which are half the size, and go down much better.  I still can't find a protein powder or drink that I can tolerate- they all make me gag, literally.  I've spent so much time and money on that shit- I am giving up for now!  I have found a way to make a smoothie without protein powder, that still gives me 23g of protein, I use 8oz FF milk, 1/3c dry milk, 6oz yogurt, a couple pieces of fruit.  It's really tastey, and no nasty whey in there!  As long as I have one of those a day, along with my regular diet, I easily get 70g of protein and close to 800 calories.  My energy is good, and I can get around really well now.  It's a little frustrating, because I am still not supposed to bend or lift anything for a couple more weeks.  So, I hate having to depend on hubby and the kids all the time to pick things up, or carry groceries, or stuff like that.  My incision is healed well.  Still red/pink, not sore, but looks smooth and clean.  My drain site has scabbed over, in fact the scab fell off in the shower yesterday and I was afraid to look, but it's nice and pink and clean underneath.  All healed up. I see Dr.C for my follow up appointment tomorrow, I am going to ask him his opinion on using products like Mederma to reduce the look of the scar, and if/when I can start using it.  I also want to ask him about the exact time that I can start exercising, I know with open RNY they want me to wait 6 weeks post-op, so I have another 3 weeks.  I want to ask him about housework, if vacuuming, taking out garbage, scrubbing the bathtub, stuff like that are still out. I need to get some stuff done around here. I mean, hubby and the kids have been great, but there are just some things that I need to be doing myself, and there are only so many tv shows and books I can read during the day to keep busy!  Well, that's all for now. Have to finish up this smoothie and get myself dressed before the kids get off the bus. Happy Holidays everyone!


About Me
Buffalo, NY
Surgery Date
Aug 29, 2010
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