Lost Another Pound

Oct 18, 2010

I have not been eating the best I can.  I have made a commitment to do better so that I can try to get to 190 before my surgery, which is on Nov 16.  I have been told I could lose between 10-15 lbs.  That would put me at 175 if I get to 190.  That would be amazing.  I think at 160 I would look to thin, but we will see.  At my Bariatric Support grp last week we talked about self sabotage.  I think that is my truth.  It seems that the more I move closer to a healthy smaller me...the more I pull back and get stuck.  Its like I am scared of going there, but its all on an unconscious level because I feel I want to be very small...but my behavior is different.  Also, Good News.  I walked with my daughter yesterday.  I have been avoiding exercise as well and I actually walked for an hour.  It felt great.  We are going to walk by her college on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays.  I will figure out how to move on the other days.  I need to keep moving forward on my journey.


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Surgery Date
Nov 16, 2007
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