Drag races Feb 2011

Apr 27, 2011


Haven't been on here or at least posted anything in a Long time. But just wanted to check in and post a recent pick of myself with my husband and Brother in-law. I am the one with the GIAGNTIC sunglasses!LOL! I didn't know how funny they looked. I guess my face loses wieght first. Down to 165 post pregnancy with a one year old little boy. Recenlty been having problems with severe iron deficency and extremely low hemoglobin. Going to a specialist hope it helps get my health back on track. Hope everyone is good. Take Care!


Sundress update

Mar 31, 2009

I FINALLY got my new dress this morning. And it fit!!! It has alot of room in the front which is good because my tummy ain't flat I wore all day today around town and had a few compliments! I will( I swear) post some pics form our trip to vegas this weekend. The bra was a different story, too small. So I will return it this weekend. I can not wear the dress without a bra and the straps are spaghetti straps so time to shop! Either way I am very excited to have something colorful and femine in my in my closet it has been a long time.
1 comment

A Sundress! FOR MEEEE!!!

Mar 23, 2009

 I just ordered this sundress through OLDNAVY.COM for only 25.00! I have not purchased a dress like this in over 10 years. One reason is that I am not a very femine type of person but also I have alot of insecurites with my body and the more fabric the better. Time to come out of my shell a little. I hope to get it before I go to Vegas so I can wear it out there and of course I had to get a new bra with clear straps otherwise the girls would be dragging the floor!!! By the way it is a size 16, YEAH!!!

found a website!

Mar 17, 2009


This website will calculate each month after WLS and tell you approximately how much weight you could have/should have lost. Pretty cool.

I guess I am on schedule

Mar 16, 2009

possible loss of
86 lbs after surgery

excess weight you
might keep is 46 lbs

your ideal weight
is 130 lbs

Month 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Wt. Loss 0 17 34 43 47 52 56 60 64 69 74 77 82 84 86 84 86 85 86
BMI 46.4 43.4 40.4 38.8 38.1 37.2 36.5 35.8 35.1 34.2 33.3 32.8 31.9 31.5 31.2 31.5 31.2 31.4 31.2

I guess it has been awhile

Jan 27, 2009

I ha had some ups and downs these past few months. I have mentioned a few things before and I don't want to bore anyone with the details. All that counts is that I am alive and sorta healthy. My kids and I are on talking bases after not being in contact for a year. Mu husabnd and I both lost our jobs within a week of each other. I have another one and he is on disablity pending surgery to fix a foot injury he has for a few years now. So, in a way it is a blessing because he will finally be rid of the pain he has everyday. Money is tight, that is for sure, but we still have a home to live in and food to feed the family and that is all I am concerned with right now. I am grateful taht my surgery came when it did because I don't even know if it would have taken place under these circumstances. I look better and feel better about myself. My husband doesn't say it but he flirts with me more and that makes me feel good. I have noticed that people talk to me differently now. They pay attention more to what I have to say and carry on longer conversations with me, after all I work in the hotel field I speak to a lot of people so it is easy to notice. That makes me feel kind of sad that people judge you so much on your appearances than what you really have to say. And I don't even think I changeds that much. I am, however, really jazzed to be wearing an 18 and to have put on a zipped up a pair of 16W. I probably haven't wore that size in atleast 11 years. I look at my self and see sagging skin though and that makes me feel just as fat as I was when the scale said 300lbs. The mind is a terrible thing. Well, I am done boring you with the details of my boring life. Sorry I haven't been aorund much. When life is depressing it is hard to think of something worth talking about that isn't  pitiful.

Christmas is going to be hard.

Dec 06, 2008

I just got off the phone with a co-worker. She heard some news that leaked out about our usual seasonal closure. We usually close down for 4 weeks during Christmas but this year it is going to be more like 2 months! I am not quite sure what to do yet. I started looking online for jobs in the area. I live in kind of a rural area so there isn't a whole lot to chose from that is close by. They are going to annouce it this Sunday in a meeting. I am shocked. I knew that the company hasn't done that well this year  because it is real estate based but I hope we do reopen next year. Oh well! I am just stressed out. We will see how it goes.

This is what I COULD look like

Dec 02, 2008

Open / Close


Nov 28, 2008


This was funny

Nov 09, 2008

As You Slide Down the Banister of Life, Remember

1. Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert have written

    An impressive new book.  It's called .........
   'Ministers Do More Than Lay People'
2. Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink
    And be Mary.
3. The difference between the Pope and
    Your boss,  the Pope only expects you
    To kiss his ring.
4. My mind works like lightning, One brilliant
    Flash  and it is gone.
5. The only time the world beats a path to
    Your door is if you're in  the bathroom.
 6. I hate sex in the movies. Tried it once.
    The seat folded up, the drink spilled and
    That ice, well, it really chilled the mood.
7. It used to be only death and taxes
    Now, of course, there's
    shipping and handling, too.
 8. A husband is someone who, after taking
     the trash out, gives the impression that
     he just cleaned the whole house.
9 My next house will have no kitchen - just
    Vending machines and a  large trash can. 
10. A blonde said, 'I was worried that my
      Mechanic might try to rip me off.
      I was relieved when he told me all
      I needed was turn signal fluid.'
11. Definition of a teenager?
     God's punishment...for enjoying sex.  
12. As you slide down the banister of life, may

     The splinters never point the wrong way

About Me
California City, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 01, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 27
Christmas is going to be hard.
This is what I COULD look like
This was funny
