Wooosaaah...Feeling Lighter!

Aug 06, 2014

So since my lovely husband let the cat out the bag about my choice to so surgery I have been getting a lot of flack from some family members.  The only person I hadn't told was my dad...until today.  I wasn't looking forward to saying anything to him because he's known to be quite rigid and opinionated...like the rest of my family you may be thinking... but he's different.  More in your face with his displeasure towards things, black and white kid of guy.  I don't know if its because he's getting older but lately I have been quite surprised with his reactions to things.  Well today I told him...and he said...well Charmaine, I don't blame you for your decision and I support you 100%!   He went on to tell me that he sees how my grandmother (his mom) has struggled all of her life with weight and is now an 87 year old lady still struggling.  He even said not to worry about my mom and siblings say because I know my body and what I am going through carrying this weight!  FLOORED!  I wanted to break down and bawl...but my kids were around lol.  It is an amazing feeling knowing that I have my dad in my court and because of this I am not worried at all about moving forward despite what the others are saying.  I feel stronger...amazing!

On a side note...I called HRRH and they said that the nurses are just finishing up the end of June files so any of people who attended orientation in July will have another 3-7 days to wait before we get our first round of appointments.  Take the good with the bad eh!



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Jun 11, 2014
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