Water Aerobics

Oct 20, 2011

Went to water aerobics class last night.  Had a good time.  I am not sore today, but could tell I worked out last night.  I like doing the water classes.  They feel great after working all day.  I felt so refreshed and I felt better about myself than just sitting on the couch.  Maybe will try zumba this weekend...maybe.


Sep 28, 2011

Well, September 23, 2011 was the big day.  I was not as nervous as I thought I would be.  I do not remember anything except the mask going over my nose and breathing and then waking in my room.  Which is fine with me!  I had some complications with my hands which were killing me.  Still not sure why.  They still feel weird, but not as bad.  Had to stay an extra day in hospital due to that.  Today (Wednesday) is the first day I felt like I am getting some real energy back.  So I guess I am slowly getting it together.  I am already looking forward to moving to the next phase of foods.  This liquid crap is getting old quick!  But I am not going to push myself before I am ready either.  Slow and steady wins the race, right?  
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Pre-Op Diet Day 6

Sep 13, 2011

Ok, I admit it.  I had a dill pickle spear last night that I should not have had.  I was not really all that hungry when I ate it.  I guess it was just a habit of eating while watching TV.  Plus I was watching Hell's Kitchen, which did not help, with all the food they were cooking. But anyway, I just kept thinking how much harm could one dill pickle do?  I just hope I do not get back into the mindset of "justifiying" certain foods.  Dang, I still feel guilty over that dill pickle I ate over twelve hours ago....
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Pre-Op Diet

Sep 10, 2011

 Well, I'm on day two of the pre-op diet.  Pre-op diet consists of a protein shake for breakfast, a protein shake for lunch along with a piece of fruit and a low fat dinner.  Something like a Healthy Choice frozen meal.  So the first day was just plain hard.  Today has been a bit better, so I expect tomorrow to be even better.  I have just been having a hard time finding a protein that I like.  I'm officially under two weeks until surgery date, so I am getting excited.  Just need to get through this pre-op...

Surgery Date!!!

Sep 07, 2011

 Yippee!!!  I have a date.  September 23rd.  Can't wait.  (Never thought I'd say that about a surgery )   I start my pre-op protein shakes this Friday, although I'm not looking as forward to that.  It is all part of the process.  
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Aug 25, 2011

Just wanted to state on my blog page that this is actually going to happen.  This one word means so much.  Wow, am I excited.  Go for my scheduling appt with Dr. Davidson on Sept. 7th.  I have officially decided to have the RNY.  I stopped drinking carbonated drinks about 3 weeks ago and I can honestly say that I don't miss them and  I was having at least 3-4 a day, sometimes more I'm sure.  Man, this is going to be a long two weeks.....
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Thyroid Bloodwork

Aug 24, 2011

So I have had a little bump in the road with my thyroid.  I have had to go on Synthryoid and I just had my blood retested this morning.  I am praying that the results are normal so that my insurance information can be sent off.  This is the nerve racking part for me.  Sitting and waiting!

Nutrition Class

Aug 10, 2011

Went to nutrition class yesterday.  Learned alot and still have alot to learn.  Guess it is a work in progress.  Really enjoyed the class and look forward to starting the next phase in my journey!

Initial Consult Completed!!!!

Aug 03, 2011

Well I am on my way!  I have a sleep study scheduled, the nutrician consult scheduled, the psych eval. scheduled and have already completed my blood work.  Can't believe this is actaully happening.    My surgeon is Dr. Leo Davidson.  I can't for the life of me figure out how to change it from Dr. Classen on my profile.  Oh Well!  I am in the southeast part of NC and looking for any online support I can get from either other newbies or pros!  All info is greatly appreciated!!
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About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 19, 2011
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