catalina07 posted a discussion topic 3 years, 9 months ago

I am considering DS surgery and I am wondering, does anyone NOT have issues with vitamin deficiency? or is that just the way it goes? I hear so much about iron infusions and vitamin d and ferratin way too low. Is there anyone do ok with their levels? <

catalina07 wrote a blog post 9 years, 1 month ago
180s----F-I-N-A-L-L-Y!!! - I have been staying in the 190s for around 2 months! I got to 195...then 196...then 193...191...190...then back up to 194 again... I started thinking this is it. My body is done lo...

catalina07 posted a comment 9 years, 1 month ago
I'm really happy for you! Keep up the good work!

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago

I recently tried on every single thing that I own...98% of it does not fit anymore. I put everything into garbage bags and they are just sitting in my closet, which is now mostly empty hangers. I am curious what others have done with their clothes that

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago

So I have been slowly working with my C25k app for a couple of weeks. Sometimes it goes better than other times. Anyway, today when it got to the jog part...i went faster (due to the music that I was listening to pumping me up!)  Anyway, in some ways r

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 2 months ago

Lately I have noticed certain symptoms after I have eaten things like cheese. I was wondering if anyone has had a problem with dairy products after surgery, when they did not have any problems with it prior??

catalina07 posted a comment 9 years, 2 months ago
Hi. I just came accross your post. I wanted to share with you my...

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 2 months ago

It seemed that I wouldn't dump. I am reluctant to say that I have tested it out a bit and maybe I didn't "feel well" but, nothing drastic. I actually thought that maybe what people talk about is not that bad!  Until last week. Something I had eaten bef

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 2 months ago

I am wondering what are your thoughts on yoga? I have been going to the gym finally. I am on week two of the couch25k app and I am really proud of myself that I am able to do it at all! But, sometimes I am sore for a day or two after and that keeps me

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 2 months ago

I am doing the right things. I am even exercising now, which is something that I didn't think I would really get into. Anyway, I am so frustrated because now that I have FINALLY got to onederland, the scale wont budge. It's like it is tormenting me...s

catalina07 wrote a blog post 9 years, 2 months ago
ONEDERLAND!!! - It happened. I have arrived in the 100's. I can't even believe it! I always feel like I am doing everything wrong but...well I guess I can't be doing it ALL wrong! I also started t...

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 2 months ago

I made it! 199 this morning. WOO HOO!!!!!   I wasn't sure if I would ever get here!!!   I have seen so many post about being in onederland...just wanted to put mine out there too! YAY!!

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 3 months ago

I have seen others outside running and always felt envious of them. How great to be able to run and not only survive it but like it! I always assumed they had probably run their entire lives but that can't be true for everyone!  I honestly do not like

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 4 months ago
Thing about getting off the scale for now. - I normally weigh myself everyday. Something that I have been noticing about myself is that I am more motivated when I see a loss of any kinda...but when I stay the same or gain any...

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 4 months ago
My first real NSV and it felt pretty good! - I bought my first piece of clothing since having my surgery 2 months ago. A winter coat. I was beginning to feel like I was wearing a garbage bag, so I just casually strolled into ...

catalina07 wrote a blog post 9 years, 4 months ago
The little things (NSV) - I have been losing slower than I want and it has really gotten to me. I spent the first few weeks or so with the "what have I done to myself" regrets! I am 8 weeks out now. Recentl...

catalina07 lost 3 lbs since Jan 17 9 years, 4 months ago

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 4 months ago
head hunger vs real hunger - any info on this? I am 8 weeks out. I feel that I am able to eat more than others with no problems. I also find I get hungry fairly quickly after eating. Sometimes I feel like I ha...

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
Walden Farms - 0 Calorie foods - I have tried a few salad dressings. It's kinda hit and miss. Some are horrid, others acceptable. I like the 0 calories, 0 fat, 0 carbs aspect of them though. Has anyone else tried ...

catalina07 added a goal 9 years, 5 months ago
be healthy and weigh 140 lbs.

catalina07 added a goal 9 years, 5 months ago
Finish my Bachelors degree

catalina07 accomplished a goal 9 years, 5 months ago
Lose 5 lbs

catalina07 lost 3 lbs since Jan 04 9 years, 5 months ago

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
snack ideas? - In my plan we are supposed to eat 6 times per day. 3 meals and 3 "snacks". kinda just like 6 tiny meals. Does anyone have some great ideas that they use for snacks? High protein, n...

catalina07 posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
Protein bars. Yay or Nay? - I am wondering what your plan says about protein bars. Mine says no. but I am wondering what everyone else's plan says or if you choose to eat them or not. If so, which ones are yo...
About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 11, 2007
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