
Mar 27, 2007

july 5,2005
i would like to be able to stand for more than 5 minutes without pain..a long pain in the mornings...normal bp...and to breathe.

july 6th 2005

i have a psych consult on friday...the nice woman at cori says my surgery could be as early as august...things are moving very fast. i am a little scared i think.

july 8,2005

well another day, too hot,too tired,my back is killin me today and my hip too,but still i smiled all day because i know it will get better soon.i just keep focusing on what the futer will bring me, the fact that my surgery will open a whole new life for me . i so can't wait.

july 9th, 2005

well another day closer to my consult on monday. they are sayin my surgery will probly be in september now but thats okay it's still fairly quick.

it's hot and sticky outside and i can't breath when it's like that so i am inside i think for the rest of the day.nest summer i intend to enjoy it and not hide from the first thing i will do is go to six flaggs with hubby and kids.

i am trying to talk my mom into having surgery with me...her life would be greatly improved i think.she had gastric bypass 17 years ago(the old stomach stapling kind) and it worked for a while but it stopped and she gained all her weight back and more....she gets depressed and i tell her well hop on board and we will start our new lives together. i think thats all for now. one more day and monday night i will have news and will have a date by the 25th or so.

july 11,2005

well today is the day i meet my surgeon and all...a lil testy but not too bad...i have tons of questions for him but overall i know it should go step closer to my new life. i will let ya know how it went tonight.

update...i am home now was a long day..i really like my surgeon he is very straigh forward and answered all my questions very thoroughly....everything is being submitted so i just have to wait for approval now ....wish me luck
july 12th,2005

well another day. my pcc hasn't sent my stuff to insurance yet and i know it's only been 2 days but hell 2 days can mean another month til surgery for us. hopefully she will get it done thos week.the wait is so unnerving. things are quiet daddy is still in the hospital...he's in end stage renal failure and has yet another a result of being diabetic and severly obese he has lost all kidney function,lost an eye,a leg,his heart is enlarged,has neuropothy,
broken hip that won't heal and more i can't remember,
my momma also obese has had to have both knees replaced,has severe breathing problems,high bp,and female problems as well as depression, soooooooo i am after this surgery like a coon dawg on a hunt. i have to avoid this for me and my kids.
hi everyone. talked to my pcc today and she finally mailed my stuff to my insurance. it's been there since again today i need a bigger child(15) got her first job today..i am so proud :) now she can buy her own clothes lmao. just a stupid car needs a brake pump motor thingy and it's gonna cost me a fortune.damn foreign jobbies :|
july 15,2005
yayyyy i have an angel.....and...i get to be hers too...and she ROCKS......

My Angelette & My Angel, Dixie Chick (Lindy)

thanks lindy ya don't know what it means
soooooo today at 3pm I GOT APPROVED....and now....i git edgy.....a lil skeered ya know?but excited too. i should have a date by friday or so i am hopin....get it over mistake was readin memorials first thing this mornin...DUH!
sooo i happy today...i love mah hubby...mah kids are brats...all is well....lmao chow for now.

july 28th,2005
I GOT A DATE!!!!!WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!it's on september life will start over omg i cannot wait!!!!
aug 19th,2005
okay so i haven't updated in a while.days are going by sooooo slow...not as scared as i was but i am sure that will hubby has a new job...he really likes it and i am glad he was going nuts with nothin to do.i so love that oldest daughter started highschool wed. i feel youngest will be in 8th grade she starts next tuesday...oh my it will be so quiet around here.i have been starting to stock up on a few things i will need but not much.lately i have been eating everything in site.kinda freekin me out how much i wanna eat now.anyways thats all for now .
sept 3 2005
well well well times a really movin now 8 more days and a wake up...really feal my fears bubblin up now but i am sure i will be fine.just like to take a moment to thank everyone for their support and honesty and reality always know what i need.bless you the way my dad is still in the hospital..looks like he will never come home again.but i don't want to think about that.just know i love you dad and no matter where you are i will be with also i have a new furbaby(as if i needed a new one) she is a nine month old collie and very beautiful and her name is lola.
more later
hey everyone!!! well tomorrow is the big day. i will finally be a loser.and boy am i scared.i am sure i will be ok but yanno when fear rears it's ugly head.....i have met a few wonderful wimmin havin surgery the same day as me and i am so excited that we will all be on this journey together.i want to say goodluck and prayers are with you. also thank god miss shireen got her surgery!!!!woo hoooo!!!!she so deserves to be happy...she bring so much to my life and i miss her.and tooter thank you for all your knowledge..what a wonderful thing you do here.and of course my angel....a love ya and thanx for beingthere.then there's ronnie...yanno i adore you and thanx for all the guidance and imput and for being your down to earth no bull self.i love you guys and my girls kaitlyn and courntey and hubby paul.....and i will see you on the losing side!!!!!
sept 14th 2005
well i went thru with it i am a loser!!!!day of surgery i bawled....woke up feelin no pain in recovery.....had an epidural wrather than day round 4 pm...omfg epi had moved...wasn't workin,,,,they couldn't figure that i lay screamin in in agony for hours till after ct's and ekg's a wunnerful old man who was the pain specialist figured it out...immediatly took out the epi...gave me a pump and i was asleep a half hour later....soooooi am home now...i thank everyone for prayers my poor hubby was beside himself and you all helped him out ty so much i love ya for it
oct 3rd 2005
well hello everyone ..just a few lines to let ya know i am doing great...looks like i will be a slow loser but thats okay with me as long as i my 2 week appt i had lost 14 pounds and 4 inches offa my waist so i think thats okay.i like going for walks now whether it be outside or in a store ...i can do that for hours now.
i just wanna say thanx for all the support here and the knowledge too you guys rock.and also my hubby....gawd i love that man...he is everything i could ever want...thank you baby
dec. 3 2005
well hello everyone been a while...i am now down 53 pounds and feel great.been stressin a bit but i am momma is off life support now but may have some brain dammage from lack of oxygen we shall see...she is soo much better tho and thanx for all the prayers.
well hell what a glorious day!!!i finally got below 250...this am i weighed in at's been 12 yrs since i last saw that.i am just ecstatic.WOOO OHOOOOOO!!!!i hope the holidays are good to everyone...i am letting my homeless ex spend 2 days at my house with my girls...i must be nuts....but the were very upset at the thought of not seein him...soooo i let him...of course with my hubby's ok on it.we shall see how it goes.wish us luck.
feb 8th 2006
wow been a while.i still continue to lose slow but some is better than none i spose.i am now at 235. 61 pounds from is going well i am healthier than i have been in ages and can do a whole lot more.i am currently car shopping YUCK.sooo til next time
april 14th, 2006
holy crap i haven't been here in a minute!! well to start i am doing well over 100 oz water in yesterday and 80 g's at least of protien and the scale said 218 this mornin...almost to that 100 ponds lost mark.i am still working,i take care of a woman with ms.and also looking at getting my state insurance licence.ummmm lets see,i have a new hernia and was told by my pcp no exercise til the surgeon looks at it...kinda bummed me out .thats all i are some recent pics for ya's
new hair and tan!

may 16,2006
hello everyone hope you are all well.i tell you this has been an amazing journey...i have lost 103 pounds my bmi is now 34.4 and i am getting there!! i also have a new career. i just got licenced by the state to sell insurance and am part of the national agents cool is THAT! i never would have had the guts to do it 8 minths ago but here i am and i am on my way!!!more to come......

About Me
vandalia, IL
Surgery Date
Jul 05, 2005
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 1
