Lap Band Eve

Feb 23, 2009

Tomorrow morning, I go in to have my Lap Band "installed."    I have had surgeries before, but never have I been so calm the night before.  I just know with absolute certainty that I am doing the right thing for myself and for my family.  I've done everything in the past to lose weight, all the programs, some of the pills, and my problem is I can't stick with anything long enough to make it work.  I know the band will be an invaluable tool that I will use wisely.  I will keep in the front of my mind that I MUST get in all my protein every day, no matter how hard it seems, I MUST exercise and I MUST remember that this band is a tool and not a quick fix. 

One of the main reasons I chose the band was because I wasn't interested in having my insides rearranged...mostly because my mom had part of her colon removed to remove a cancerous tumor, and she never came out of the hospital...instead having two more surgeries to fix the leaks and infections, and she passed away anyway.    I know that she had a lot of issues that I do not have, like she had cancer, she had Chron's Disease, she had been on Prednisone for months before the surgery, she had just gotten over a Staph infection that she had gotten from an infiltrated IV a couple of months prior...a lot of things stacked against her that I don't have, but still... I also chose the band because from all the research I have done, it seems that the weight loss is slower with the band, and I'm hoping that there won't be as much hanging skin if it happens slower and I can exercise while it's happening.  I know there will be some because I'm 45 and almost weigh three bills, but I want to minimize it as much as possible.

I have been married to the most wonderful man in the world for almost 13 years.  We have four beautiful children, and I want to be here for all of them for as long as I possibly can.  I am very happy with my life.  I have everything in my life that I could want, except my health...I'm content with everything in my life, except my weight.  It's really the only thing that bothers me on a daily, hourly, moment-to-moment basis  (besides money, of course...but I think this is WAY more important).

Right now it's 8:38 p.m. the night before my Lap Band surgery.  I am very excited to start this next chapter of my life.  I started this journey almost a year ago, taking classes, having tests done, awaiting insurance approval, etc., and now the day is here.  It's hard to believe, but here we go!  I will be back to let you all know how it's going.

Thanks for being here! 


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 14, 2009
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