Where have I been?

Apr 24, 2012

Post Date: 4/20/12 6:04 am
It's been awhile since I have posted anything but I have been lurking around. Anyhoo, 3/23 was my 1 year anniversary since my surgery and I have lost a total of 108 lbs.  I actually made my goal of 170 a few months ago and has struggled to maintain weight so that is why now I am 10 lbs UNDER weight....it's a little too thin for my liking so I am slowly trying to increase my calories to gain back 5 of the 10 lbs.

Here I am in March 2012 (note sweater which gives me some bulk which I like)

Overall, I am pleased mentally and physically of my progress to date. Wish I could have gotten this done sooner, but better late than never.

It's been awhile....

Jan 29, 2012

Hello all! It's been awhile since I was on here. I am now way under my goal of 170. I am now 158 and I am trying to gain a few pounds as this weight is WAY too skinny for me!!! I know, what a problem to have, LOL BUT, this is not a good look for me so.......

Don't get me wrong, I am so thankful that I got this surgery because this tool enabled me to achieve my goal but I gotta stop myself from losing more! How will I do it? Don't know yet, but I will find away!!!

Peace, Love, and Hair Grease!!

I hit my goal!!!

Oct 16, 2011

My weight as of this morning was 169.5 lbs which means I have hit my goal of 170 and surpassed it!!!!!  Whoohoo!!!! I didn't ever think I would reach it. It has been a journey to say the least. I wanted to hit my goal at my 6 month mark but I didn't make it but  at almost 7 months, I'll take it!!!! I am going to "officially lose another 1.5 lbs to reach the 100 lbs mark (why not since I am sooo close) but everything under 170 is gravy. I wont go under 160 though, cause I am plenty skinny enough.
Don't want to lose ALL my curves.....

My health is soo much better. In spite of my back issues and asthma, I actually marched in my high school homecoming parade as a band front alumni. At my previous weight, I would have NEVER attempted it nor made it all the way. Sure, I was hurtin and had to take some narcotics and stay in the bed for the rest of the day, BUT, my former self would have never been out there. would have been too embarrassed for everyone to see how huge I was. That is a NSV within itself for me! 

Also, there is nothing like having your pill intake cut in 3/4.  I thank God for him to grant the means for me to get this surgery and no complications that can sometimes come with this or any other surgery.

If anyone is on the fence about getting the VSG, get off and do it! You wont be sorry!!!!



Aug 23, 2011

Today is my 5 month aniversary and all I can say is WOW!!!  To date, I have lost 56.9 since my surgery on March 23rd (I know not a lot) and a total of 83.3 since Feb 1st (had the Optifast pre-op diet). I have gone from a size 20 working to a 22 down to a 13/14 or 15/16 (depending on the cut). When was the last time I saw those sizes????  Oh, about 25 years ago!!!...When I started this journey, I couldnt even imagine, now....... This is the best thing I have done for myself. If you are on the fence, come on over!!!!

1 comment

I am speechless.

Jul 11, 2011

As of this morning I am down 70 lbs! Wow, this is something that 4 months ago I could only dream about. I had never lost this much weight because before by the time I got to about 30 lbs, I would start regaining. This surgery is the best thing (next to having my kids) that has EVER happened to me. I am so grateful for the opportunity that the VA in Pittsburgh PA has given me to regain my health and my life. God is good!


Jun 29, 2011

Hey Yall, this morning I officially hit "ONE DERLAND"!!! I am at 199.4 lbs!!! I thought this day would never come. Bye bye 200's!!! I'm gonna miss you but I never want to see you ass again!!! What a beautiful day in my neighborhood!!


Creepin up on it.....

Jun 08, 2011

As I sit here on my lunch break, eating my 1/2 cup of homemade chicken/turkey salad with 2 slices of 95 total calorie whole grain bread (yuck on brown bread...gotta get back to the tasty white bread soon) I reflect on the scale this morning, smiling at me, saying 207.5 lbs, which at 5'10, gives me a BMI of 29.8. I am officially just overweight!! Yay! ...but...I want to be at 200 lbs when I go to my 3 month checkup on the 21st but I don't see that happening because it seems like I am such a slow loser BUT I do see ONEDERLAND flaunting it's wares in my face....SO.....keep your fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for me!  I've been waiting for ONEDERLAND for oh so long and it's close but yet so far.....Can we say end of the month......... maybe?????????

Get the hell out of here!!!

May 19, 2011

Once again last Saturday I had a party to go to which meant that I needed something to wear. (buying on sale of course). I already had the shoes and shirt, just needed pants. Ok...I go to the Hershey outlets because I wasn't feeling the mall that day. I go into Dress Barn to find a pair of Capri's and I see some that I like, ok, lets grab the 16's and go....My hubby said to try them on first. Soooo, I try them on and to my surprise, they are too big!!! The sales lady gives me a 14 W and guess what, they fit!!!! Get the hell out of here!!! I can't believe it. Not only do I no longer need diabetes meds but getting a smaller pant size to boot!!! I am loving my sleeve!!!


I can't believe it.....

May 02, 2011

Today I got on the scale thinking it would say 222 like it has for damn near the last 3 weeks , and low and behold, it said 219.2!    First of all, the stall has been broken and second of all, 20 more pounds and I'll be at "onederland"! I can't believe it cause it's been soooo long since I've seen 1 hundred anything (at least 20 years) and to be so near is truely amazing to me. Now the question is, how long will it take for me to get there?????

My 1st NSV

Apr 11, 2011

Post Date: 4/11/11 7:46 pm
I went to Old Navy for some sweat pants. I automaticly went to the XXL as normal. The sales girl (who was not a skinny minny) told me that those would be too big. Having the mouth that I do and know how to pop it off, promptly informed her that she had no idea what in the hell she was talking about . She asked me to try them on just to make sure. So wanting to let her know she didnt know anything, I take the pants in to try them on with my daughter. Of course with my luck, I put them on and they ended up as "pants on the ground, pants on the ground" .....of course my daughter said, apparently YOU dont know what you are talking about, laughing and running away cause she knew she was going to be popped in the lips for not minding her business as she knows she should . Anyhoo, I come out of the dressing room and the sales girl gives me a bag of all the sweats that I had picked in a size XL. After I appologize, she informs me that I must have lost some weight recently because I am seeing my self larger than I am and she comes accross this all the time.

I cant believe it.....me in a XL! As they say, if that aint some shit!!!!

About Me
Harrisburg, PA
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2011
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