wow , how time fly's

Nov 19, 2010

well itz been well over a year since I been on here . I hope everyone is doing good.. I am around 16 mths out 177 lbs down , and still loosen .. I had to pull away from the site I was not where I needed to be , and was begaining to look down on myself because everyone else was loosen and I was layed up in the bed with mersa ..

Many of u know that my hospital stay was less then bad . After I was home about a week , I started to have drainage from my site ( I had open gastric bypass ) . I went to the E.R  who said not to worry all was fine but it look like I had a lilttle bit of infection . They needed to get a hold of the doctor that did the surgey to find out what kind of meds I needed to be on .. 2 hrs and lots of calls later they were unable to get a call back or a hold of n e 1 . So they sent me on on LQ septra , and told me to follow up with my PCP . Things where a lot worse by the time I followed up , and my site was starting to re-open . My PCP  did a swap said to stay on the septra while he tried to get a hold of someone at the Dr. V's office .The next day my site was almost half way open , so I talked with a friend from here that said that I should go to the ER where she had her surgey because they had gastric bypass Dr's on staff .. So I did , When I got there they stuck me on a heart monator because my heat was throwing PVC'S . They to tried to get a hold of sum 1 from Dr.V's office with no luck . They set me up with a Dr on staff there at DePAUL , 2 days later . Even tho he did not take my insurance he said he wld see me.. When I got home there was a message from my PCP , when I talked to him they said I tested POS for MERSA . He said he found a med that I cld take and started me on it right away . I followed up with the other Dr from DePAUL we said "wow ur gonna need in home care to have ur site packed everyday ( by this time my site was all the way opened and about 2in deep ) he changed my meds to a better med and sent me on my way ... Long story short , it took about 2 mths to heal , Dr, V called back 3 weeks into this thing and said he was sooo sorry no one gave me pain meds or called/email or n e thing back blahh blahh blahh ..

It took about 4 mths for me to get on my feet and in the gym . By this time I was only down about 40 lbs and everyone on her was down 60-80 and I felt like a failure so I thought If I pulled away I cld just do me and the best I could . In Jan 2010 I started school , while walking up the steps on morning I felt a sharp pain in my bell y at the site of the surgey . It went away after a while and I though no more of it . In Feb 2010 I was getting out of the tub and happened to look down and I seen a big ball where my site was , i pushed it in , and a second later in poped back out .. Yep a hernia . I went and seen my new PCP ( who by the way is awesome and wonderful ) who sent me to see Dr.Crouch . So on my way to see he I am replay n  the past 7 mths in my head and beside myself . The moment I walked in his office I felt better . He said that I cld wait to summer break to have surgey no rush , I just need to see him every mth till then . Fast forward to Aug 2010 , I went in for my surgey scared to death , woke up from surgery with pain under control all was well . He did say that I had 2 differnt hernias . I will say the pain was by far the most horrible , painful surgey I have every had ... But the care was great . All of this was because the Dr. wanted to open gastric bypass insted of the other way ... 

Alot has happen , I have walked a long walk .. I still think when I see someone who got down to a size 9 or 10 and I am in A 14 OR 16 that I am a looser .. Then I remind myself that I started at almost 400lbs and they did not . I have lost a few friends from the surgey . But if I never lost another pound I wld be fine . I look great , I am healthly , and happy .. I hate stalls , and I had arm flap , but I love myself , and am thankful to the Lord above for seeing me thru all this ...  TILL THE NEXT TIME MAY GOD ALWAYS SMILE ON UR PATHS....... CHEROITY...

My surgery and hospital stay ...

Jul 26, 2009

I was cool and up beat when there were prep-n me for surgery . My sisiter Geni kept talking to me . The put my I.V in marked my belly , some people came and talked to me about what was gonna happen when we went back .. Aunt Flo came to vist  the day before my surgery so I was a lil uhhhh if u will.. Then the time came and then took me back . I did not have time to worry and freak cuzz the O.R was right on the other side of the doors . As soon as I got in there I changed beds and someone stuck a mask on me and thats the last I remember . The next thing I remember is people standing all around me talking and alot of burning in my chest and belly .I could not talk so I remember wispering "hurt " and " pain " I guess someone gave me something cuzz I fall back asleep .I came around again and someone told me that they were trying to get me a bed on the heart floor cuzz my heart was skipping beats , then adding extra beats and my O2 was way to low .. I do remember looking at the clock and that was around 730pm . At some point then needed to draw my blood and could not get any so they were trying to get it outa my foot .At around 1030pm I was still in recovery and I ask if I could sit up , some lady helped me that lasted for about 2 mins . At around 1145 they came to get me to take me up stairs .

When I got to the floor I was a little more with it . The guy who took my up was there a long with my nurse . She asked me if I could roll over to the next bed . I told her I wanted to stand up and walk so I did . I went into surgery at noon and now it was almost midnight and remembering aunt Flo gifted me the day before I waited for the man to leave to ask the nurse if I need to be cleaned up , she said she would go and get the things to clean me up and be right back ... At around 3am she came back . At round 7am the doctors made there rounds said that I could take out the folly and try and to walk .. When my nurse came in to take it out she helped me to the rest room and cleaned me up .. I had an I.V in both hands those things on my legs to keep my blood moving and this hudge cut down my chest and belly. I asked her if she could help me walk she said later she had to much to do at that time... She never did get the time. This was thursday day . Thursday eve I could no longer lay in the bed so I got up into a chair ( that's where I spent the rest of my stay in that chair ) . Friday I try my best to make it to the restroom in time but I peed a little bit on the back of my leg , when I asked the nurse to come help me she said to me " how to you clean your self up at home " . I wanted to die , I told her that at home I dont have I.V's in both hands and a cut down my chest and belly . She then said ( honest to GOD THIS IS NOT A LIE ) oh did you have surgery ? At this point I felt sooo alone ...She's talking care of me while my nurse was at lunch however she should have known . When my doctors came friday then said I could take a shower , I was soooooo happy , when my nurse came back I asked if she could help me , she said no she had to much to do , I asked if someone could help me walk ... Nope to much to do . Saturday came my doctor came in and said thatI would be going home on Sunday but he was leaving today , he left a paper with some info on it , and said that if I needed anything call his office and also gave me his cell number. I asked my nurse on saturday if she could walk with me she said no ,. By this time I felt so gross I had not had a bath since tuesday night , aunt Flo came and left , my hair was oily , and so was my whole body and I smelled a little like peee . I asked the nurse to please help me with a bath she said no ... Now I am feeling a lil sorry for myself . By the time saturday night got I was in tears crying begging the nurse to help me with a bath . She was sooo nice she was like yes boo I will help you let me get evrything else done I will bring you some pain meds and get u in the bath...... She did just as she said . It was wonderful ... I was released the next morning . I was given no pain meds . Sent home on O.T.C 500mg TY . I never want to go back to that hospital for anything , they never once help me walk , or got me up to walk and treated me like shit .....


Jul 09, 2009

So it's really going to happen , in less then 1 week I will be leaving for Chicago and my life will never be the same .I have to say I am really , really scared . I think I need some me time to take in every thing . While walking this path of W.L.S u will find differnt things to worry about , will the doctor take me , will the "head doctor" give the ok , what about the nut , and then itz the approvel . After that theres notthing left to worry about but the surgery its self. I am worry about the what if's are great , I know I will spend a lot of time talking with God , and asking for his blissings . So I'm gonna click this seat belt and off I go .....

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Feeling blue !!!

Jun 05, 2009

I've been approved for over a week now , I faxed my letter to the Doctors office ...My little girl Gloria has a ton of medical problems and is having surgery i most likely the 1st week in July , so she is gonna have a 6 weeks recover time. I expresses by concern about wanting to have my surgery this mth to the Prn at the doctors office on Tuesday so that 2 of my recovering weeks would be while Gloria was at the hospital and when she comes home I would have a in home nurse helping .. She said she would talk to the doctor and get back with me .. Today is Friday i was pose to have the dates into the insure co for the nurses for Gloria ( u guys know how insure Co's are ) to have been approve by the time she has surgery ..If I cant get in this mth that's fine but I need a date so that I'll know how long I will need the in home nurse..I called today and left yet anther message for her , but this time with a person . I left one yesterday but when I called today her VM says she's gonna be out of the office today ..That means she got my VM from yesterday ..I did not call me back ..I called today and left a message...So I waittttt..

It just really makes me mad that this whole process I have had to call and make sure my paperwork was sent in ( BTW it was not 2 different times ) , it feels like they dont gave a toot . If I had not called every time I did then my paper work would still be sitting where it was in March ...I like my doctor ALOT  but feel like I'm over looked by the staff.. I know that I am not the only person waiting for a date , but can I get the respect of a call back ???

How long did it take for u to get a date after the Doctor had ur letter of approval ?

The real deal !!!!!

Jun 01, 2009

When they say the longest part is the waiting  for approval THE DID NOT LIE.. 1ST off let me start by say-n I have Ill All kids , and with that all u can do is wait . There is no number u can call to see what's going on , and if ur luckily e-nuf to get a doctor that will take you  then they have soooo many other people in line that u drive them nutz  call-n every week asking about it ( do it any way shit call 2x a week this is ur life ). I called on May 28th ti my caseworker to ask if there was any way I could find out n e thing about my paper work . She said yes call this number , when I called that number ( Ill All Kids whom by the way think they can talk to u n e kinda way cuzz hey u need them they don't need u ) they said no can do I only can talk to ur doctors office...THAT'S IT NOTHING MORE U CAN DO HAVE A NICE WAIT BYE BYE!!! So I called back my doctors office yet again to ask if they knew n e thing she said " nope give IT to June the 12th " ....Bummer ..So I put it outa my head , I was not gonna think about it again till the 12th ...2 yes count them 2 days later I came home looked in my mail box and BAMMMMM   THERE IT WAS ..APPROVED !!!!!!!!!!!! I did cry .....

So here is my wisdom that I am pass-n on ....

1. Call , call , call make sure ur paper work get's sent off ... I was over looked 2x , AND I WAS CALL-N...Do what ever u have to make sure that it gets send..

2. Call to make sure nothing was sent back ...This is ur life , the office deals with 100's of, call, call

3. Pray ..other wise ur gonna drive ur self crazy ..After u have called ,called ,called ,,Give it to God.....

4.This step is by far the longgggggest part , be ready ... For the people with Ill Kids Care , The state will send a paper they got my paper work on the 12th I was approved on the 13th I got the paper in the mail the 28th , so they r fast ..Itz the not knowing that kills

So as this part of the story comes to a close , I am beside myself with joy over the next step...Thanks to everyone for the well wishes...I am a lil scared , I do day dream what it will feel like to be "NORMAL" , yes I do look at the b 4 and after pictures to try and see which one I am looks close to my size.. Yes I even dream about it.. AND I CAN NOT WAIT...NOW IF SOMEONE FROM THE OFFICE WOULD JUST ANSWER THE PHONE SO I WLD KNOW WHERE TO AX MY LETTER TOO.....

My " wants in life" ...( not in any kinda order)

May 15, 2009

1. To be healthy

2. To tie my shoes without passing out.

3. Not to worry about seat belts in cars or plane..EVER !!!

4. To sit crossed leg without  thinking about it or pulling a ham string..

5.To ride the rides at six flags or Disney with my kids..

6. To safely sit in them plastic white patio chairs ...

7.To sit any where I want without thinking about it 1st...

8. To paint my toes and enjoy it all whille being able to breath.. 

9.To shop any where I want..

10. To run and play with my kids outside for long amounts of time..and LOVE IT.

11. To ride a horse and not feel bad...or kill it..

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May 04, 2009

I'm so flipping mad..... I mean wtf...After everything I went thru and now this...Ok if u have not read n e of my blogs u r not gonna have any  idea what I am talking about. Here for those who have..After everything I went thru with getting my paperwork sent off to medicade from UIC I waited till today to call them to see if the had n e word . The last time I talked to someone ( about 3 weeks ago ) she said the would send off the paper work that week.. She also said that it would take any where from 4 to 8 weeks..So I try to call medicade 1st ..Well if u get it in the state of Ill u wont be talking to them , they only talked to doctors..I tried so claver stuff too . So I just went a head and called UIC , after I got someone on the phone ( it was not e z ) she found me in the computer and said that nothing was sent off cuzz no one signed off on it ...What ? REALLY ? Cuzz the last time I talked to someone they promised me it would be sent off. Now I am ready yo loose it
I guess she sinced it , cuzz she said the she was gonna email the person that told me that and call me back..( I wont say her name right now ) So about an hour go's by she calls back .Ok she signed off on the paper work work , I am gonna email the doctor and I will call u and tell u when he signs off ..It takes about 1-3 weeks after that ...Call me if u need anything ok..

Wtf ...So had I not called then what......I dont understand how they can just push me to the side like that..

The whole time doing this I was scared this was gonna happen , however I did not want to call and bug them. I understand that they have over people to see ...Well rest a sure that wont happen again , if she dont call me by wedsday, I'll be calling her ....

Someone really needs to stand up for us, this is not fair... I guess I have to be the one that drives them crazy from the phone calls  , well I tried to do it there way and got nothing..So I'M GONNA DO MEAND MAKE SURE IT GETS DONE.... 



Apr 27, 2009

Ok , so I am still waiting  to hear if I am approved or not..Itz been a little over two weeks . I am not loosing my mind YET. I have to heard from anyone.And from what I understand I will get a letter in the mail then "they" will contact my WLD ..Soooo I wait.............Until the next time may God always smile on ur path ...Cheroity

Thank you o thank you God !!!!!

Apr 10, 2009

Ok so I called evey one I know to help me out , as well as email people...I talked to Adrea on Mon she said she was gonna talk to some people and call me back...Well, she did today !!! She said the doctor was gonna write a letter to insure and that now we just wait ...That I should hear some thing with in 6-8 weeks..but most likely aroung 5 weeks....So thank u God.......

uhhh y do they make this so hard !!!!

Mar 30, 2009

So I went to the doctor today to get the note from my pcp to send to the other doctor for my surgery pre my last post I needed it b 4 the wld send my paper work to insure ..So I walk in to the doctors office and I am talking to the doctor about what what I need.. Well his prn walks in and says ohhhhh no we need the form from them b 4 we can send them n e thing , so I say well give it to me for my paper work ..nope cant give it to u either... So now I am waiting and hopeing the people from UIC will fax them some kind of form that I need to get this started......blahhhhhh does it really got tot be this hard???? cld they not just give me the paper and let me fax it myself??? I mean omg....REALLY...
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About Me
granite city, IL
Surgery Date
Nov 02, 2008
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