7 month update

Nov 19, 2009

 I haven't blogged much, but lately have been taking note of changes that are so natural that I haven't really noticed.  So I thought I'd list them because they make me so happy I had this procedure.

1.  Normal ankles!!!  No more pitting edema.  This is huge as it was chronic before.
2.  I can buckle my seatbelt in my car!  For 2 years I was unable to buckle my seatbelt and Honda doesn't make extenders, so used to have to "fake" it and cross it over my body and hold it.
3.  I can turn in bed.  Before the DS I could not turn in bed without holding onto the headboard to leverage my body over.
4.  I can sit in seats in any waiting room.  Comfortably!  That used to be a big fear of mine.  Walking into a waiting room and shyly looking for the biggest seat and barely being able to squeeze into it.
5.  Being able to walk short distances without being out of breath.  AND being able to now take nice long walks with my dog.
6.  Confidence!  Even though I am still in the "obese" category, I can look people in the eye with confidence, something I was unable to do before.

I know there is much more, but I am now drawing a blank.  Plus I've got a lot on my plate today.  Not my food plate, but my work plate.  :)  Will come back and update this more later.

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About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 22, 2008
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