Found my way to theworldaccordingtoeggface

Oct 30, 2008

I just checked out on someone's recommendation and I was surprised at the kind of food/ recipes described there...she makes the post-op (RNY) alternative cooking seem so do-able...and appetizing!

Newbie here... planning WLS.

Oct 29, 2008

I am just starting to figure out what WLS option might be helpful for me.  My weight gain is partly hereditary it seems, partly from meds I have to take and also undeniably from a love of grazing on comfort foods: creamy dairy, salty carbs and caffeine sources like chocolate and fancy coffees/ teas.

In my youth I was always skinny... in part because I was a runner.  I stopped running for medical reasons (ripped ligaments in my ankle and painful shin splints) and never replaced that exercise with anything I really enjoyed or wanted to make time to do daily like the running.

My neighbour and two ppl in my best friend's family have been telling me about their WLS from over the past few months and they have all made noticeable losses in just those few months already.  They have all talked about this website, so I am finally checking things out here.

I have just started experiencing arthritis in my knees this past yr, and am borderline diabetic now my GP tells me. 

I would love to: keep up with my child; feel comfortable walking around a fair/ beach/ tourist attraction for a day; dance without being a rolling, sweating, huffing mess; to trust myself to not topple out of sexy shoes and be comfortable in hot clothes again... that hasn't been since my early 20's!

I have found many of the stories I've heard about WLS inspiring... and I also appreciate the reality checks and shared challenges ppl express.

One of my biggest concerns is the weight gain my meds cause (Effexor and Respiradone) as I cannot go off of them due to hereditary conditions that they help.  My GP is concerned about my regaining weight a few yrs post-op... I am hoping that an option like RNY would curb my cravings and counter the dulling of my satiation point from my meds.  I see some ppl talk about hunger and head-hunger as being something that can happen a few yrs post op.  I would appreciate hearing from others who have similar experience with meds they must take that can cause weight gain/ cravings or the dulling of satiation awareness.

Any advice or sharing is appreciated!

Best wishes to all in your endeavours,
God bless.

About Me
Newmarket , ON
Oct 29, 2008
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Found my way to theworldaccordingtoeggface
Newbie here... planning WLS.
