Here We Go Again......

Jan 03, 2011

So it has been a very very very long time....3 years to be exact!!  I am back up in the weight department and really depressed.  Over the holidays I met my brother in laws new girlfriend who just had gastric bypass.  One of my best girlfriends is getting ready to celebrate her 3rd anniversary.  Allof these things got me thinking......

It is my time!!! It is my time to do what is right for me!!  I made the first step today by calling The Weight Loss Clinic.  I am going for the bypass this time!! SO.................


No Longer Part of the Band

Aug 31, 2008

Well  let me first start off by saying that I am so very glad to be home.  My trouble started with my 1st fill on 8/6.  The doc put in 1.5cc and I felt it right away...reflux and an awful tightness...I went back in on the 8th and they took out half of what they put it.  So all I had was 0.75. 

I did liquids that whole weekend and ate a small meal on Sunday and was fine.  Well Monday I threw up and then was on liquids for a few more days.  So actually did liquids till that next Saturday the 15th and that evening had 2 teaspoons of chicken salad and a few bites of pudding.  The next morning I was totally miserable the next morning.   And we were leaving for the beach early Monday morning.  I threw up twice on Sunday...all the chicken salad.  well we left for Myrlte Beach on the 18th and I had only one day down there that I didnt throw up.  I knew that I should have listenened to my gut and called the docs the Friday before we left.  Anyhoo, one side note had the most awesomest NSV down at the beach....took my 10 year old on a roller coaster for her very first time!!

Left to come home on Sunday the 24th.  Threw up the whole way home.....I would drink about 8 oz and then have to have DH pull over so that I could vomit.

Call the office 1st thing Monday morning and was told that I couldnt be seen until Tuesday. so I was like ok I am in no real pain....YET!!1

About noontime that day threw up some water and thought that I was dying.  I had the most horrible reflux from just swallowing my own spit....Oh and I had horrible reflux the whole time at the beach and even woke up choking one night.

So Monday afternoon drive myself to the ER (I have 4 hubby stayed with them) and was admitted for rehydration and xrays and a barium swallow.   Had the xrays that evening and the started the IV and the xray tech said it looked like my band had slipped.  So wake up the next morning and they do the swallow and NOTHING would pass thru my waited allllllllllllllllllll day to go into surgery and it was with my original surgeons collugue(sp) and he asked if I minded and I said no as long as you can take away my pain.  The tech also said that my stomach had come up thru the band also.  I was in surgery for 3 hours and woke up Wed morning feeling worse.....Had extreme nausea, even threw up, not forcefully, but it was enough to pop one of the new stiches....soo go for my 2nd swallow test and GUESS WHAT>>>>>>> you got it nothing would pass thru.

Was taken down to radiology about 6 times that day for delayed pictures and nothing still would pass, so the head doc of the clinic ordered a ECG for me at 7pm last evening.  Had it down and found out that all of my stomach was not put back down threw from the 1st surgery.  So my original wonderful surgeon said he wanted to do it this time and I talked to him in depth and decided to just have it taken out.  I was in soooo much pain and afraid that I would not feel better and I just could not take that chance and my dear doc payed me a wonderful complement.....he said that he knew that I could get the rest of the weight off myself.  He definitley tried to talk me out of it, but in the end supported my decision.  So here I am bandless after 2 surgeries in less than 24 hours, but feeling 125% better and ready to tackle the last 50 pounds.  I just wanted to share, and to let people know to listen to your body and if something doesnt feel right it usually isnt!!

Wish me luck!! and God Bless

I really need to update more!!

Jul 06, 2008

Well let's see....I am 5 weeks out..almost 6.  I cant beleive I actually did it.  My experience in the hospital was great.  Only problem I had was in the middle of the night after surgery.  I was really nauseas(sp) and actually threw up, but the UGI the next day showed that my band was fine...Thank God!!  Recovery went fast...the only bad day I had was 3 days after being banded I had my daughter's last soccer game and end of the season parrty and of course I am team mom so I organized everything so I had to be there, well it rained and the game was delayed an hour and I just felt miserable...I think to when you dont feel to hot everything and everyone pisses ya off even if they dont mean to. lol  But things are going good....I didnt realize though how much of a realtionship I had with food.  I have stopped my evening eating though after the kiddies are tucked into bed I would sit and eat even if I wasnt hungry.  I have stopped that now, but DH hasnt and get this he still does and eats it right in front of me....that ass!!  As of today I am down to 318 from 346 at surgery and my all time high of 352 when I started this journey.  My first mini goal is to be below 300 before our trip to Myrtle Beach in August...we are leavingon August 18th.  So we will see.  I have my 1st regular appointment on July 18th, so I will see then if I need a fill or not.  I definitley have some restriction now....can only eat about a cup of food.  I swear and DH says he heard it too that Dr. Currie put 3cc in my band at surgery.  O am gonna ask him to make sure when I go in on the 18th.  Well off to do more laundry...I swear I would hire a maid just to do the damn can 6 people go through so many clothes!! lol


I know it has been a long time, but here is what happened to me

Jul 06, 2008

Ok where to insurance was pretty much straight forward I thought!!  I started everything in October of last year.  It started with an introduction appointment at The Weight Loss Center in Harrisburg.  At that time there were 13 steps that I needed to go thru.  One of the biggest hurdles was a 6 month doctor supervised diet....I was like great I have been dieting my whole life...I just wanted to get banded quickly.  Anyhow the 6 month diet, nutrionist appointments, your BMI had to be at least 40 or 35 with co-morbities, had to attend 2 support meetings, had to have an EKG if there was a history of heart disease and a psch evaluation.  So started my 6 month diet in November and met with Dr. Weiger.  Along came the holidays and I got a letter from the WLC stated that CBC changed the 6 month diet to a 3 month diet.  What a great Christmas present.  Went in January for 1st Nut. appt. and was told to schedule EKG (grandfather died of massive heart attack at 45) and scheduled my psych eval.  Beginning of February comes and I had my EKG on Tuesday, heart rate was a little bit elevated ( at the time I was on vicodin and a muscle relaxor...had thrown my back out the previous weekend) so cardiologist said I needed a 2 day stress test...which I scheduled for following Thur and Fri.  The next day went to the psych appt anf she cleared me for surgery.  Then that Thur I got ANOTHER letter from WLC stating the CBC was changing their requirements once again.  Now you only had to have a BMI of 40, been overweight for at least 5 years and be at least 18 years of age. So the previous week I spent $100 in copays for nothing....ughhh  So I called the WLC and asked if I still needed to go thru with the stress test and they said no that it was no longer an insurance req.  So I cancelled it.  Now we are in the beginning of March.  The gal submitted everything to CBC and I was approved in no time and they sent we for pre-ops and I met with the Nut and Dr. Weiger one last time and then the called me to schedule my surgery for March 25th.  I was to be called the previous day with a time and when they called it wasnt the hospital it was the WLC....we are sorry but we are going to have to cancel your surgery because you need to have a stress test.  I said EXCUSE ME, your office told me in Feb to cancel the stress test.  So needless to say they would not do the surgery until I had the stress test.  So I did that the end of March.  Well by this time.....mind you I have 4 children, 9 yr old daugher, 6 and 5 yr old sons and a 18 month old spring sports have now begun as well as the wind down of preschool and school and our schedule is horrible.  We also go on vacation the week before Memorial Day and Im thinking when am I gonna have time before vac and do I really want to worry about my surgery while im on vac.  Taking 4 kiddies on vac is stressful enough so when the WLC called me back to say that they could schedule me again I TOLD THEM what date I wanted and I am scheduled for May 28th.  So I guess it really wasnt my insurance's fault that I have had a hard time.  I mean it is in a way because they kept changing their req., but the WLC should have nver told me to cancel that stress test if they werent sure.  My SIL works for CBC and she said however that the reason that they no longer have so many req. may only be for that certain doctor becaus ehe has performed so many surgeries and they have confience in the WLC that they wont skip corners etc.

Wonderful Surprise!!

Jan 22, 2008

Yeah I know that is has been some time since I posted...things are moving along a lot faster than I had expected.  Over the holidays I received a letter from The Weight Loss Center...I thought great, now they are going to deny me or something, but it was actually a letter letting me know that my insurance was changing their requirements for members wanting to have WLS.  Instead of a 6 month doc supervised diet I had to only do a 3 month...WOOHOOO!!!
And I also had to have a psych eval. and a couple other things.  So now here is how my appointments are going:

This Friday 1/25 : Meet Dr. Currie and discuss which surgery might be better for me.

1/29/08: Cario Eval--due to heart disease history in my family
1/30/08:  Psych Eval--requirement for insurance
2/4/08:  2nd nutrionist appt
3/08:  3rd and final nutrionist appt

End of March--Early April--possible surgery date!!

I have been doing an aquacise class twice a week and I have lost 4.5 pounds last by my scales I am down to 342.8.....that's a 10 pound loss since October.  Slow but steady!!

God Bless!!

On My Way!!

Dec 06, 2007

Alot has happened...finally got in to see new PCP beginning of November and had blood work done.  And then had my initial consultation with the bariatric physician at the Weight Loss Clinic on Monday, 12/2.  Now my 6 month diet has started.  I havent done my best latley.  I hate TOM!!  I have my 1st of 6 appointments with the nutritionist on 1/02 and then I meet my surgeon on 1/25.  Still alot of hoops to jump through but each day brings me closer to my new life!!  Till next time.....take care and god bless!!


Oct 12, 2007 we go....

Today I had my first informational appointment with Central PA Weight Loss Clinic.  I got 2 of the 4 kids off to school and put the baby down for a nap and my girlfriend came to sit with my 4 year old.  I arrived and checked in.  For some reason I felt like I was going to puke .  Nerves I guess.  Got called back and the nurse(I think that was what she was) took my height.  One weird thing it that she said that I was 5' 8" and I swore that I was taller than least 5'10" says 5'11" on my driver's license...anyhow then the dreaded part...she took me to a room and weighed me.  347 pounds. HOLY COW!!  Cow is right. lol  With the lower height that mde my BMI 52.  Well I got a folder of info and a checklist of 13 steps that I need to do before my surgery.  I am blessed that my insurance does cover my surgery, but the sucky thing is I have to do a 6 month doctor supervised diet first.  Crap...I was hoping to have surgery before that. Looks like surgery wont be until May, which I will probably have to move to June because of vacation in May and pre-school graduation, etc.

One other crappy thing is that DH and I are in the process of switching PCP. So I have bloodwork that I need to have done and cant do that until I get records in the mail from old PCP and make an appointment with new PCP which the new PCP is scheduling visits 2 weeks out. I guess its time to start the waiting game.  Oh god I hope that I have enough patience.  

Wish me luck!!
God Bless!

About Me
York Haven, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

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No Longer Part of the Band
I really need to update more!!
I know it has been a long time, but here is what happened to me
Wonderful Surprise!!
On My Way!!
