On June 26, was 4 Months Out from Surgery!

Jul 02, 2009

Just thought I'd post my progress so far...Im down to 167 pounds and only 37 pounds to goal! Its the best feeling ever, I have to tell you, I cant begin to tell you how it feels to be able to just buy clothes off the rack and now its going to look cute! lol I have a shopping fetish now lol and its oh so bad! LOL
My best Friend lives in Detroit though, and the price of clothing is so much cheapier there so Im not complaining....
I tried on a 13, and maybe 5 more pounds and those babies are gonna fit! lol this was one of my big goals because I wanted to be able to shop in stores like Urban Planet, Urban Behaviour, Stiches & Suzy Shier and fit into their clothing! I never was able to do that so when that happens I think thats going to be a big hurdle I went over.

My long term goal is to be close to goal or at goal by Christmas. With only 37 pounds to go, I think that its a pretty realistic goal....

I hope everyone Post-Op and Pre-Op are doing great, this is a wonderful Journey and am Happy to be sharing it with you all

