"Food" and first post op weigh in

Dec 30, 2008

I have lost 16.8 lbs in the first week!  The last time I lost that much it took me over 3 months!  Wow!

I have also been graduated to a pureed diet for one week.  It includes most foods (except hard cheese, grains/carbs and starchy veggies).  Everything needs to be the texture of baby food.  I can finally put away the timer and medicine cup to get in 4 oz of liquids per hour and can sip, sip, sip as I please.

I came home from the dr. and had a scrambled egg for lunch!  Took me 15 mins to eat one egg!!!

Feeling ok but still a little tired and have pain in my left side under my rib.  Was extremely gassy yesterday.

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About Me
fanwood, NJ
Surgery Date
Nov 04, 2007
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Pre-op visit and last buffet dinner!
Moving forward
Getting psyched
