My revision surgery.

Sep 16, 2011

First of all...I am only 220 pounds...I am a light weight Gastric Bypasser. Only because I have Barrett's Esophagus, that can lead to cancer if the acid in your stomach is not controled. I had been on Nexium for 3 control this, but with that diagnosis you can guess that it was not controlled very well.  My doctor basically was not going to let me leave the hospital without having the RNY done to preserve my stomach and what is left of my esophagus. (They use your stomach to replace your esophagus if you get cancer and it has to be removed.)

I got to the hospital at 8:30 on Wednesday morning for my surgery...*San Diego Naval Hospital. I didn't get taken back until after 11:00am.   I was put under and the procedure began. They removed that lap band...and nicked my stomach in the process, which was dealt with when creating my new stomach.  Then...while looking at my small intestine the doctor seen I had some adhesions so he took a biopsy and sent it off to the lab and waited for the verdic...none cancerous...let's continue. He then proceeded to do the gastric bypass....lasting a total of 7 hours of me being under anethesia...coming out of surgery with a partial collapsed lung.  
I was then moved to my room where I had a push button to give me meds (Dilaudid), also a cathedar, and a drain, plus that annoying IV. I felt like frankenstien.
Actually first....I felt like I had been ran over...I was in pain..but my doctor said he was surprised I only pushed my pain med button a total of 5 times...
I went in more worried about DVT's than PAIN....i feel that PAIN is WEAKNESS leaving the body. So...around 6am..I was up and walking around.  (Got out of surgery at 7:45pm, the night before.) I then went and had upper GI..and a CAT check for leaks, and a possible EB...Embolism.  Which was both negative..
Later Thursday...around 4-5 pm...the POWER OUTAGE that was fun...considering the generators where crazy in our building...on and off the rest of the night. More of up and walking around...and sucking on the spirator..or whatever it is...for my lung and deep breathing exercises. 
I had 4 MA's and one RN try to get blood from me on Thursday..very funny...considering i was gettin' heparin you would think that would have been was not bleeding...and they couldnt hit a vein if their lives depended on it. (I am a Phlebotomist)    Finally...the morning crew came in...and a new MA came in and FINALLY got my blood, after listening to me at which vein to go to.
Finally Friday morning rounds...and the doctors are giving me the ok to discharge...woohoo.   LIQUID LORTAB and MILK OF MAGNESIA and I am out the door..

Sept. 16th--9 days post op.

Sep 16, 2011

Well.. I am still on a full liquid diet...including jello, and yogurt plus the protein shakes. Reading all my paper work I am to be on these up until my follow up appointment which will be 27th of Sept.   On Wednesday I weighed myself...a week out, and I am down 8 pounds. I been walking and actually doing seated exercises...with light weights for my arms.  I am hoping it all pays off...
I have decided i will weigh myself ever wednesday..and see how I do on a weekly basis.

Home from Revision Surgery

Sep 11, 2011

Well...the surgery is over...i am now on the feel good side of this. I am in pain..but have liquid lortab to cure that.   I am up and walking trying to get rid of all this gas inside my abdomen. But it is good to be home...everyday i am feeling a bit better.
I will keep you posted...

Revision is Scheduled for Sept. 7th 2011

Aug 25, 2011

Well..we are like a couple of weeks away from my revision surgery. I have lots of things going thru my head. Worried about scar tissue...erosion and just if once i get under they will be able to DO a revision because of any of those reason.

About Me
Las Vegas, NV
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2004
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